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Quote from PMD9409 :Maybe I'm just easily pleased, but the SP isn't all that bad. It's not going to be as good as a freakin movie, or else the writers would be writing movies. Obviously if you are a jet fighter on MP, you want to fly the jet in SP. Well not everyone knows or cares to fly the jet, so that's why you just ride in it and do the firing.

Some people just take it like little kids instead of seeing it for what it is, just an introduction into the game, where MP is the prime target.

Haven't made it cleaqr, ti seems: yeah, MP is the meat of BF3, and the SP IS actually fun. It's just that the money the studio and publisher certainly have spent on it could've been used better if only they had invested in a slightly better team of writers. It so desperately screams "I wanna be CoD" that it's sad rather than funny.
S3 licensed
Well, finished the SP campaign on Hard in about 5 hours. Including the numerous reloads due to me dying, as hard is refreshingly hard. So the Sp campaign is very short. CoDBlOps feels really lengthy compared to it.

And god, the writing is awful. While the general premise is actually interesting, both plot relevant events and "side flavour" are so stupid tha you want to slap the writers. Now I can't talk about all the stupid things on top of my head, as I haven't taken notes, but following are those I can think of spontanously:

- you have to quick time event battle a rat. Seriously. Could have been interoreted as satire of the QTE crazyness of the industry, if it were not for the dozens of other QTEs in that game.

- a mate calls you over to assist treatment on a wounded prisoner. As soon as you step over, said mate steps aside and hands you a syringe you just jam into the prisoners chest while he does nothing. Nothing at all. I can't see how that guy could have needed assistance, except that you need to be there to get some plot revelations by the prisoner...

- The whole game is a flashback the main character blackburn is telling, as he is imprisoned and questioned for treason. He did shoot his CO on command of a russian agent "to save millions of lives". How that worked? Don't know. It's not clear why the CO, and higher ups, are to be left in the dark and even killed and how that would help you in preventing the big bad of the plot to proceed.
It's said that the big bad is an asset of the CIA, which doesn't know that the big bad went rogue, but it never is explained how letting anyone know about the affair could hinder the capture of the big bad.

- Flashbacks of events that no person in the interrogation knows of.

All in all, the script isn't even at direct-to-DVD thriller quality. Heck, it wouldn't get green lighted as a direct-to-TV production.

Some other things that bug me in SP:

No crouched sprint. Not a biggie really, but as your AI teammates crouch sprint all the time, it kind of makes me feel like I'm a retard following them through fire in an upright position while they are keeping low.

Save points. Not only does BF3 use savepoints exclusively, they're placed stupidly. I've encountered two kinds: Some are set so close to the action that you get shot dead on hard before you can turn enough to face an enemy. On the others, you have to endure the same long dialogue sequence again and again...

Also, the "jet" level is atrociously bad and tedious. You don't even get to fly the plane, you're just a passenger, quicktiming out of attacks and clicking enemies dead. Boring. And you don't get to practice flying jets for MP.

But the facial animations are great, both in the cutscenes and gameplay. Almost at the level of the Uncharted series.
Last edited by ColeusRattus, .
S3 licensed
perhaps it's region locked to the US.
S3 licensed
Or, even more likely, you parked there ordinarily and one or both of the other cars parked that close to you.

It's just not possible other wise.

My tightest parking wasn't parallel, and I have no pics of it, except of the license plates of the cars next to mine to track them if they would've damaged my car... So here's the story: was going to the movies on a saturday night, and there was only one parking lot left. But both cars adjoing said lot parked like total wankers, one clipping the white line, and one even having both his wheel beyonf the line. So I let my passengers out, flipped the mirrors in and managed to park. Had to get out of the car via the hatch in the back.
S3 licensed
Quote from E.Reiljans :it's "Drake face" from Uncharted 3.
Just a very common bug on PS3.

Usually used to troll PS3fags who claim that "omg consoles have no bugs @all they're perfect etc"

Er, firstly, that's Uncharted 2, and secondly, that's not a "common bug on PS3". It's just looks like a frame of the pain animation. And even if it is an animation bug, it's certainly uncommon enough that I never encountered it, and never have heard of it until today.

And I don't get the "no games on PS3" meme at all.

