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S3 licensed
Quote from SamH :I'm a religious non-believer, but I'm not an atheist. Commonly accepted atheism asserts anything from "there is no god" to "there probably isn't a god".

I have to disagree here. For me, atheism (allthough I hate that word, as it sounds like a religion) is the absolute denial of any diety. As soon as you add the "probaly", it is agnosticism.

Quote :
I'm an agnostic, and believe that some things are "unknowable". There may be a god, there may not be, and I don't believe there is any way for this "unknowable" to become "known".

For me, agnostics seem to be taking the "easy way out" of forming a definite opinion. For me, the topic is a binary one. There either is a god (thus, you believe. Has nothing to do with religion though, as religions are merely different sets of rules for the same phenomenon) or there is none (making you an atheist). I personally don't see a possibility for an agnostic "well, there might be."

Quote :
Most atheists I've interacted with, particularly on Youtube, are what I'd call "angry people". Their reasons for their atheism revolve around reasons why they reject particular religions, rather than revolving around their own beliefs - that there is no god (probably). That's a very negative basis for a belief, and I don't think it's healthy.

While I agree that many atheists are very polemic or even hostile, I still think that believing in a supernatural being, or rather adhereing to a ruleset circling around one, is an outdated relict of our tradition. A very interesting read of one of my most favourite writers and intellectuals: Douglas Adams in Cambridge on ... an artificial god"? I can definately recommend that read, no matter if you agree or disagree with him.
S3 licensed
I am a passionate atheist, allthough I don't really have the urge to convince religious people that they are wrong, unless they provoke it.

But to be honest, our history and present show that this little planet we live on would be a much happier place if there were no religion.
S3 licensed
I like to start my day the sweet way: one or two fresh rolls with butter and jam with a nice coffee to go along with.

But since I too try to watch my weight, it's usually fresh fruit cut up and put in a bowl with plain yogurt and unsweetened cereals.
S3 licensed
Quote from 4aged :sthu

Interestingly, the usage of text or chat message abbreviations in a place where no maximum number of letters exists, or said limit is at least high enough to fill a whole standard screen at a resolution of 1280 times 1024 pixels with text, indicates the very same thing as posting consecutive answers.

A "sthu", or "shut the hell up" is both annoying (at least in it's abbreviated form) and rude.

Now if you had phrased your response similar to this:

Quote from 4aged :there was another message in between my 2 but the guy must have deleted it, so it wasn't my fault

it would have been a perfectly acceptable answer to my admitedly mildly ranting post, which would've led me to say "Oh sorry, I wasn't aware of that."

Sadly though you showed again, allthough this time deliberately and not by an unfortunate coincidence, that there might be stars shining more brightly on the nightly firmament than you yourself do.
S3 licensed
Two things
1) there's an edit button, so no need for double posts. In fact, the number of consecutive post by a single member is indirectly proportional to said user's mental capabilities.

2) A SMS is a kind of wrong term that has coined itself in europe concerning mobile communication. SMS stands for Short Message Service, the service which makes the average cellular phone able to send and recieve text messages.

So that should answer your question! The person you message that way will recieve a text message on his phone, thus there's no need for him to be logged in anywhere.

On na sidenote: why are there these two extremes of inexperienced posters? The ones that open up new threads on already discussed topics, even though they are on the first forum page too, AND those who ressurect old threads that were burried in the depths of time a long time ago?

In this case, that's to be excused though, because I myself simply hve forgotten about that feature and found it nice to be remembered of it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bladerunner :Tried doing a video with xfire..but for some reason (xfire crap maybe?) the vid slowed my framerate down while recording, and looked even worse when it played...might try fraps sometime

Every recording software will slow your rig down quite a lot unless you have an extra processor core and a different harddrive to record the footage on.

But why not use the in game video editor? It's quite powerful and relatively easy to use.
S3 licensed
Because most demo users who post in this forum are cheapskates who want more and more content without paying and/or are blithering idiots.

On a sideonte, Rodsk8punk, the thing you quoted has nothing at all to do with demoers.

Damn: shouldn't press "post answer" AFTER i went to the bathroom...
S3 licensed
3. It's a death trap - it's a suicide rap would be Bruce Springsteen's "Born to Run"
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Rubbish. It is 517km long, has a million bends and some of the corners have spikes on them to kill everyone. It is also only 4cm wide, and is made of tarmac that is self-dusting so even an F1 car can only generate 0.004g acceleration in any direction.

And the marshalls are all wombles...

Hush! I just wanted to make the track appear less exciting than it really is, so I can drive on it all by myself!

On a sidenote, the GP track alone would be 5.1 km long...
Last edited by ColeusRattus, .
S3 licensed
Quote from J@tko :
22. No no-one told you life was gonna be this way?

The Rembrands, "I'll be there for you"

Quote : 26. I walk into an empty room, and suddenly my heart goes boom

Eurythmics "There must be an angel" (could also be the No angels cover version... hard to tell whithout any sound :P) EDIT: sorry, shoul've checked for the given answers first...
S3 licensed
I don't want to boast some bubbles, but the Nordschleife is 20.832 kilometers long. With the Grand Prix curcuit, it's slightly less than 26 kilometers..

