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Euro Truck Simulator now available in English! See here for my thoughts so far!
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Quote from ATC Quicksilver :I can has internetz?

Just for you
S3 licensed
Quote from seniecka :Hm, ok. But why for example Toki has three images on his signature ?

They arent images, they are banners, which are OK as long as they have been approved by Victor..CBA to search out the thread, but it is all explained somewhere on the forum...happy hunting!
S3 licensed
Quote from BBO@BSR :Only had 3 with this crap here so far but most of the times I can convince people to make a fresh base install, then use some backup system like Acronis and whenever something is really wrong then you can install the backup of the fresh install in some minutes.

Problem there is, most of my customers dont like to back up their accrued data, so a total install from an image would lose all their stuff... and that leads to p***ed off customers... who will think twice about being a customer again.
I prefer to spend a few minutes more by doing it the "hard way", that way I get the mugs.. (oops, I mean punters!) coming back again when something else goes wrong.
S3 licensed
Quote from seniecka :Hello, I'm newbie at this forum, and I would like to know, how make a picture be a visible. Not a hyperlink or something, but visible picture, witch, everybody could see it. Any special codes for that ? Thanks in advance.

You cant...end of query!
S3 licensed
Quote from BBO@BSR :You need something like the "Malwarebytes" prog.

Check this "How to remove Antivirus XP 2008" instructions ... /remove-antivirus-xp-2008

But if possible I would always suggest a fresh system install.

+ several million for MalwareBytes, big kick in the goolies for System Install!...(Would you fix your car with a sledgehammer??)

I have had about 4 computers to repair that were infected with this shite...and the MalwareBytes program is great at getting rid of it completely..

As it happens I am doing a clean-up on an infested laptop as I type this on my main comp
S3 licensed
Quote from lerts :THATS A HUGE LIE

"Peter could not help wondering if this was the same elephant"

did he told this from heaven by phone?

if he died how could anybody know what he was thinking?

he could just have gotten in cause he liked elephants and thought who knows what, but since he died nobody knows what he was thinking!

so anybody who tells you what he was thinking before dying is a lier, as this does and so is a LIE


a different thing would have been: we suppose he thought, but instead this story makes a contundent affirmation which cant be true, one lie in the story a lie the whole story

S3 licensed
I would post my wife...

...but I cant afford the stamps to send that much weight to Siberia!
(not to mention she wont fit through the slot in the post-box )
S3 licensed
"If you really want something in life you have to work for it. Now quiet, they're about to announce the lottery numbers." -- Homer Simpson

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Contrary to what you've just seen, war is neither glamorous nor fun. There are no winners, only losers. There are no good wars, with the following exceptions: The American Revolution, World War II, and the Star Wars Trilogy. If you'd like to learn more about war, there's lots of books in your local library, many of them with cool, gory pictures." -- Bart Simpson
S3 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Now why do I think you get your inspiration from subtances rather than quotes lerts...Oh yes, because you're mental!

By the way, I heard urine is a government conspiracy, you know when you get your flu shot? Well urine is actually the waste product of the nano bots they inject into your brain, they are making a hive mind computer and intend on turning all of us into their slaves so they can build a giant umbrella spaceship...the only thing they are having trouble with is getting it to stand up on its own.

Quicky you git! Just sprayed coffee all over my keyboard!
S3 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :"Honey, could you please stop messing with the computer. The washing machine has finished, put the clothes in the dryer and make me some tea. NOW!"

Almost exactly right! The only mistake is...she never calls me's usually "Oi You!!!"
S3 licensed
It is a well known fact that a majority of Australians drink urine....

But they call it BEER!
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :
Some women will love you! Personally i'd think you're a mug.

Sometimes being a "domesticated" male has advantages that have been totally forgotten here...
Since Mrs B broke her leg 3 weeks ago, she has been unable to do 99% of the "womens" jobs in the house..for the last 3 weeks (and for another 4 weeks at least!) I have been doing ALL of the cooking, ALL of the washing/ironing, ALL of the cleaning, running around fetching stuff for her, helping her get washed and dressed, AND working a 50 hour week...

Is that really being a mug?
S3 licensed
Note the route changes.
I am currently heading for Bucharest!!
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Quote from The Very End :I know you were gay Duck, but not that gay, how the hell did you managed to keep your "willy" in your pants for 1-2 years?

That should be fairly obvious....

