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The problem with point cloud graphics is that they're not really able to animate.
Additionally, the geometry can't really be handled by the polygon centric gpus, thus it has to run in cpu heavy "software" mode.
On a sidenote, I also do think that the quite generous use of repeating elements might be a factor in making it run smoothly, as I do think they "calculate" each object once and show it on multiple positions.

And he didn't go into technical details, as the type of processor it's running on etc. So it might as well be a "target shot" that's prerendered and not realtime.

Not to mention the BS numbers and contradictions: "unlimited" is a bold claim that can't be met. And the "100.000 times better" contradicts the "unlimited" claim, the proper factor would be "infinitely better".

So I remain sceptical. If it works out, yay, great times. But I don't count on it.
S3 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :
Anyone surprised that it didn't go off the right side of the scale?

Nope, because the right on the graph isn't an indicator of nationalism, but of free market economics.
S3 licensed
I guess you're all pretty fascist, compared to me. And yes, I did answer honestly.

Economic Left/Right: -8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.15

And even though that would indicate that I dye my hair in all colours of the rainbow and clad myself in red checkerd pants, black leather and lots of rivets I actually lead quite a "conservative" life with a no too badly payd job.
S3 licensed
Quote from matijapkc :I hope half of you die in terrible pain... Even if this gets me banned... I don't like what most of you like to listen to but I don't call it silly, ridiculous or something else, so GTFO and STFU. And yes, I am serious. Metal at least isn't commercial, at least most of it isn't.

And this isn't a cover... It's originally performed by Slipknot and you shouldn't comment on something you know nothing about...

Hey, calm down man. I am a huge Metalhead, even though i haven't the looks anymore, and I wasn't offended by TNIT (which would make an awesome curseword, btw). Not at all.

If you're so insecure that some random bloke on the internet gets you that angry by mocking music that you like, you should seek professional help...

But then, I guess music is more important than other fictions men kill each other about, like religion or nations.
S3 licensed
I guess a bottle full of an inflammable gas that's heavier than air...
S3 licensed
Quote from ACCAkut :
. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .
.. .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . ..
. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .

anyone here know braille? this is in the sites html

"this is not the source code you are looking for"
S3 licensed

And you should report the spammers tpo the mods.
S3 licensed
While zapping, I stumbled upon:

Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus

And I managed to watch the whole of it, even though every moment of it is cringeworthy, especially since the german dub is of a quality between amateur voice work, porn and mid 90ies game voiceovers.

Still entertaining, allthough for the wrong reasons.
Last edited by ColeusRattus, .
S3 licensed
Finally, A Dance with Dragons form GRR Martins Song of Ice and Fire.
S3 licensed
That's why you use solid boosters for getting of the ground, but once you're up to speed, use liquid fuel rockets for prolongued acceleration.

On a sidenote, my Deeper Space Penetrator is at 3580K after 35 minutes, still going upwards with 1600m/s. I think I have successfully escaped Kerbals gravitation.
S3 licensed
Original text:

"Incest? No for boys, yes for girls!"

...56 translations later we get:

"Incest? Sunday Marino"

Original text:

"I just called to say I love you."

...56 translations later we get:

"He was asking me if I love you."

Original text:

"I'd like to take a minute and sit right there to tell you how I became the fresh prince of Bel-Air!"

...50 translations later we get:

"Adam Air, Duke again a few minutes on foot!"
Last edited by ColeusRattus, .
S3 licensed
Quote from jibber :I agree that speeding on public roads should not be encouraged and all... however, some of you folks are behaving like old people who have too much time on their hands and go out to play traffic police with little notebooks in their pockets to write down license plates and stuff...

Well, I think that many people in here come off more strict than they actually are. I for one catch myself doing a few km/h above the speedlimit quite often. But I don't argue that that's a reasonable and safe way to drive.
S3 licensed
Oh come on. It's two totally different matters slouching along and driving sensibly.
Excessive speeding and reckless driving on public roads is a very stupid thing to do, as is snailing along at pedestrian speeds, as that makes you only a slightly mobile target to hit for traffic coming from behind...
S3 licensed
Quote from ATHome :Yes, that was pretty much the same thing I said.

You know the risks, if you want to take them, you only bring threat to your own life.

The danger isn't limited to your own life on a public road. NEVER!
There could always be oncoming traffic or pedestrians on or near the road where you can't see them, but can kill them.
S3 licensed
Quote from ATHome :
I don't care about speeding on an empty country lane where you don't harm anyone but yourself, given that you're driving alone of course, but with driving like he posted you endanger yourself and others. And that's just not the way anyone should drive on public roads.

The problem with that is though, unless there is perfect vision of minimum a Kilometer ahead, you do not know if it's empty. Also, animals tend to jump out right in front of your car, which too can kill you, depending on their size and your reaction.
Kerbal Space Program
S3 licensed
A nice little game that is:

My record flight in the Deep Space Penetrator, climaxing at 719 kilometers above the Kerbal home planet.

