I know the rules say that, but honestly, whats the difference?
Or maybe falling of a beam 1 metre off the floor is more dangerous than falling off a 10 metre diving platform? (not that I feel like trying either!)
What gets me is teh Americans COMPLAINING that the Chinese had an under-age kid (14 yr old??) in the gymnastics, yet 14 yr old Tom Daley isn't too young??
If a 14 yr old is allowed to compete in diving, why not a 14 yr old in gymnastics...could somebody please tell me the difference, cos I'll be damned if I can see it! (Apart from the obvious..one lands in wet stuff and the other lands on spongy stuff!)
One thing is certain...2 minutes after release there will be a plethora of demo-users whining that THEY cant access it and that it isnt fair that all the licensed users can have it and they cant..
Imagine it:
In any case, my vote is "When it's ready"
Well...give me enuff pennies to buy a decent truck then!
Got to wait until TOMORROW before I can take out ANOTHER loan to let me get a Volvo
Flogged my old Ken, took out a loan, and thought I had enough for the Volvo..but there was no company discount, so I got to pay full price
Back on the road tomorrow morning I hope...after 6.00 a.m. our time when I can get more pennies
Sitting through Deathproof (Which, btw, I did enjoy!) is worth it to watch teh epic "BAD movie that is so bad it's f***ing brilliant!" which is Planet Terror!
Bolt using something???
Judging by the way hae accelerated away from the rest, I reckon he must have Type R shorts, Neonz on his trainers, and Nawzzz in his vest!
(Either that or he trained by running away from the Brixton Constabulary with a TV set under his arm )
Bring on the Manc Olympics! (Hurdling over garden fences - TWOCCING - etc etc)
Search around Mike, there are some high paying jobs in the US, but not as many as Europe...you got much LONGER trips than we have
If you are short of cash you can always join us... and get even shorter!!
I sold up and took out a $4000 loan to fly over and buy a new truck in Europe..now only got about $300 left to pay back...in under 4 days!!
another few days will see me being able to invest in better gear which will mean I'll make more profit....(soon have a new magnum )
Dont forget, you can be a company member even if you are in the states, just wont be able to take advantage of the contracts (when we get them!) AFAIK you still get the 'preferred cargo' bonuses though, as well as discount on fuel and repairs!
Remember all the goodies and stuff they promised us on the website? Never happened!
But DON'T go and mention that on the Atari Europe website, or Big "K" will ban you!
There is one VERY IMPORTANT thing you have forgotten there Mike...although I agree 100% with you about the ability to know where you are and the distance to your bumpers etc in your drive....LFS is represented in 2D on a screen, not in real 3D with full depth perception (No matter HOW good your GFX card is ) that happens in real life.
Try a little experiment (but dont blame me when your wife smashes a pan over your head for denting her car or the garage )
Try manoevering your car from the same situation WEARING AN EYEPATCH..so that you can only see out of one eye..
"See" what I mean?
PS, For the record...I use a slightly modified cockpit view..a bit closer to the windscreen and a bit more central so that I have a clearer view past the dorpost.
It is if he BUYS it from iTunes or something - then they can send it to him legally.
After all, he wouldn't be asking for any 'naughty' stuff on the forum, would he?