You got it mixed up. We're defending that the Android app market is a free market where anyone can publish anything.
That this comes with the downsides of opening up to malicious software can't be helped. But the good outweighs the bad.
"They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin
Additionally, I use Android phones since he beginning, and I have yet to download a malicious app. In fact, I don't know anyone having had a virus on their android phone.
It's actually quite easy to prevent, as it's listed in the market which services the app needs access to. If you think that those permissions don't go along wih what an app does, then don't download.
I can understand though, why the prospect of viruses scares apple users who don't have experience with that kind of thing... IMHO the only advantage apple has nowadays over PCs.
And you still owe us one feature of an iPhone that an Android phone doesn't have. And this time, please to general statements like "it shitstomps all over it".
on my 42" 1080p I do see a difference between 720p and 1080p at my couch distance of 2 1/2 meters. But it's minor and not really obvious unless you really look for it.
But as decent 1080p Screens are not that expensive anymore, i can't think of any reason why you wouldn't go for such a screen.
I guess you have a point there. Flash is evil and shouldn't be used at all, and my phone's constantly downloading viruses MADE BY GOOGLE INC. THEMSELVES...
I contemplate what you said while I read news, keep up to date on facebook and twitter and check my calendar all on my phone's homescreen, thanks to widgets. Perhaps I go out on a small journey with my free, preinstalled ready to use turn-by-turn navigation.
And even while driving, i can use all of my phones functions hands free, simply by talking to it. And should I use my laptop while out, I might simply tether my phone's 3g over wifi to it, so I can be online with a real PC should my phone not suffice.
But still, I suppose the iPhone is by far the superior product, that shitstomps all the features it shares, and that are not available on the android market (which has 200.000 apps atm, out of which 57% are free of charge, as opposed to the humungous amount of 300.000 apps on the iPhone appstore, out of which 28% are free...)
I guess the britons are more lax concerning wheels than we mainland europeans.
Just to clarify: at least over here, it's illegal to drive with two different wheels on the same axle. You can use different wheel front and rear, but not left and right.
IMHO, the biggest difference between Android and iPhones is that the latter was marketed as a lifestyle product, while the former is marketed for technology savvy customers. But at the end of the day, both are quite similar in what they can and cannot do.
While I agree, I prefer Samsung + Android nowadays, espedcially since my Nexus S uses vanilla Android without some stupid manufacturere GUI. So Android updates get pushed instantly rather than having to wait months for the custom manufacturer versions to update.
A proper misunderstanding there: You're not a chav for buying a cheap car. Your a chav for buying a cheap car, and then, over a period of time adding parts that make it look ugly and sound terrible, which in sum cost about as much as a nice car.
Now I haven't played the demo, but I played Duke§D recently, and let me tell you, ammo's scrace in that game. So it does fit. For the rest, those are modern FPS conventions. I too would've prefered if they hadn't adhered to those.
Still, those things don't make or break a game, and duke always was about a highly interactive game world and humour rather than searching for healthpacks and carrying 10 guns at once.
Nah, it's not a chavs car because i's cheap, but because chavs buy it. And it seems chavs over here are wealthier than in the UK... Don't worry, I get that a Golf isn't a chav car in olde engerland, but it is in austria, germany and switzerland.
And I do know what a chav is, and what a chav's equivalent is over here. we call them "Prolet" or "Prolo"... It's basically the same thing. I think yobbo was the english term before chav became fashion.
Well, as they are import cars for you Uk blokes, that's true for you, but over here a used golf isn't that expensive to buy, thus it's a chav car. As in, chavs, people of low intelligence and income, buy them and mod them with various problems. In the area I grew up in, it was quite a common problem that guys were 20.000 Euros in debt after modifiying a 2.000 Euro Golf... with no resellvalue whatsoever.
er... I don't mean the dealers option of not having the car's name and type on the trunk, but getting rid of the VW badge on the grill. You need to buy a new grill and either modify or buy a new bonnet to get rid of the "circle" cut out for the logo...
Well, noone denies that Golfs, no matter what engine, are good cars. It's just that with the history that Golfs have in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, they are regarded as Chav Cars.
Being cheap, and available in abundance (Golfs are the most sold type of car in the countries mentioned) and the huge market for mofifications, Golfs became the chav car here.
Well, why does it need to look like a GTI then?
Again, to elaborate: Many chavs here like to pretend their cheap, not so hot hatches are sports cars by adding spoilers, lowering them and adding fart cans, and driving like public roads are racetracks. It's just mimikry.
