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Quote from Tinytacohead :What? I missed all that..

ur cool
S3 licensed
Quote from N I K I : such as SPA's backstraight where you can smoke someone if he's up for it.

S3 licensed
Quote from ACCAkut :April 2013, lol. They'd close the track for any graffiti that size, as it leaves the surface like ice, esp. in such a critical spot like after Brünnchen here.

That's why dragonforce are retarded. Just a mash of notes in an ungodly fashion.
S3 licensed
Quote from Gougoodthing :Has anyone got the actual video of the broadcast from when the crash is first noticed? Not, 1 minute after like every video is showing... I want to see it live!

Haven't found one but in the video I posted they do play through the incident in real-time.
S3 licensed
Quote from arox123 :
he should wipe that brown finger of his cuz its been up marko serveral times.

S3 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :Christ, there's so much children playing online. And generic console multiplayer retards.

I had robbed a couple liquor stores getting around 1,8K from each, finished a 3K mission and sold a stolen 7-series bimmer for 8K, was carrying almost 15K worth of cash with me after all that. So I started rushing towards the nearest ATM and just as I arrive there some kid starts following me around with guns blazing, so I had to get rid of him so I wouldn't lose all that money. As trying to drive and shoot from a car at the same time is nearly impossible with a gamepad, it took almost 10 minutes of driving throughout the city and mountain roads to get the dude off my back and my money safely in to the bank.

Can't really trust any other players out there because of these asshats, it's a shame. I hope the PC multiplayer will have more mature players...

That's why you use passive mode mate
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :

it is just people vs people. Narrowing it down just makes for a bad comparison, which was my original point.

Tru dat.

xbox vs ps3 syndrome.
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Yeah, the solution for not being able to see someone behind you when not having rear windows is to create them, else don't complain. Stop crying about other people when in the end it is your own fault.

Obviously the 'solution' wasn't practical, but I wouldn't expect you to understand that.

What about a truck? You're just supposed to drive a greenhouse or what? I mean if you don't see the guy it's your fault apparently.

When riding a two wheeled vehicle you take a primary position in the road and give as much room as you would if you were in a car. If someone THEN says they didn't see you, you have a reason to be annoyed. End of.
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Talk about missing the point, good job.

Says the guy creating 'solutions' that defy practicality.
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :

Get rear windows then? You're missing 50% of your view rearward and you're blaming the biker? I know you're lanes over there aren't as wide, so he probably can't hang out on the left side of the lanes like they do here, but that doesn't necessarily sound like their fault at all.

Since when did a panel van have rear windows? The idea of having your loadspace closed off is so people don't use it as a shop window and take what they want....
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :They are correct when they say cars don't see them. That's not when they are in packs. When they are alone, cars can be serious dicks toward single riders. It's definitely not uncommon. You're making a bad comparison to be honest.

You're missing the point. Yea a single motorcycle will most probably get 'taken advantage of' on the road, so to speak but alot of bikers hate on cars and just take stupid liberties on the road just to play the 'didn't you see me' card.
S3 licensed
Watched the video.

Scary really because the evidence is even more evident than anyone could have ever thought prior. I remember us [my family] watching it on the news channel and it was clear it was a demolition. Nobody needs to say it was teh government behind it, but the fact they dispute it was a demolition job just makes it even worse.
S3 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :I never would have got off the interstate. Hate when bikers disrupt traffic when in packs. Extremely annoying.

They complain that cars don't see them and swarm around the cars absolutely carelessly.
S3 licensed
Quote from JackDaMaster :A diffuser produces very little drag btw, it may even reduce drag in relation to how much downforce it produces.

Surely you mean a diffuser yields less drag compared to a front or rear wing for example, not that a diffuser reduces drag.....
S3 licensed
Quote from sinbad :Wait, you think the increased rolling resistance (minimal) would negate the massive traction advantage?

No. The concept is what people didn't seem to understand. I wasn't emphasizing it's effects, only emphasizing its existence.
S3 licensed
Quote from R3DMAN :oh is it.. someone told me it wasnt.

