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S2 licensed
Apples and oranges, there..
S2 licensed
It's been thought about and it's not going to happen.
S2 licensed
An old (as old as the UF1 is in design) rear engined, rear wheel drive Fiat would do great vs the UF1 and in the FWD-GTR class.
S2 licensed
It looks like he was saying XF more to get the right ballpark picture in the readers' minds rather than the exact car. Neither the shell nor the chassis that the XFG uses make sense for a large V8 MR layout.

And whatever we get, it should be something else than yet another inline 4.....
S2 licensed
He didn't say it had to have the XFG/R bodywork.
S2 licensed
I don't think so either, but with a more adapted V8 it would work.
If I had to choose, I'd definitely take an MR layout like the F430's, but if an MR hatchback like the Clio V6 was all we could have, it'd be ok as an LX4 class road car and 500HP GTR racer.
Or maybe with slicks and little (if any) mods to go into the FWD GTR class. I'd still take a "real" MR for both road and 500HP GTR classes, but it wouldn't be all bad if we got what he's describing, minus those issues.
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
The way I read it, it wouldn't be an XFG with a new drivetrain, but a whole new car, most comparable in shape to the XFG. It's a nice idea because it satisfies a number of the new things LFS most needs: a big lumpy V8 in a road car (better yet in race trim inside a GTR as well), an MR drivetrain GTR to go with the three we've already got AND not just another inline 4 turbo, and competition for the LX4.
It would be a very good addition. The only con I see is how quirky a short wheelbase MR would be. It probably could work out well with its GTR chassis (but even then wouldn't be as fun and easy to drive as a longer and wider model), but it'll more probably be a handful which is not the best of additions to the class, when 100% of the LX4 class is already a pretty special animal to master.
Last edited by Breizh, .
S2 licensed
Tell em NFS is pure crap because you can't drift there like you can in Wipeout.
S2 licensed
So a road going version on par with the LX4, and a GTR at the 500HP class' level?
I like the idea, but I think it would be better if it had the same engine type in both models.
S2 licensed
Quote from arrowkart4 :i have...and none say anything about invalid command line

Did you register the ocx files?
or even

S2 licensed
Read the threads.
S2 licensed
Quote from Daviticus :Alright ... that's still not answering my question, unless I'm missing something.

What numbers would I have to input for, say, a 670bhp turbo V6? I'm not understanding what numbers do what.

There's a really obvious way to find out. Try each variable separately.
FWD GT class does fine
S2 licensed
Only because the econobox market is there to feed it.

Anyway a bigger fwd car would be boring compared to other cars not yet in LFS, like a Corvette or M3 or something muscle-ish (no real meaty road going engine cars in LFS yet) like a Monaro, or F430/Cayman, or AWD MR like Lambos, or a roadster like the TVRs or Weismanns, or an LMP racecar, etc.
The only fwd cars that've gotten unquestioned driver's car status are the Mini, the RS Focus... Maybe a few others but definitely dwarved in number by models of other drivetrain layouts, especialy F-RWD. There aren't any FWD supercars because it's an inherently bad layout. It's meant for cheap mass production, and has been adapted to racing, not the other way around. This would be apparent in the relative sluggishness of a car like the big heavy FWD sedans.
S2 licensed
If there's another FF car added it should be something good like an Integra/RSX. Big engines in FF cars only happens in big FWD saloon/family cars, which is not what should be on the short list for LFS..
Why aren't there any FWD supercars? Because it's a crappy layout for racing.
S2 licensed
Take it easy Bob.. Just release it when it's ready. The only thing I'd watch out for is a looming sense that you'll entirely stop wanting to work on it. Then you'd have been right and it would have been a waste of time. Ah, rocks and hard places

But frankly, I'd finish all it needs to just work (e.g. just plug in values), and hand it over to one or a few people responsible enough to make carsets every now and then, and eventualy release it if that's what you want. It's definitely the only thing about LFS I look forward to besides what's already in LFS, and league races.
Personaly I think LFS really needs a few different cars (muscle-ish sportscar, NA engine in the TBO class, realistic exotic car, etc).
S2 licensed

The best thing to happen to Tweak stuff so far is most definitely going to be Bob Smith's realistic carsets. One good way to compromise would be to have Bob Smith not release the Tweak to anyone, instead only release carsets. Or have someone take responsibility for making them at quality criteria of his arbitrary, e.g. as a monthly or bimonthly (or whatever) release of a certain class of cars, based on community polls and write-in votes/suggestions.
S2 licensed
You can't flesh out a game if it doesn't even have a complete skeleton yet.
S2 licensed
Emilio you can't just make up engine configurations out of thin air. Tweak can only give choices from what already exists in LFS.
S2 licensed
The only way it would happen is if LFS got some back road road courses, Isle of Man, point to point rally stages, hillclimbs, or others of that sort. Then it would be up to the players to script stuff like police chases the same way they do on what are supposed to be racetracks and autocross surfaces..
And b-roads would really be cool to race on in LFS.
S2 licensed
So you think this would be a net loss for LFS?
S2 licensed
Yes, so first the highlighting would make the setup differences stand out, and second you'd just click from one setup to the other and more easily keep track of the target setting(s)..

Setup A and B are identical except for B having -.5deg camber on all wheels and +20kPa on the rear tires. So clicking on setup B from setup A would highlight camber (either the title or the value, or both) in red, and pressure in green, or whatever color scheme is best adapted.
Non numbers like LSD type would have a neutral highlight tint.

I wouldn't mind having the value difference relative to the previously selected setup, but I don't know if the devs would find that too cluttersome.
Last edited by Breizh, .
Differences between setups highlighted in garage
S2 licensed
It would be helpful if we had a (optional?) highlight of the different values for the settings in the garage, e.g. a different color or shade of gray if a setting is different from the previous setup selected, or even green for higher values, red for lower.. Or something like that.
S2 licensed
In the mean time you could replace rather than delete.
S2 licensed
Isn't that error handler enough for you to figure out what the problem is?