Well, a roll cage is actally a safety hazard on public roads, both for others and the driver and passangers ofbthey don't wear a helmet. So that regulation males sense.
Yes, because:
I dislike infamous
wolfenstein, tomb raider and battlefield are better to be played on pc
killzone was good, but not as good as part 3
and i haven't played rayman.
Also note the "right now". The games library is quite limited, so it's easy to be the best of the bunch
It might not be GTA V, but still, i think it's mroe enjoyable than the whole of the Assassins Creed games, while not reaching Far Cry 3's excellency.
Speaking of other UBI titles, it does kind of feel like a bastard child between AC, Splinter Cell and Far Cry 3, with a dash of Ghost Recon sprinkled on top.
So conclusively, while it has issues like wonky physics, some stupid control decisions (no jumping, no blind firing), it's still the best game to play on PS4 right now.
The last content patch wich was to feature the VW Scirocco was first announced to be released around christmas 2008. Since then, there's been only very little progress concerning released versions.
Also, whiele considerably pretty, it's both unoriginal and not very fun, combined with being one of the bad kinds of f2p titles, where you pay money for better equipment, instead of vanity items.
- I'm proud to be black, said a stupid man.
- I'm proud to be asian, said a stupid man.
- I'm proud to be white, said a stupid man.
Saying you're proud of your skin colour is like saying you're proud to have five fingers on every hand. It's just like nationality and, at least in most cases, religion, an attribute solely gained by chance, depending on where and to whom you were born.
Pride, on the other hand, is a feeling that you feel for having achieved something.
So conclusively, while I do think that people should feel good about themselves, taking pride in such stupid things they had no control over is - you guessed it - stupid!
And concernign the episode: was fun to watch, didn't catch the racist remark due to not being a native speaker. But I do think that as long as casual racism is still a thing (not only in TV shows, but in everyday conversations of ordinary peole), racism will be a problem. So I do think the show would've been better without that pun.
Yupp, second that. Somehow, people arguing against evolution tend to antropomorphize the concept and think that it, or nature, has some sort of goal that it's trying to achieve.
But there isn't a goal for evolution, and it's not an "active" process. It's not like there's some sort of entity (which, by definition would have to be a god) that says: "Well those finches need smaller beaks for survival, so let's iterate on them so they'll be better at surviving".
It's the other way round, it's a passive process! A Finch develops a smaller beak by random chance due to DNA mutation, an only then, it turns out he now has an advantage over the other bigger beaked finches. Thus, he can reproduce more often, which, in turn causes more smaller beaked finches to be born, and might even change the behaviour of it's fellow finches into looking for smaller beakes when chosing a partner.
As I'm fairly sure I'm right, here's my entry as I am about to leave for university for today and won't be able to screenshot a movie till tomorrow. I can answer in here though.
Turned out to be harder to guess than anticipated.
Now I know many in here are not too fond of competitive MP games unless they're of the racing kind, but here's what I tend to play quite regularly recently:
War of the Vikings.
Here's a longish video of me playing the newest version (after a hiatus of a few weeks caused by Intruder...)
Nuclear power is not only problematic when something bad happens. Yeah, it's relatively cheap and clean emmission wise, but it produces spent nuclear fuel which, due to it's quite long half-life is very problematic to store.
I once saw a documentary about one of those "final storages", inside an old salt mine. And the information designers there were quite unironically pondering the question how to communicate the dangers to potential far future finders/archeologists.
What I wonder is why other religions are not brought up more often in this thread. I suppose many of them have their own scritpure or narration concerning the creation of earth.
The main problem with Christianity (and most, if not all other religions) is their dogmatic nature. They're all basically saying: "We know the only absolute truth, and everyone else is wrong and damned for it, lest they change their ways". Now, as there are many forms of religion and beliefs out there, you don't need to be very smart to figure out that not all of them can actually be true, especially as most tend to contradict each other. So, in my humble opinion, thinking that all the others are mumbo jumbo, while the one you're subscribed to is the true one, is both arrogant and delusional. Chances are that your "faith-club" is the very same mumbo jumbo...
To quote Stephen Roberts:
“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”
I too can recommend ArmA, allthough part 3 is better in every aspect, from gameplay to optimisation. The only downside is that instead of contemporary weapons, thay have a slight Sci-Fi scenario, about 20 years in the future. Still very realistic.
I can also recommend Insurgency.
If you're more fon of WW2, the Red Orchestra 2 is worth a look.
If you like more "arcade" kind of FPS games, there's
Far Cry 3
Planetside 2 (F2P MP shooter, with vehicles, but not as abundant as inthe BF series)
Yeah, I too noticed that the AI is actually worse in GT6, as it's rubberbanding a lot. Even after major screwups, it's not too hard to catch up if the race has more than one lap to go, even when you're 100 PPs under the limit of the race.