Well I don't know for sure about the GTA;O main gametype but on deathmatch its definately off. I have it on for single player and it wasn't enabled online. It just so happens that a single headshot will put you out of action. Some of which people get via luck, but most of these guys are pretty good at getting headshots...
S3 licensed
Quote from PhilS13 :
- EBD robs "energy" that could be used to accelerate. (this one is mindblowing).

Sorry that simple physics are lost on you. You use your acceleration energy to fight forces pulling you down. The balance of these forces are what is important.

It's exactly the same as having a car with more weight... is it really such a hard concept to understand???

@amp I have to concede that you're probably correct here regarding RB going for acceleration rather than top speed.
S3 licensed
Quote from amp88 :So why exactly would more downforce (from the blown diffuser) slow your acceleration? It's increasing rear grip (and therefore traction) and allowing you to put down more power.

Read above. There's a balance. If you can choose more grip mechanically over aerodynamically then it benefits you MORE on corner exit.

You're right that it gives more grip and increases traction but it's also a moving brick. You might have given yourself traction but aerodynamics cause drag.
S3 licensed
Quote from amp88 :

Are you serious? You're saying F1 cars aren't traction limited when accelerating from a slow corner? Really?

???? I'm saying the exact opposite.

Energy you use to suck the car onto the road via a diffuser is energy that's not propelling the car forward.

If you have magnets on your tyres and you drive on mild steel you're gonna have a shit tonne of grip but you'll be fighting the forces pulling you down whilst trying to accelerate.
Last edited by BlueFlame, .
S3 licensed
Quote from amp88 :Blown diffusers. There is also, of course, a difference in mechanical grip.

The lower the speed. The less the difference. When talking about exiting the corner [applying throttle whilst still turning] depending on the speed of said corner will depend on the effect of the mechanical grip relative to the speed.

When talking about straight line acceleration then the only difference between cars would how the cars launch from standing still to moving but once moving there will be next to no difference in the cars [engine performance aside].

Let us not forget, mechanical grip AND aero for that matter helps you much more in corners and in braking compared to acceleration.

Also a blown diffuser isn't going to help you on exit... If anything it's just gonna slow down your acceleration past the point of needing TC anyway.

I think the key is running such a high rake angle to be honest.
Last edited by BlueFlame, .
S3 licensed
Quote from amp88 :No. If you can't understand why this is wrong then you haven't been following F1 very carefully for the last few years.

Yea, because aero plays a part at a hairpin.. lol wtf
S3 licensed
Quote from IsaacPrice : A car getting on the power earlier doesn't mean TC, it means more grip.

Well in terms of a TC situation [low speed] every car will have the basically the same grip levels... they all run the same tyre after all.

It's probably only above 50-60mph [100kph] that the difference of aero from car to car is gonna play a difference in acceleration rates.
S3 licensed
Quote from chris_uk :They need to remove auto targeting..

It is removed...
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Yes, 2 seconds can come from thin air. Vettel driving perfectly. The car working well with good upgrades. Getting the tyres into the zone and keeping them there...

Winners don't have to be cheating to win.

Well it doesn't mean they're cheating anyway, they OBVIOUSLY have found something extra that the other teams aren't aware of/on top of. A 2second gap between top level F1 cars is just insane. With the amount of crossover examinations they give their cars and money involved.

Just look at the grid. Caterham and Marussia are like what 1second ish off the back of the grid?

Everyone inbetween is at LEAST within 2 seconds of Ferrari but RB/Vettel are 2seconds quicker than them?

People have a right to be suspicious, I wouldn't personally suggest anything ILLEGAL but would suggest something (disregarding this 'tc' stuff entirely) they have is giving them such an advantage.

In regards to tyre shake Dennis, it could be a differential or drive-shaft imbalance because the tyre tracks are consistent and then they just seem to shake madly after 20meters. Although the more obvious prognosis is that the track has some washboard bumps there and was causing the rear tyres to skip over them.
Last edited by BlueFlame, .