Now don't get me wrong, I am a PC gamer, and I usually prefer the PC. But I do have a PS3, I am no fanboy and am aware of the systems downsides and quirks. but those pics are just not funny. It's a repetition of a meme that has no humoristic, ironic or sarcastic value...
S3 licensed
Honestly, no parody can ever be as hilarious as the original.
S3 licensed
Two catholic priests are driving down a road. They get into a police cordon. They lower the windows and ask the nearest officer: "what's happened?". The policeman tells them: "We're looking for two child molesters!"
The priests raise the windows again, but instead of driving off they can be heard arguing in the car. After a short while, they lower the windows again and tell the police officer: "Allright, we'll do it!"
S3 licensed
Quote from Nadeo4441 :It's for consoles too.

-> It's going to suck.

But if it's good on consoles, I might actually get it, as for some odd reason I enjoy those seni realisitc games like CoD or the new Opeation Flashpoint games more on console than on PC.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Moose :Nope. ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead is clearly the best military game for PC

Except that it's a bloody bugged mess that tries too many things at once, and thus excells at nothing (except the scale of it).

Don't get me wrong, ArmA 2 is a great game, I love it, especially when playing hand crafted large scale coop operations, BUT, and that's a big BUT it has the same problems that plagued the original OFP, plus a few new ones.

RO on the other hand makes up what it lacks in scale over ArmA in both depth (just compare the tanking) and polish, and you can join a good game instead of having to coordinate lot's of people and having somebody to design the missions...
S3 licensed
Buy Red Orchestra 2. Clearly the best military game for PC!
S3 licensed
Anyone else feels reminded of lerts?
S3 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Don't let iRacing hear you say that.

Oh well, let me rephrase that: 12€ for a game that takes 3 hours to complete, but is available for me to play as often and as long as I like from purchase until I either die or the digital distribution plattform ceases to exist, for no additional charge.
S3 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :whats dpi?

More seriously: dots per inch. It's used to measure printing quality. So in an oversimplyfied manner: the higher that number, the "sharper" the image.
As basic guidelines, picture on the web usually have 72 dpi, newspaper usually print pictures in 200 dpi, while glossy magazines use 300 dpi.

Monitors rather use the term ppi (pixels per inch), as dpi wouldn't be entirely correct as most monitors use subpixels in red green and blue which would actually mean that 1 ppi is 3 dpi if you're really anal about that definition. Even though ppi and dpi are used synonymously.

My 24" monitor is 20.92" wide and 11.76" tall, at a resolution of 1920x1080.

That means a ppi of 92.
Last edited by ColeusRattus, .
S3 licensed
Well, to me, Limbo is more of a platformer than a puzzle game actually. And yeah, it's great. It is a tad on the short side though, having it played from end to end in one sitting of approximately 3 hours.
But then, I rather have games end when I still enjoy them than having them drag on forever until i lose interest. And 3 hours for 12€ is quite okay.
S3 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :
They shouldn't be. Endurance rallying in the UK requires cars to be fitted with a roll cage, but bans helmets on the (competitive) road sections and does not mandate their use on selectives (stages). If the drivers head (with or without helmet) is able to contact the rollcage tubing then something is dangerously wrong with the design of the rollcage, seating position or driver restraints.

Well, that's true. But I have yet to see someone strapping himself up properly in a five or six point harness on daily commutes.
But then, even without a rollcage, the incorrect, read too loose, use of a racing harness is less safe than an ordinary three point seatbelt.
S3 licensed
Quote from gezmoor :I consider myself to lean strongly to the left politically but if I hear one more person excuse this behaviour by claiming it's down to poverty and lack of oportunity I'm going to scream !! I'm in Brazil at the moment and I think every single one of the rioting pratts should be flown over here and dumped in the middle of a Rio favella and then told.. this is poverty.. this is lack of oportunity.. what's your excuse? I'm with Itrepid on this one, (not often I can say that), the only "poverty" that people in the UK suffer is one of "poverty of luxury", I don't believe for a second that any of these rioters come from families where there is such a lack of money that they can't afford to eat for example. None of these people are desperate to survive, not a single one of them will sell their stolen goods to buy food or pay the rent or bills etc. I have absolutely no sympathy with their actions, because there is zero justification for them. No jobs? no seriously, there are jobs, just not ones that they would ever consider lowering themselves to do. leave those jobs to the immigrants, working in mac donalds is beneath them despite the fact they may have never done a days work in their lives. For those involved that do have jobs etc all I can say is "shame on you".

While definately true, that train of thought has one big flaw: relativity.