S3 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :depends where u live. here in usa its fookin awesome

Well, but that's not because the quality of subway is different, but because the quality of the food to compare subway to is different :P

But back to topic:

The charger of my Nexus S mysteriously stopped working. Guess it's time to show up at my phone provider's store and complain a tad. If that doesn't work, time to buy a cheap microUSB charger.
S3 licensed
Mhh, yeah, subway.

Disgusting bread and mostly not so tasty stuff in it, for quite a hefty sum of money for that.

But then, it's not helpingSubway that every grocer here offers freshly prepared sandwhiches with all kinds of breads and much tastier ingredients for about the fourth of the price.
S3 licensed
Yeah, even though I have limited myself to games below 5€, I have still bought quite a lot, including:

AI War: Fleet Command
Alpha Protocoll
S3 licensed
Ah, it seems like his spin doctor worked too good! Sounded almost like an automated reaction to trigger words. And at first, I thought it was sketch comedy...
S3 licensed
To keep the discussion going, but my post short:

The main problem with those stated measures is that they don't solve the underlying problems. Heck, they don't even help ease the symptoms of the problems, all they do is making somebody else having to deal with them.

IMHO, before locking out immigrants, we should start researching why people do it and then start battling the causes for migration, rather than the immigrants themselves.
S3 licensed
Recently watched Little Miss Sunshine.

Funny movie.
S3 licensed
Some mainboards, while still having an onboard graphics chip and the jack at the back, have it disabled, as it's cheaper to produce the board with it and then render it useless than making a production line that leaves out the unneeded parts. So it could be a deliberate "fault".

So just get a cheap gpu and try it again.

Additonally, how's the screen connected? If it's HDMI, you might have to set up the monitor to accept the HDMi signal (I had to do that with my Benq Model), which, ironically only works if you have the monitor connected via DVI or VGA, as otherwise, the setup wouldn't come on.
S3 licensed
Wow, that thread laves me baffled.

Firstly, the lawyers that are involved in suing Georgia would most likely never have anything to do with prosecuting criminals.

Secondly, that argument works both ways: the state of Georgia is wasting manpower prosecuting people who are only guilty of being in a country illegally instead of catching real criminals. Of course I am well aware that illegal immigrants are more likely to turn criminal, but a) NOT all of them do, and b) many are forced into crime because they aren't allowed get a proper job and care for their families and themselves.

Also, and you might call me left-wing, or even communist for that, the proposed law is no way of stopping illegal immigration or the problems it brings. It's IMHO a much smarter move to make it easier for people to become "legal" immigrants and let them have legal jobs that pay taxes.
Or even better, invest in the countries they come from, so they have perspectives there and don't have to emmigrate.

It might suprise you, but the vast majority doesn't actually want to leave their home to exploit the rich countries. Most of them are forced to do so by "external" causes, like poverty, hunger, political repression, fear, lack of perspective, etc, paired with dubious promises made by facilitators.
I suggets the OP should spend a day in a place that helps immigrants and talks to people there.

And lastly, this fascist mindset angers me the most in america, because your very nation is founded on, and grew strong because immigration. Especially since the first european immigrants were a much greater and more real threat to the native population than any mexican or other latin-american immigrant can ever be.
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :I don't think viruses are a real concern. I've only had one on my PC ever. I don't understand how people get so many...

Flash is out of date, and I hate websites that use it. Even before I got an iPhone (and since, whilst using a desktop) I tended to leave flash websites or choose an HTML alternative. Whether it's buggy, a memory hog or whatever doesn't matter to me, I just find it horrible to look at and use.

Homescreen Twitter and Facebook feeds are not nice to use. I much prefer a full screen view of the feed. Granted a widget view is good for quick updates, but not so good for catching up on the last 8 hours of developments whilst I was asleep.

Androids turn-by-turn navigation is quite good considering, so you are right to show off about that feature. But as I've bought the TomTom app, my iphone is at least as good as a dedicated device for a fraction of the price (the cost of the app). Sure, I paid more for turn-by-turn than you, but it's not a deal-breaker for me.

Hands free use (Voice Control) is pretty poor on my girlfriend's Desire S. I tried it for about an hour the other night, and even in a quiet environment it got most things wrong. So I don't think you can brag too much about that. My handsfree kit does more reliable voice control (for calls only admittedly), but as I don't text or email whilst driving it's not a biggie. Choosing which podcast to listen to or album to listen to isn't much of a chore with a finger.

Tethering can be useful. Depends on your lifestyle. I used it once in 2003 to unlock LFS behind a uni firewall. I've never needed it or wanted it since.

I still think the interface overall is better on the iPhone. It's more of an integrated feeling. Yes, we miss out on a few things. But the iPhone has things the androids don't (or, at least, don't do well). The choice is a personal one.

The more I use the HTC the less inclined I am to get one at the moment. I admit this is partly because my girlfriend has configured aspects of it in the stupidest way possible (but it's her phone, so who am I to argue).

By the looks of it, iOS5 will add a lot of the features you use below to make the Android seem better.

Well, I agreed before the whole dawesdust discussion, that in the end, it's more down to personal preference than a real advantage one has over the other.
It was just the flamebait of dustin that made me defend android a little more than I usually do. Or rather, do not, as I haven't had to defend android until now.