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S3 licensed
Have had my first go at it and I must say I am quite dissappointed.

The handling is absolutely fubar, at least with my G25, set to 360 degrees of rotation (as that was recommended somewhere...). made sure all the deadzones are set to 0, but still, all the cars handle kind of remote and detached, so if I steer, it like: nothing - nothing - nothing - more steer than intended.
It also doesn't help that it appears to have some kind of countersteer mechanic in it which automatically corrects your spin (even on pro, witrh no driving aids engaged whatsoever). So if you do the natural thing and apply a little countersteer by yourself, you immediately go into tankslapping mode.
Also, I never ever had to change below gear 3, as gear number 2 is just "dorifto" mode...

Honestly, if it was developed by the old team, I'd just shrug and say: that's how need for speed is these days. But I had higher hopes in slightly mad studios take on it.
S3 licensed
nope, no actual gin in it, more like a cider, allbeit also a rather weak one.
S3 licensed
Not to jump the bandwagon, I just say I like chrome and I use it almost exclusively.

Concerning IE: Even having someone faxing you the sites you want to read would be better than using microsofts sorry attempt of a browser.
S3 licensed
I also don't think that this map is accurate. While we haven't as many turkish immigrants in Austria as the germans, we have our fair share of balkan muslims immigrating.
Not that I care though, I don't mind if the majority of the people in my country beleives in god, allah or the flying spaghetti monster as long as I am free not to believe in any diety whatsoever.

On a sidenote: Alcohol isn't a strong point of finland. Of course, fins do drink, but my short visit to Tampere taught me two things: 1) finnish beer is expensive. 2) And it's basically a sweet weak brew with no manliness in it.
No wonder you prefer Vodka up there. Allthough I did like your "Gin" drink :P
S3 licensed
Should be "corruptio mortalis divini", but my last latin lesson was 8 years ago
I fyou want it to be really latin, you can also spell it "corrvptio mortalis divini". Don't use capital letters.

And it should be understandable for all that don't know latin, as itonly uses latin based words...
Last edited by ColeusRattus, .
S3 licensed
So will this postpone the tyre physics and scirocco patch?
Hopefully this will silence some of the "we need more content" whining crowd
S3 licensed
I don't really think that this forusm are the appropriate place to discuss such matters.

But still, I will comment: Basically, the guy's right. He's too specific about islam, creationism and scientology though. What he really means is every form of religion, also including chrsitianity.
S3 licensed
don't care about the nut as long as it's coated in wasabi. yummy!
S3 licensed
That religion sounds so much more appealing that worshipping some bloke nailed to a cross.
S3 licensed
That would only be the case if the achievemnts were to encouraage odd behaviour, like for example "flip your car thrice". if the achievements were more sensible, like "qualify first and win the race without losing the firts position once (minimum 10 racers and 10 laps)", they wouldn't cause any problem at all (except maybe racing leaders quitting if they get overtaken once... but that wouldn't ruin the race for others.)
S3 licensed
The gameplay in this video looks extremely static and dull. I wouldn't mind the looks, but the gampelay just looks like a big turn off. The guns lack punch, both visually and in audio, and in effect on the enemy. It just looks like a generic shooter from the late 90ies to the early 2000s. Who cares about character developement and an open world if the gameplay itself is shallow?
Last edited by ColeusRattus, .
S3 licensed
Quote from optimizer2 :Great news ....but how does the update thing work
im a noobie

Pretty basic really: you wait till it's released, then you download and install it.
S3 licensed
I don't think it will make LfS run much better if you install Direct X. The Eee just doesn't pack enough punch to run LfS via Wine (which seriously hampers frame rates on fast machines).

Unless you install WinXP/Win7 I doubt you'll get it even remotely playable.
S3 licensed
The EeePC is simply lacks the power to run LfS properly. Nothing you can do about it.
S3 licensed
Well, I see your points, dajmin. But a lot of that can be diverted by the way the achievements/trophies/whatever are done.

For example, there is no need for nonsensical or race ruining achievements, like "go airborne" or "flip your car" or whatever.

On the other hand, it could be used to generate interest in content, possinly with time limited achievements, like an Aston Week, or the TBO challanges, which would be about achiving things on that track or with those cars.

I know that they don't and shouldn't change the core gameplay, but they can be a great tool to motivate people to play.
S3 licensed
I did propose achievements a while back and I still like the idea.

While it such a system isn't neccessarily for everyone, those who don't like it can simply ignore it as it's only merits are bragging rights, but for those who like it, it will be a strong incentive to race more.

Also, it can be used to generate interest in otherwise unused content.
S3 licensed
Feeling with ya. Going through a pretty hard time myself right now, at least concerning working.