Of course, even if you're amongst the poorest chaps in europe, chances are there are still 4-5 billion people on this planet that are off worse than you are. But that doesn't matter to you, because you're surrounded by people who are better off than you. So relatively, in your environment, you're still the one who's off the worst.
And with humanity at large at a state of minde where you're not glad you have it better than someone else, but rather envy those that have it better, it's bound to cause problems, even if it seems silly and demanding if you broaden the perspective to a global scale.
Thus, you really can't outrightly dismiss the argument that it was poverty and lack of perspective .Just a small sidenote: education is "hereditary". Even with then opportunity to do so, children of badly educated people will generally not be well educated.
S3 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :As someone has in their sig (Becky?) "Racing is a disease, for which the only cure, and primary symptom, is poverty."

Well, that's true, and it confirms my point actually:

poverty's the cure = you're too poor to afford to do it, thus you are cured.
poverty's the symptom = It'll cost a lot, so even if you can afford it, you won't have much money left for other things.
S3 licensed
Yeah, if you're short on dough, real life racing is certainly NOT a sensible choice. If you can't afford to total the car, you won't have much fun. Even on amateur levels, I think it's quite expensive to keep any car in a safe and running condition, and if you can't afford insurance for a second car, I guess you wouldn't be able to repair it if something important breaks.

Also, rollcages in roadcars are dangerous if you don't wear a helmet. So it's either removing the rollcage for daily use or always driving with a helmet, which, to be honest, makes you look rather insensible (even if it actually IS sensible).
S3 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :

this for someone

You're wrong. That's actually a Mars bar.

If you want to buy a real Milky Way, you need to buy a 3 Musketeers bar.

Silly 'mericans :P
S3 licensed
Tried the demo, and I have to say it's actually quite good. The cars have a weight to them and handling is quite challenging, and the "shift" (as in warp into different persons, not shifting gears) mechanic, while utterly bollocks, is quite well played. Especially in the first mission, where you have to convince your partner that you can do it by taking control of a speeder in an Alpha Romeo 8C competizione.
Especially the dialoguie between the speeder and his passenger are hilarious, as Tanner shifts in and out several times.

The second mission is a pretty straight forward race, except that you have to place 1st AND 2nd with a new Camaro and a Nissan GTR. So you're pretty much drafting yourself in turns, which make this quite challenging.

The last mision ahs you "infiltrate" a getaway driver, where you have to dodge the cops on a timelimit.
The cops are quite hard to lose, and just like in the good olden times, you have one timer for both losing the cops and getting to your destination.

My gripes:
There are no cops in the demo outside of scripted chase starts. Hopefully that's not true for the full version, because both the most fun and frustrating memories of the original driver are having to stick to the speed limit and lights NOT to alert cops while still trying to be on time.

Conclusively, I won't buy it, but it's far better than the last entry of the series.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :While unleashing the army on the capital is not what I ever hoped we'd need - what can you do now to stop this?

I'm not sure we need the army - but we need something more than the "normal" met. There aren't enough of them, and they aren't really prepared for riots like this.

What we could do with is something like the NI police force & their vehicles.

See, I personally think there's nothing the governement can do to stop this. For the governement, this is clearly a no-win scenario.

If they intervene by force, no matter if it's the police or the army, it will certainly fuel the riots.

But if they act passively, wait for it to go out by istelf and then start prosecuting looters and vandals, thy will lose a lot of voters that feel they haven't answered adequately and let of the "wrongdoers" too lightly.

I am also very much with becky and kev.
S3 licensed
Quote from GFresh : Instil fear, instil order...

Wow, that's a nice philosophy there.

While highly utopic, I personally am rather fond of the notion that parents should go back to parenting their children and teaching them what's wrong or right, rather than outsourcing that to institutoins like schools or the police... Not to mention that fear is never a good means to achieve anything in long terms.
S3 licensed
Wow, riots, in romford? Been there back in school with a student exchange program. Very fond memories of the Sir Frances Bardsley School for girls...

But I digress: While I do understand the frustration with those youths jumping in on an opportunity to cause mayhem and looting, you guys suggetsing shooting them can't be serious.

Not only is that a way overblown reaction, I highly doubt that killing teenagers will calm the situation. Reacting to violence with more violence rarely leads to desired peace, especially nowadays.

IMHO, the only smart thing the government can do is try to not escalate things further themselves by acting too violently, but rather let it cool off, arrest people aftwerwards (yes, i do know they will only get a low percentage of the looters) and then see how to deal with the finacial and material losses.
S3 licensed
Finally available for preorder, and done so:

S3 licensed
I got 4100 by adding it in the "correct" order.

But I do see how somebody very sloppy could come to the 5000.