And yes, I'd love to drive it in LfS
S3 licensed
TVE, have you gone mad recently? He paid and no matter when he joined, he's entitled to his opinion like everybody else. Additionally, I have been around when the credits-system was in place and it sucked balls.

IMHO leave credits and points to privately owned servers.
S3 licensed
Quote from jibber :Damnit, now i have to dust-off my PS2, G25 and find my copy of Enthusia... damn you!

Good luck with that. Seems that nowadays most people hold on to their copy so it became quite rare. Took me three weeks of searching through every game store in town only to find it in some obscure video rental place, where I had to beg the owner to sell it to me (for 10 euros, mind you).

You should be able to order it online somewhere though. Dunno why I didn't do it back then...
S3 licensed
Soro, Scawen did actually say that there wont be modding until LfS is complete, I'm just too lazy to search for the post right now.

On a sidenote, as I seem to be rather obsessed with the Nordschleife lately, you'd be really slow if you'd take 20 minutes. should be within 10 in something adequately sporty
S3 licensed
Well, you're not supposed to bully someone in the first place...
S3 licensed
Quote from Dj-Aeri :And do you know that the Scirocco was in the Games Convention in Leipzig in august 2008?

7 months more to modify some parameters in the car and put a decent TC and ABS in LFS?

I'm missing something.

And I like a lot the work of SCAVIER, but I don't understand what's happening lately.

Well, back in August, Scawen did say that we won't be able to drive the Scirocco for a long time, as the one for the GC was a quick shot to get a car that resembles the Scirocco supeficially was enough, as people only got to spend only a few minutes with it.
But when he releases it for LfS, lot's of people will drive it for a long time, which makes any flaw with it very apparent, and we all know that online communities tend to get very verbal about flaws.

So give him time to perfect the release. I for one always prefer a finished product over something that's released soon but isn't working as intended until after a few patches.
S3 licensed
Sad thing, I can't imagine what it would feel like having to bury your own child. Or having to live with the fact that your kid killed so many.
My gaming blog.
S3 licensed
I wanted to start a blog about gaming a long time ago (and I actually did...) but until recently, I didn't really have time to play regularly, let alone think and write about it.

Today, I got some free time and I summed up what I did the last few evenings while my missus was busy with doing some work for the uni. Hah, that's what results in telling me to "go play with myself"

As the topic of the last post is racing game oriented, I figured it might interest/upset some in here, in addition to actually gaining some readers. if you have comments, feel free to post them here or on the blog which is found here:

In the future, I try to update it more often.
S3 licensed
This thread is completely beside the point. The Scawen has said several times why there is no intention to allow mods yet: LfS is in developement, and a patch could (and most likely will) render any mods incompatible, be it tracks or cars. Thus, as long as LfS is still in developement, we won't see any. But he hinted that once LfS is finished (whatever that means), there is a chance they release mod tools.

On a sidenote: Everyone who wants mods and hasn't played rFactor should immediately do so, to see what a mess that would be...

The only thing that would make it possible to have modding would be an internal "market place" which would automatically download the newest versions of all installed mods.

And last, concerning new and possibly real tracks: I for one wouldn't mind if I'd have to pay a one time fee for a new track, be it to cover licensing costs or paying a freelance artist, as long as it comes in the LfS look and feel.
Last edited by ColeusRattus, .
S3 licensed
Quote from pingy72 :I feel that most of the tracks in LFS are pretty smooth so their FF is good to manage. I have mine FF set to 70. I remembered when I tried the radical on lime stone park and it felt like karting again

I just wonder how you managed to try anything except Blackwood...

And OT: surprisingly 9-3
S3 licensed
I never understood the whole appeal behind smoking...

You basically have to convince yourself to take a drug which single effect is that you have to take it just to feel ordinary, and you'll feel worse if you can't get at it.

Additionally it stinks abysmally and costs a lot of money.

Now I don't have anything against smokers (as long as they don't blow it in my face while I'm eating), I just don't underdstand them.
S3 licensed
Throw your PC out of the window.

Or, if you like a less radical approach: format your HD completely and reinstall your system.

And a last hint: if you re not able to notice the difference between malicious software and regular programs, stay out of the internet!
S3 licensed
I loved OFP and ArmA, so I'll get this one. It isn't the standard shooter though and requires a lot of patience. It really shines in large scale coop missions.
S3 licensed
Just saw Der Knochenmann

Great movie, lot's of very dry and sarcastic austrian humour. Too bad it won't screen (or have success) anywhere else. If you get to see it, do so. (warning: even german native speakers might need subtitles if they are not used to the austrian dialect)
S3 licensed
Quote from 91mason91 :
When you die your hair still grows for a couple of months.

The elephant is the only animal with 4 knees.

These two I know are wrong.

It only seems that the hair and fingernails "grow" because the corpse looses fluids and thus shrinks. Hair and nails stay the same length, so they seem to be longer compared to the shrunken body.

The "knees" on the elefents forelegs are the equivalent of our wrist joint, thus they are no knees.

Shocking how much bullshit is composed in such fact lists, especially since I can only confirm or falsify a few of them, so I guess there are even more fallacies.

Following, a list of confirmed facts:
                            FGED GREDG RDFGDR GSFDG