I am a freelance journalist/PR-author for two companies right now. Sounds great on paper. I can do what I want at the times I want. Problem is though, I miss out on the best things on being an Austrian: no health insurance or pension plan (if I wouldn't care for that myself), no 13th and 14th wage (heck, in my profession I'd even get a 15th if I'd score a permanent employment... But it's about as likely to happen as winning the lottery).
Worst of all, due to the financial crisis, I haven't got any work to do since june, meaning no income whatsoever. And with me being a freelencer for years (I ought to have been on perma for at least 6 months in the last two years) I have no claim for unemployment compensation...
I am pretty much on a constant search for a perma job since the beginning of the year, as those developements were already showing, but I haven't got anything other than dozens of "Sorry" for an answer. That's especially frustrating as thrice, I was one of the two last applicants for the job.
Again, today I await the treaded call back from a company if they take me or not. I sit at my PC, staring at the phone, not daring to call them myself as I feel I will hear another "no", even though I had quite a good job interview. I'm sick I could almost vomit.

My problem seems to be thta I am too well educated for lowly jobs, but I lack the experience to get into the jobs I'm trained for. Right now, most employers are looking for people with multiple years job experience who will work for next to no money. If you fail at one of those two, you're out of the game.

Especially since I'm really low on cash by now. If my girlfriend wouldn't support me, I would have problems getting food on my table every day (unless I returned to my parents)

A "yes" would instantly wipe out my problems (allthough it might need more than that for my bank account to show something other than red). A "no" on the other hand would leave me quite without perspective for the moment. That stress is starting to take it's toll on me, and on my relationship.

I don't know how much frustration I will have to take though to defeat my worst enemy: my pride. I haven't yet really considered taking a job that is beneath me just to get money, as I not only don't want to spend most of my day in a job I hate, but I also fear that doing so might block me from taking opportunities that may still arise.

So, joining becky, if anyone has a job as a Journalist or PR-Manager, just mail me. Scawen, perhaps?
S3 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :...what a ruddy knob like statement to make

I'd love to try to explain to the eurofighter trainee pilots = "Okay lads, the training curriculum we provide is fairly hands-on. Take this £66.7 million Eurofighter for your first spin - and remember! If you don't know what the buttons or levers do, don't press it"

Fresh fish are no different to simulated ones. The fun is in the game/catch

Realism is a nonesential factor in sport.

You do know that these simulators are primarily used to teach people how to operate the systems of a plane, and NOT to teach them how to fly, do you?

JakGs point is perfectly valid.
S3 licensed
Yeah, I too think that a game review site loses it's credibility if it doesn't value a game strictly for its realism...

Dirt was a good game. Not a sim, by any means, and I do think it's bad that it was marketed as one and people outside of the sim genre believed it, but still, it wasn't bad.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :
Also, you might be able to store more energy by twisting the rubber of the balloon rather than relying on air power. Could use that to drive some wheels or a fan. Or maybe some hybrid system..

I like your thinking. Who said the balloon has to be inflated? I ust imagine a tiny wee car being propelled forward via a slingshot using the balloon as the rubber.
S3 licensed
Quote from VoiD :I have to disagree.

With a proper Wheel/3-pedal-setup, manual clutch and H-shifter on a narrow autocross-layout it should be possible to learn the simple basics.

Like manoeuvre cars, reversing, (reverse) parking, overtaking, not to crash when looking arround, do some phonecalls whilst driving, fiddle with the radio etc...

Not at all. LfS can't teach you how to drive a real car. What simulations can do though, and what theay actually do already, is teach the basics about what to beserve, what to watch and how the rules and regulations work.

But for driving a car, I think it's best to learn with the real thing.
S3 licensed
Bad idea. You'd have half the energy pushing the car on the ground, adding huge drag.
S3 licensed
I for one would ditch anything that would involve a body. You pretty much only need a base to hold your axles and the balloon together, without letting the ballon get in the way with the axles and wheels, or the ground.

As already said, use wheels as thin and as smooth as you can get them, as traction only hinders the vehicle, becaue a) the wheels are not driven, b) you don't need to turn and c) you don't want them to brake.

Pay attention to the axles and bearings, as you want them to have as little friction as possible.

Also, I'd try to experiment with a three wheeler, as one wheel less means 25% less friction on the axles and the ground.

I guess the shape of the balloon could also influence the airflow, so if you can chose the shape yourself, try out different ones for range and speed.

And lastly. I think you need to strike a balance on the weigth, as momentum will be what keeps your car going once the air is out of the balloon.
So a very light vehicle will stop more quickly than a heavier one, but it will reach higher speeds.
S3 licensed
Must be great to live in Austria then... the postman rings the bell twice, and he brings everything that's too big to fit into the mailbox right to the door of my flat. In the third floor (fourth floor for you americans, who don't know the concept of a house starting with the ground floor :P ). Without a lift (elevator).
S3 licensed
My brother is paramedic, specialized on emergency treatment, so he gets to be one of the first on the worst kind of accidents. You need both a very strong personality and a good team which does psychological supervising to cope with that on a dalily base. Still, especially after lethal highway accidents with children, he tends to be a bit on the pale and not eating side for a few days.

As he works for the red cross, he started as a volunteer with a basic training and worked himself up through courses, and is now getting schooled to be a chopper pilot.