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Let's play: Receiver - gunplay as it should be.
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Here's a quick "Let's play" I did of Wolfire Games' entry in the 7 Day FPD Challange:
S3 licensed
IMHO, that's exactly what's wrong with games today: they try to cater to the instant gratification audience that rages when it's facing the slightest challenge.
S3 licensed
Quote from E.Reiljans :Had to Google it..

What the ****, German language? Also, how the hell this shortens to GEMA?

Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte

Easier to pronounce than GfmAumV...
S3 licensed
Klutch, you've got to be amongst the greatest morons that have ever been alowed to drive a car. I hope you and your friends get your licenses revoked before you kill somebody.
S3 licensed
Now that has to be the best one:

But conerning the speach in the OP: It's a nice pep talk for people who finished school, but I wouldn't call it the best speach ever. Unless I would've been a student there as the speach woulod touch me more emotionally.

But the gist of it is about the same of every single of those speaches, be it for high school or university graduates.
S3 licensed
When will peopple learn that you cannot link pictures from funnyjunk?
And now for good measure:

Last edited by ColeusRattus, .
S3 licensed
I like it so far. I'm level 20, and about halfway into act 2. Haven't done much else except 3-hours of sleep and about the same amount of work.
S3 licensed
I hope you're joking. I have no clue how to code whatsoever and I still get it...
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Quote from Matrixi :Will the double XP also count for coop? I want that G3A3.

(Yes, I'm playing this again)

Why would you need that? I got all the simply by completeing each mission (so 2-3 tries on normal)
S3 licensed
The stupidity of people, and their willingness to blindly follow orders is baffling sometimes. Once a woman in my area followed the instuctions to a T when the satnav told her to turn around after missing an exit on the Autobahn... Killed 3 people IIRC.
S3 licensed
Quote from tikshow :it must be in america...

That's why the article starts with "In Stuttgart, Germany..."
S3 licensed
It is awesome. But then, I grew up with Eye of the Beholder and Dungeon Master, so in addition to it being and awesome game, it gives me sweet nostalgia feelings.
S3 licensed
I like how even the source points out he's a native 'strine...
S3 licensed
Well, as I see it, you did right. It's not your fault if people don't heed the yellow flag.

Actually I'd propose autospecing of a car that overtakes a non stationary car during a yellow flag.
S3 licensed
Quote from three_jump :iron sky, I haven't laughed so much since...
Just see it, it's awesome

I have to disagree. While having a very few good laughs, sadly, that movie doesn't really elevate above waylan brothers movies. Sure, i've seen worse movies, but it wasn't near as good or funny as I'd hoped it would be.

And on a sad sidenote: the cinema I went to was packed with neonazis in combat gear, all laughing at the wrong parts... But then, thankfully , even those people couldn't have misinterpreted the movie as being pro-nazi.
S3 licensed
As it's not released yet, it's only downloadable from the forums. Not really that hard to find IMHO.
S3 licensed
Well, as I have worked in the PR for a big assosciation of service providers for people with disabilites, I can shed some light into the sexual assistance.

These services have some uses beside the obvious one (which, in Austria, is limited to handjobs, as the workers there are not prostitutes, but actually quite highly educated in paedagogics and healthcare).

Many people born with mental disabilites have never been properly educated in that matter. Thus, it helps keeping unwanted pregnancies down. Also, it's still not uncommon for people with disabilities to be sexually abused, because they're "easy to get". Assistance helps doubly, because it fulfills their need and educates them. In addition, it prevents people from being frauded by prostitutes or pimps.

Also, for many people with disabilities, it's quite hard to actually find a prostitute (which is in general legal here anyway) to carry out their work on them, let alone find a real partner, thus it's not only the only way for them to get that need satisfied, but also it prevents people with disabilities raping others, because the need grew too strong.
S3 licensed
Looks vaguely like a star trek phaser...
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My sincerest condolences to his family and friends. He was a great personality from the little bit I could gather here on the forums.
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Quote from Rappa Z :This just happened ... l/000/075/870/Raisins.png

While I do not hate raisins, I too think that there are no meals whatsoever that benefit from adding them.
S3 licensed
Oh man, finally a game that has the Alfa GTV in it. How I love the blocky 80ies sexiness of it.

Still, an Xbox360 + forza is a tad too hefty an investment for me ATM.
S3 licensed
Me talking through the menues and playing the second mission...

Let's play MS flight tutorial mission 2
S3 licensed
Watched Intouchables

Great funny and touching movie, eve if it is a tad cheesy.
S3 licensed
My girlfriend thinks I'm a pedophile. But hell, what do eight year olds know...
S3 licensed
What works wonders for me is actualy drinking a cup of black coffee right before going to sleep (you need to fall asleep in the 15 minute window where caffeine actually slows your heart rate down).

Also, as stated before, drinking lots of water helps. I for one usually drink one or two non alcoholic beverages between real drinks.

And eating salty and sour things like pickled herring filets (Rollmops) really eases the hangover and makes it go away sooner.