I for one drive a 55 bhp Polo. I could've gone for a quicker car in my price range, but having to pay 300€/year for tax and insurance, plus good MPG, and being well equipped (pretty much everything's electrical, plus automatic aircon, etc...) was irresistible. I know it's not even remotely "sporty" and I don't pretend it is.
Well, I was referring to "nicer" than a 64 bhp Golf D (note: NOT turbo diesel), if you are after a sportscar. If you just want a reliable and cheap to run car, then it's perfectly fine... Just no need to "ruin" the main upside of being a cheap car by spending a huge amount of money on modifications which's sole purpose is to make the car look like a sports car, which it isn't and never will be.
And just to counter your shot at age and responsibilities: I'm 28, and I too have bills to pay, without getting support by my parents... But my choice of car leaves me with a tad money to spend on other luxuries.
Now, most modified golfs over here are horrible and very tacky, and are cheaply done. Also, it was rather an analogy: to make something "cheap" appear to be a more expensive product, just not as extreme.
Looks are very subjective. Even though I dislike making other Golfs look like GTIs, I do like the look of GTIs, they are very tidy and not overly flamboyant. I personally don't like debadged cars, as I think it does make the front and rear look empty. Also, as debadging doesn't serve any other purpose and making a car look "purrty", I think money can be spend better elsewhere.
My problem isn't with the car itself, but with the fact that that person had the need convince himself and others that his cars was something it actually wasn't.
Additionally, he wasn't exactly "happy" with it, as he mostly saw what it wasn't, and what it couldn't ever be, no matter how much effort he took. On a sidenote, that friend as aged and matured, and spending so much money on that car for those reasons is what he regrets the most in his life.
While I can understand the notion, I don't understand how buying and adding mass produces aftermarket parts make a car personal. Now having a true custom car is different, but just slapping on random parts so it doesn't look stock might make a car unique, but certainly not special.
Also, as I said, over here, GTI lookalikes are nearly as common as stock Golfs, so not really a good choice for individualists.
Nope, Austria. People are allowed to modify cars here
It's not narrow-mindedness, at least not predominatly. It's rather trying to prevent younger ones to spend lots of money on things that are useless in the grand scheme of things...
And a sidenote: I don't dislike you personally, even if you do seem to get a lot of flak in these forums.
Well, firstly, at least in my area, almost every Golf is a chav car. That's why insuring a Golf over here cost's twice as much as any other car with similar specs. The GTI is simply the peak of chav cars, either dreamed about by poor chavs, or bought by not so poor ones.
So going for GTI bumpers and skirts IS definately very chav. And sorry too, because, at least over here, it would translate to: I'm a poor chav who can't afford to buy the real deal, but I hope to make people think by creating a lookalike. It's comparable those toyota celica to ferrari conversions that were linked in these forums a few years ago, just not that extremely shameful.
Which remembers me of a schoolmate of mine. He bough quite a run down Mk3 Golf D with 64 bhp. Over the years, he spend so much money on making it look like a sportscar that he could've bought a proper car if he just had saved the money...
Yeah, always those anglophones shortening Porsche to Porsh. There's an E at the end of it, and germans wouldn't dare put it anywhere where it isn't pronounced.
You don't have to change the resolution manually. The game simply runs at 720p.
So the cause of your problem could be two things: the pixel mask of your 1080i TV causes a jagged image of a 720p picture.
Or because you were used to the washed out SD picture, where you don't notice individual pixels that much, but rather a general screen blur, you're simply not used to the better resolution image.
A possible solution is sitting further away from the TV. If you had a smallish SD TV and exchanged it for a big HD TV, but didn't change the couch to TV setup, you might be simply sitting to close. As a rule of thumb, the distance to your TV should be 2.5 to 3 times the diagonal size of it.
Hmm... on PS3, the graphics of LA noire are crisper than both GTA IV and RDR, while it does look a little sterile in comparison. But then, if you turn on the black&white filter, that creates the perfect 40ies movie atmosphere...
Now if that isn't a must buy for physx cards then :P But joke aside, even though i do prefer Nvidia cards over ATI (I have used both in the past), physix is eye candy at best, and I'd rather oppose the idea of physix only being a nvidia only feature.
Just as they did with the first half of the book: skipping anything that doesn't move the plot forward or has tits in it.
Also, I don't think that the season finale and the book's end are the same. I can imagine a certain scene, which is about two thirds into the book to be the season finale
Nah, don't fear that. Much like in Lord of The Rings, having "spoilered" the story is totally counterbalanced by the sheer awesomness in how the world and characters are captured.
Also, as the books are quite complex, there are lot's of details and plot twists you partially or totally forget until you see the episodes.