Well, got shot up again, this one stopped after I frantically shouted "friendly!"... Got me down to 2000 blood though so as good as incapacitated me...
While I patched up, this guy aggros the whole town with his .50cal... After we shoot the whole lot he hands me his silenced M4 in exchange for my Enfield and takes off...
I make the round through the barn to eventually pick up something to eat and right when I want to log off to beg someone to come with a bloodpack - boom, dead without anything near that could have killed me...
I'm sure I wasn't bleeding anymore because I had no cross in the symbol, but could it been hidden because the symbol itself was flashing?
I have to say, the emphasis in DayZ shifted from surviving the zombies while looting to the standard "don't get shot by powerleveled bored players" with the occasional zombie-dodging on the side...
If anything I won't be going out there alone anymore, that's for sure...