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Common media practice to prepare for the death of a VIP. That way, only a tiny bit has to be added if that person dies and the coverage can be both swift and complete.

We had a fully researched special on Pope JP 2nds death years before he actually passed away at the newspaper I work at.
S3 licensed
Now there's something that interests me, as opinions go apart concerning my two most overrated games.

I wonder if the guys that like Fallout 3 or Bioshock played their predecessors, meaning Fallout 1&2 (tactics and BoS obviously don't count) and System Shock 1&2.

I for one think that those who don't like the new ones loved the old ones, as it is how I feel, and those who do like the new ones didn't care about or have never played the old ones.

Similar thing is going on with Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon. While the new games (Vegas and AW) are critically well recieved, they didn't cut it for me because I loved the old ones. On a sidenote I was especially flummoxed by R6 Vegas criticals success, as it was basically the same as R6:LetDown gameplaywise, only with shinier graphics...

Which brings me yet to another point which deeply troubles me about the game history: in recent years, graphical bling became more and more important, while gamplay stagnated or even got dumbed down so that everybody and his mom could beat the game on the highest difficulty. Oh how much do I miss times where games actually challenged you.

And that doesn't come down to me being a more experienced gamer, as I do play old classics from time to time, and some of them are still ****ing hard (Driver, Die by the Sword, pretty much all old school RPGs before Diablo and Baldurs Gate, etc.)
S3 licensed
Quote from R3DMAN :
i would also like to add that i know this road so very well, i drive up and down it to work every day and i have done for the past 2 years.. so i know when and when not to overtake...

Just a small hint of info: I had all my road accidents (of which none caused injury or deaths, except of a doe) on roads I drive on an almost daily basis for seven years. None of them were my fault, and funnily enough, I was below the speed limit every time.

Now you could argue by some twisted logic that I am actually safer if I speed then, but that would be beside the point.

The point actually is that if you use a public road to get an adrenaline rush, it will be just like with any other drug: to get the same effect you'll have to up the dose. If the drug is sporty driving, it can only lead to one consequence: somebody's going to end up badly injured if you're lucky, or dead. So I think, and you're entitled to disagree of course, that driving like this, allthough that one example can be regareded as only mildly offensive, should be avoided on public roads at all costs.
S3 licensed
Quote from R3DMAN :a bit harsh eh... its not like i was doing a lot of speeding.. majority of the time, i stuck to the speed limit.

I beg you NOT to think that only a second of careless driving can't ruin or end a life, including, but not limited to your own.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not for anally following every speedlimit, I myself tend to go quicker, especially if I am familiar with the road and I spend more time watching the road ahead instead of the speedometer,


and this BUT is deliberately big, you did some pretty stupid stuff in that video that is likely to kill, like the extreme overtaking maneuvers and racing that blue porsche.

Quote from BastianB :
everyone has to take his own consequences

The problem is that you can't act like that in public traffic, as the risks you personally take are shared by everyone who has the bad luck of sharing the same stretch of road at the same time. So it's not you alone who's to face the consequences of an accident.
Last edited by ColeusRattus, .
S3 licensed
This thread should definately be merged with that one, as the title fits both:
S3 licensed
Way to go, recording speeding on public roads. Good job, sport. You're my hero now.

And even engaging in a street race against another like minded (read: blank minded) wanker. Honestly, I hope you'll only kill yourself while driving, and not someone else you simply shot off the road.
S3 licensed
Allthough it is impressive, we don't know if the fix would cause havoc, for example because it needs so much CPU power that LfS could only handle one barrier, or that it would make online racing lag like hell...
S3 licensed
Honestly, I never found much appeal in the franchise. The gameplay is shallow and just an excuse for hours of admittedly well made cut scenes with tons of cheesy dialogue and a story that is deliberately trying to confuse...

But then, I kind of kidnapped the topic merely to rant, so feel free to ignore that.
S3 licensed
Well, I dare say it wouldn't be an issue if Lynce hadn't posted this to blame S14 for bad behaviour. So the only one to take the blame for the Flak he recieved is Lynce himself.
S3 licensed
Quote from bunder9999 :but it's not like he meant to ram him off the road... i think the rule is flawed. if he intentionally drove off the road and waited for them and rammed them off the road, okay... but yeesh.

would i report it? probably not. would i complain about it? maybe a little. i'm just glad i'm not the one processing the report.

edit: why is a platinum racing on race 1 anyways? i'm always hearing that race 2 is empty...