She said "NO!"
S3 licensed
Been reading the posts on this thread, and have had to smile fondly at some of my memories!
A message to all the guys that have posted... this sad experience of chasing skirt is called "GROWING UP". Surprisingly, it happens to the vast majority of the male population.
Getting rebuffed by the HAWT girlie in the 2nd row of class is pefectly normal...we have all been through it at one time or another; as is seeing the girl of your dreams being pulled by your best mate, leaving you to mop up the mess.

Then one day, out of the blue, it happens! You meet THE girl that you want to spend the rest of your life with, she feels the same way.. you spend a fortune on a wedding, a house, etc... Later on a few kids come along, and all is bliss.
Then the bitch decides that you don't earn enough, or that you have too much middle-age spread, or whatever.. goes to see a nice friendly divorce lawyer, screws you out of everything, and leaves you skint, lonely, and homeless.
Then the cycle repeats itself a few times, and you find yourself posting on forums again.........

...remembering the GOOD OLD TIMES when you were young!

S3 licensed
I can tell you that it's brilliant when you are over 50 (but manage to look over 70!)..the things you can get away with are many; people just shake their heads and walk on, putting it down to "senility"!
I am having a whale of a to try and borrow a mobility scooter, tune it up, and try doing 30mph on the pavements..will be fun watching all those pedestrians jumping out of the way!
Another big advantage is that there is no shortage of available totty in the post office queue for pensions...most of them single and lonely (albeit a bit "saggy" )

Old age IS fun!
S3 licensed
Good thing she wasn't at Heathrow terminal 5...they wouldn't have found her for three weeks!
S3 licensed
Burger Kings latest Commemorative burger: "The Gary Glitter"...

60 yr old meat between 10 yr old buns!
S3 licensed
  • I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. Douglas Adams
  • The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't. Douglas Adams
  • The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair. Douglas Adams
  • A true friend stabs you in the front. Oscar Wilde
  • Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much. Oscar Wilde
S3 licensed
Quote from Senninha25 :May I make an exception? I'm looking forward to see "Get Smart", and only by the trailer, it looks like an awesome movie! It's got everything, from The Office star Steve Carrell to former wrestler Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. It's full of action and comedy, I say it's a must-see!

(I'll edit post after watching the movie, so save the noob comments , and I know some guys will quote this in their sigs)

Unfortunately | am old enough to remember Get Smart from the TV series..I thought that it was inane drivel back then, I also think that Steve Carrell is on a par with Jim Carrey...I see the name and switch off whatever it is he is on.
Somehow I dont think I would watse the bandwidth even watching the trailer...
However, sometime in the next 24 hours I will be watching Hell Ride...will let you know!
S3 licensed

S3 licensed
Currently sitting on a sealed envelope with EmmyLou's results...We are under strict instructions NOT to open them until she gets back from France on Wednesday. All I know is she took about 7 GSCE's (a year early!) and expects to pass them all.
I just hope she didn't do TOO well, cos I promised her £20.00 for every "A*" she gets!

As for me, I took REAL exams (GCE's) back in 1971, and got passes in English Language, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Technical Drawing, and Metalwork: and failed miserably at French. I originally took French in the equivalent of year 10 (4th year) in grade F..took it again in Feb of year 11 (5th year); got a grade G....and when I retook it with the rest of my O levels, got an Unclassified! Epic Fail! My French teacher told me that I would NEVER be able to speak french, and that I should make sure I stayed well clear of Dover for life!

(Et maintenant, Je voudrais bien lui revoir; apres une dizaine des annees ou j'habitait en France, Je me demerde assez bien! )

(OK...cant be arsed to stick the accents in the right places, got a UK keyboard and searching the ASCII codes for accented letters is too much like a PITA!)
Last edited by Bladerunner, .
S3 licensed
Lock the before in!

Space of waste a is thread this
S3 licensed
Just watched "Postal" by Uwe Boll...dont usually like his films, but this one is different...He doesn't try to be serious, so the result is similar to Planet Terror (although far from as good!)
If you have played the game (Postal 2) then you know what to expect
I better warn people of a sensitive nature, this film is as far removed from "Political Correctness" as it is possible to get.. EVERYBODY gets the pi$$ taken in this film..

Funny as fsck....if you decide to watch it, my favourite part involved a cat...but not going into details for fear of being branded a SPOILER!