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S3 licensed
Quote from brandons48 :

If only it was 3-door

wait, what? why on earth would you prefer a 3 door car over a 5 door one? Even if you don't have backseat passengers often, the longer doors make getting in and out of the car in tight parking lots more uncomfortable. Also, it's much easier to use the backseat to transport large things if you can just shove them in.
Who are you AKA the most random internet thing (containing profanity)
S3 licensed
BEFORE CLICKING IT: it might be considered NSFW because it is quite profane, and greets you with a yelled "n*ggers". So just turn the sound off before going there.

And here is the awesome random name generator:

I am Jesus Penis the last Mastertroll destined to rule all cakes!
S3 licensed
Wouldn't have thought that this car finds such a positive resonanc in here.

To me, it rather looks like a pile of dogpoo. On which someone vomited. And stuck a wing on it.

Not that the Enzo is a beautiful car for starters, but what Gemballa has done to it looks like what any 14 year old would be chav would do to make it look "cooler".
S3 licensed
finally got it to run under vista. not too bad.
S3 licensed
Can't get it to run, sadly.
S3 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :It's possible with plasma-screens iirc.

And even then only with screens older than 10 years
S3 licensed
wow, I wouldn't have thought that there is anybody in the PC sim racing world who hasn't ever heard of Racer.

But OT: Even though I like open source software and projects, Racer is a prime example that something that relies on user created content and "mods" is basically 99% utterly shitty and 1 % decent.
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Then again, g actually varies due to location, so all you wannabe high-jump competetors.. find a competition at the equator. g is about 0.05 m/s less.

g is an acceleration value, NOT a speed, thus it would be 0.05 m/s² less. But that's still not quite true, as with the comparative "less", you still need something that the value is compared to.

Having said that, the average g for our planet is roughly 9.806 m/s², while it's 9.78 at the equator, which would mean it's only 0.026 m/s² less. As the g on the poles are 9.832 though, you're somewhat right as your fall over the equator would be accelerating less by 0.05 m/s² than your fall over the poles.
S3 licensed
Quote from -NightFly- :if you have a dog does that mean you smell like one?

Well, yes actually. If a dog owner who pets his dog often hands me a glass, I can even smell the dog on the glass.
So I assume that a girl sitting on a horse might carry the smell, even though there's a saddle and a saddlecloth in between.
S3 licensed
Dunno about that... I know a horse riding girl who rides since primary school (I both know her since then and she rides since then...)
She developed awful o-shaped legs to an extend you can literally pass a football through between her knees when she stands with her ankles touching.

Also, I imagine it quite a show stopper if a girl smelled like horse in certain regions...
S3 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :Jets need to be getting smaller, not bigger. I'd rather fly in a smaller airplane to whatever airport I want rather than fly with 700 other people (and their disgusting, crying, screaming children) to a huge hub airport then drive 4 hours to my actual destination. I think the hub and spoke system is on its way out and the future of air travel will be more like an airtaxi that you take with 10-15 other people.

But then, ticket prices would skyrocket.
S3 licensed
I voted PS3 simply for the fact that you don't have to pay to play online with it.

Other than that, I actually prefer the Wii, because it offers a very different gameplay than the other consoles. But then, I am a PC gamer at heart, so I mainly use consoles for fun simultaneous multiplayer in the living roo, when I have a few guests around.
S3 licensed
Quote from byte1 :

Her birthday

So you're okay with her ass being groped by multiple guys? :P
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin : If that kind of urge is there, something is wrong.

Or you have sexy siblings...

sorry, couldn't help myself.
S3 licensed
There is already a thread of this type. It has 582 replies.
Last edited by ColeusRattus, .
S3 licensed
Quote from mamoru :IMO, that is nothing. it is only 2 years. I was dating a girl who was 13 too. I am 18. (difference: 5 years)

Thats sick on so many levels, and illegal too. At least if you wouldn't live in the netherlands.
S3 licensed
Quote from DieKolkrabe :I doubt it'll be a success initially

800 orders as of yet, thus it's the most successfull boing airplane launch ever.
S3 licensed
Also, why do people blame the immigrants for being put in those houses by the authorities?

The more I think about it, the more it looks like the case of real estate owners telling the responsible guys that they have assets that they can't sell or lease at the moment, so they let immigrants and ultimately taxpayers just pay for them. I wouldn't be surprised if people in the administration also get their share...
S3 licensed
So does this arouse you too?
S3 licensed
I just hate to pick hair out of my teeth afterwards... Oh, sorry!

So the UK finaly has a brand of energy drinks which solely relies on 12 to 16 year old males who snicker and giggle while buying it. yay.
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :black people CANNOT be European factually, in a medieval timeset how many of European citizens were black? ... Even in WW2 days, how many citizens were black?

Now here's something for you to chew on: Right now, the most propable origin of mans dominion over the world is central africa. from there, early man ventured into asia, europe, and even america, australia and all the pacific islands.

Thing is, with evolution an all that stuff, that means that the very first europeans were black and direct african descendants. Us bleaching out in the harsher middle european climate was a lengthy process. So, by your logic, actually europe should be black, as they were the first to be here.

Also, I guess you are one of those who are worshipping an imported middle eastern diety, rather than believing in what your ancestors of old did, no matter if it was Odin, Thor, or celtic nature gods. So much for fear of migration induced change...
Last edited by ColeusRattus, .
S3 licensed
Quote from the_big_n00b :This MAY be off the topic, but, Don't you ever worry that you're eating H1N1 Flu infected pork chops?

oh right... you do know that you can't get a flu from eating the meat. At least as long as it is thoroughly cooked, which pork should be anyway.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Ah, the thing about tastes, thank god it gives an endless amount of discussions

On Inglorious Basterds: While I regard myself as a history film buff with a strong affinity towards WW2 (in so much as I find Band of Brothers just barely watchable, and SPR a completely awful movie, and only slightly better than the abysmal Enemy at the Gates), but I loved the Batserds. Don't know why, I simply loved it, especially Christoph Waltz' performance in it.
S3 licensed
Quote from JPeace :...the fact that we are too easy on people that "break" into the country.

You do know that the UK is the hardest country to get into in the EU. Even for EU citizens.

But I am really appalled how more than 70 years old ideas, which caused two world wars, are getting popular again.