An intention is not a requirement to violate rules. It doesn't matter if he did it deliberately or accidentally, the result remains the same: he rammed a driver who was in the race out of it.
There is no need to discuss it any further.
S3 licensed
I disagree. It would only be a very minor "improvement" if you only drive certain cars on certain servers. If you race the same cars on different servers, you'd still have to check the fuel.
S3 licensed
The two most overrated games I played recently were Fallout 3 and Bioshock
S3 licensed
On a sidenote, I don't get why all of you ahve problems with Wii's tracking. For me, it works perfectly on all my controllers, and far better than PS3's 6-axis for example.
S3 licensed
I'd go for the Wii. Two Reasons: I dislike Handhelds, as the games feel even shallower than most normal console games.
And the Wii has just so much appeal to non-gamers that you can get it out at a party. You ought to have 4 controllers with nunchucks though (60€ each here). My game recommendations:

Wii Sports (d'uh, should be bundled with the console)
Rayman Raving Rabbits
Mario Party 8
Mario Kart
S3 licensed
Well, it could be done via a magical InSim server mod.

But I think it would be a pain in the ass to balance, as the time differences vary with each track.
S3 licensed
It just makes the perverted sytsem of what's allowed and what's not in our society obvious once more again.

It's no more harmful then smoking cigarettes or getting drunk, so IMHO not worth the fuss.
But seeing it's happening in bigot and hypicritical america, it's a scandal that will propably end Phelp's proffessional carreer, as most sponsors jump off, only to have him come back gloriously in one or two years, as a cleansed and changed person.

Quite rediculous really.
S3 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Typical "con" used by game companies.

Doesn't have to be a con.

Just look at Battlefield Heroes and Level R/Project Torque.

Both are free to play with those trendy micro transactions for extras. While BFH limits those to clothing for your soldier with no impact on gameplay, in Level R you can buy any item with real money, even though you can buy them with ingame money too if you grind races long enough.

I personally like the system because I don't have to pay to be competitive, but I can if I wish to (which I don't, I'm a cheapskate)

On the other hand, that largely depends on what you'll have to pay for in NfS World Online. If it's just optical mods, then I have no problem with it. And seeing that it's from EA, like BFH there is a chance for that to happen.

If so, I am looking forward to win against riced out hideous jokes of cars with my stock looking one
S3 licensed
You can get the GTR Evo without race 07 in ordinary retail stores, and you can buy it via Steam.

And contentwise it's exactly the same.

On a sidenote: the most recent STCC also packs into GTR Evo, so you have even more cars and tracks if you get that too.
S3 licensed
I do agree that realistic setup restrictions are a step in the right direction.

But I also think that the role of setups is overrated in a race. While a "good" setup might gain you a second or two over a lap, it usually makes the car so unstable and tyre eating that it's almost undrivable for anything longer than five laps.
Basically, it's still the skill that's the main deciding factor.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from 5haz :Romford has all your snow, loads of it here and its barely melted at all, clear skies now as well.

Want some snow? Ask nicely and I'll think about it.

You're from Romford? Cool, was there about 10 years ago for two weeks in a pupils exchange programme. Fond memories of the Sir Frances Bardsley School for girls . (and just to be clear: no, I'm not one :P It helped though that we were only 4 boys in my class and 23 girls to make an exchange with a girls school)

I know we're getting OT, but what I wondered back then is how do you guys orientate there? Romford is mostly streets with the same red brick houses everywhere, like a maze! Not even the taxi drivers there knew where to go to take me to my host family.
S3 licensed
amp, tristan (and myself) are not saying that 4wds won't have an easier time to get going from a standstill than other cars, but that once you are going, 4wd doesn't make a car any more safe or stable in snow.
S3 licensed
Quote from JO53PHS :
There's enough snow on the roads here that nearly all the small children going past my house are being pulled along on sledges

Another proof that you brits are the most optimistic nation! You not only own most convertibles per capita (IIRC, at least) for the one sunny day per year, but also sledges for the one snowy day per year
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Nobody told me! I was quite happy driving to work this morning. Even on the 'slippery' estates I was about 1000% faster (yet also 1000% safer) than anyone else I saw in their Supermarket Cars or Foxhunting Cars.

Well, I need to rephrase it then: Rubbish for anyone with no racing background whatsoever. It's just no rarity (and I've seen it twice this year already) that an old git in a beemer or merc does the only thing he knows to do when anything unsuspected happens: slam the breaks. Now I think you'll agree with me that this isn't really advisable.

Also, even though you are well able to handle a car in snowy conditions, you'd still find that a small, low powered, thinly wheeled fwd car (think of a Golf Mk2 for example) is easier to drive.