It's the fact that the iTCC touring car format encourages bumping, (according to what the broadcasters said all year) yet we are all sitting here arguing about people bumping, in a controlled manner.
God forbid we talk about all the low racing standards in the series, the ballast issues, or the uncontrolled bumping (and crashing) than was literally all over the series at the end of the season? Thanks to Michael, we have a community wide debate, that is bringing in a bunch of opinions that quite frankly shouldn't be taken into account. Hell, I've spent more time in the movie thread telling a cruise driver the flaws in his statements, than I have giving input to what could make this series better. This should have been discussed with the iTCC drivers and admins, not Bob the cruise driver.
Simply put, bump drafting is a part of racing. When you remove that ability, you are in someway taking the driver out of the sport. As I said earlier, I encourage bump drafting because it's a part of racing. You didn't hear me complaining when Rudy bump drafted past me, and went from 6th to 3rd in the last lap of one of our BL1 races... That's because everyone can do it. So please, let's not turn iTCC into F1.
The rebuttal to this has been answered in several post... I'm starting to wonder if you actually have a point or not.
Lets just take your last statement and put it to good use. First of all the statement is wrong, but if it was true, you could go so far as to say that drafting in all of LFS should be banned... Because the aerodynamic package on this game does not react in a realistic manner, one you might experience in a realistic, real life race.
I hope you see how stupid it is to make this comparison...
Please, unless you have a useful point to add to this conversation, other than "Introducing bump drafting made it look ridiculous and awful to watch," then please stop wasting peoples time arguing over the same issue every time. It's simple, it's done in real life racing, so lets move on from that argument.
The bump drafting was about the only safe part about that race... You missed the craziest race I've even been in, or probably ever seen.
That has nothing to do with the argument. The fact is that it's bump drafting... It doesn't matter if it's 2 or 20 cars. Safety isn't a factor in sim racing, so comparing a line of bump drafting cars in LFS to real life is pointless.
I love how you showed all that great bump drafting action that was nearly incident free. Then in the next clip people are ramming into each other at the corner.
I guess your right, bump drafting is the big issue with this series... /sarcasm
The simple fact of the matter is, this whole bump drafting thing is being brought up because a select few drivers care to take part in it. Round 5 I was bump drafting a Merc skinned Pickard all over the place. I was doing the same in round 6 to any and everyone in front of me on the straights. The problem is, 12 guys in the series have caught on to and do it, while the others don't. Why not make a rule that says you must bump draft and are not allow to pass a driver until 300 meters before a corner entry? It solves the same issue you appeal, but in reverse. Sounds dumb doesn't it?
I really can't believe we're arguing this when drivers were dive bombing 5 and 6 cars back this last round of the season, and not a word has been said. "It's touring car racing, contact is part of it" is what we heard all year over the broadcasts... Yet you can't safely bump draft a car down the straight? Thats just a simple lack of vision...
The truth is, I wish a lot more drivers bump drafted. You can scream it's an unfair advantage, but it's not. Everyone can do it and I for one encourage it...
I don't think there was 5 guys on the track last round that didn't drive like lunatics. I've never seen such a lack of respect going into the final round of the season for any league I've ever run in or spectated. With that said, I have no room to complain, because I had my fair share of issues in round 5. We can all agree the contact makes the series what it is, and I love that. The simple fact is that everyone makes mistakes, the problem is that we're beyond the mistake factor, at least for this final round.
If I had a dollar for every dive bomb that was attempted on me that resulted in contact that race, I'd have like 7 bucks.
It doesn't mean you have to be a pure bred dumb ass ether. Not that everyone in this video was, but those guys drive bombing from 10 and 15 cars back should go die in a fire. I hate getting crashed out in T1 by those guys.
This is an idea that should have been put in the sim from the get go... Quite frankly, it's ignorant not to allow it. The exclusion of the ability to repair certain things, or change certain tires, limits the usage of many strategies that are used in real life and other simulations. This very simple change will give drivers more options when preparing for a race.
Double edit: for those who try this, be prepared for the car to be really loose on the fast sections. It has so much downforce and speed that it bottoms out at 200 MPH and faster.
You did a good job fixing you external shots. Now apply a little color correction and your videos will be even that much better. IMO, this is one of you best videos.