On a sidenote, the two new seasonal events have quite a nice payout, and they're pretty doable even for slowpokes like me.
Also, I really like that you see the driving line of the best friend in your list, that helps tremendously. So if anyone wants to add me, I'm ColeusRattus (d'uh) on PSN.
Might not be able to accept the request until tomorrow evening though.
Yeah. I preferred to use the cockpit view, but in GT6, they render the windscreen from inside too, so especially in the the standard cars, the view's way to dark to drive properly on anything but well lit tracks. So I too use the bumper cam.
And here are some photo mode pictures. Also, I tried to take comparable Standard Car pictures in GT6 and 5 to take a look at the improvements, and they are better than expected, allthough thanks to the restrictive photo mode on standard cars in GT5, they're harder to make out than in game. I noticed mesh updates (3D grille vs. flat texture, exhaust pipe), Bump maps (door creases) and overall sharper textures.
First Impressions: drives better than GT5, and I notice that the cars behave quite a lot less erratically under braking than in GT5.
And I found the goodwood festival of speed rediculously easy on all three cars. It's almost impossible not to get gold when you manage to get through the course without ramming any bariers.
So how many court cases have you followed in detail that you can make a sound general assumption? Note: reading/hearing about some in right-wing newsmedia doesn't really count. Also, media tend to report things that are out of the ordinary, so if it were the rule, they wouldn't report it.
Nope, no extra privileges for skin colour. I would be content if they had the same privileges I have because of my skin colour.
And yeah, it is well within the responsibilities of governements to make it possible for everyone to earn "an honest living".
That's a fallacy widely believed modern western societies. While choice is A factor, it isn't THE ONLY factor in it. There are lot's of other factors, like wealth, social status of your family, your environment, etc. that influence the very choices you can make. And yes, in extreme cases there can be only external factors that limit your options to "commit crimes or starve".
That's just absurd. White people are not bad per se, just as black people are not criminals per se. I think it would be best if we tried to abolish those prejudiced concepts of race alltogether and regard ourselves just as people. There are "good" and "bad" ones in every crop (allthough I also reject the philosophy of moral absolutes like good or bad. What's what depends solely on the perception of others, and noone except sociopaths would deem themselves bad with a good consciousness)
That's paradoxical. Blacks and whites are different, yet black people behave like white people if brought up the same way? The latter is what I try to get across. If all people had the same chances from the start, there would be no problem with migrants, "or ethnic minorities"
Also, you're mistaken. Most people of African descent I know, and who are visible in our society are asylum seekers. Many of those are stuck in the process of getting asylum for several years, with accomodation that's about as comfortable and "free" as prisons. If I came to a society that would treat me like a criminal from the get go, I would not have anything to lose by actually becoming one. Especially when I'm not allowed to work.
You're wrong. I live in a two room flat in Austrias second biggest city, with nigerian, ugandan, chinese, romanian, croatian, bosnian, alban and turkish families living in the same house. I struggled with unemployment and precarious working conditions, and am still slowly crawling out of the debt that accumulated from those years. Now I work a job in social work and I study at a university 100 miles away.
Very commendable of you.
And concerning the riots: it could be interpreted as a group of the populace with nothing to lose trying to get a bit from those with a lot to lose. Now I won't proclaim that's the one true way to look at it, but it's definately not limited on individual choice to act "badly"
Again, you're wrong. I make my living in social work. While not working with immigrants per se right now, I work with youths who are partly from other backgrounds. So I dare say I have probably not a lot less to do with people from the "rim" of society than you do, except that I am priveleged not to be part of that rim.
I can't argue against the first sentence, you're right there. But as I study social work and sociology ATM, I try to grasp those problems on an intellectual level. Thus, I might have other (but not neccessarily better) insights on the whole issue as you do.
But concerning "black and white societies don't mix", I have to disagree. They can and do mix very well, but it needs two things, one of which is often forgotten, especially by populistic media and badly educated people. First, as pointed out quite often, there needs to be the willingness to integrate with the dominating society. But secondly, and that's what is usually not publicized, because it would lay some blame for the problems on the reading demographic, the dominating society must also be willing to integrate the new arrivals, and provide the means for them to do so.
No need to apologize. I understand that you're frustrated with the chances life has presented to you. It's just that hating on people for any arbitrary reason like skin colour, religion, nationality, gender, etc., doesn't solve anything.
I don't see the point. I never glitched and made money honestly, but as soon as I had the Entity XF in my garage (of the high end apartment), the motivation to play diminished quite a lot. So for me, a lot of the fun was working towards those goals. Had i used glitches, or grinded the races excessively, I would've robbed myself of the main enjoyment.
I have yet to encounter a single person of another ethnicity to actually "use the race card". Let alone "using" it to get out of jail "free", as in with the charges dropped and no trial because of it.
What I do encounter here though are both people of other ethnicities being put under a general suspicion by an unknowledgable and oftentimes badly educated public AND a system that doesnt allow many of them to get honest work.
I do know the difference between a wheel and a tire. It's just that the different wheels (titled as such in game) in GTA 5 come with different tires. Thus, the wheel choice is also a tire choice. But, still strictly in game speaking, this choice has no influence on the car handling characteristics.
And in the meantime, my Elegy RH8 is complete. Was looking for a mroe subdued approach, but then decided to eff it and go with the colors of my crew logo:
It's surprising how few players have a customzied bike. So with this fully tuned Akuma, I won almost every "Down the Drains" and "Criminal Records" I took part in (where custom vehicles were allowed and catchup was disabled). It accelerates so devilishly fast that it is past slipstream range before anyone can accelerate enough to keep up. Love it.
I don't understand the need to grind in this game. I just play it for fun, not as a job. It might take me longer to reach certain goals (got my apartment after about 60 hours of online play, as I spent most of my money on my cars and weapons), but I have fun doing so, playing missions I like to play rather than doing those with the highest payout...