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S3 licensed
I just noticed that you actually need the aero parts now. My MX5 Eunos roadster became undrivable once I fully upgraded it. Now with a front and rear spoiler, it looks stupid but drives better.
Last edited by ColeusRattus, .
S3 licensed
Quote from RasmusL :If they don't want to release Rockingham before the new physics are out, fine. Release some other content, would you?

Now if rockingham would be done, but withheld for some other reason, why wouldn't those same reasons apply to any other content in the pipes?

Of course, I'd like to have some new content too, but complaining about it doesn't make it appear faster, but it does make the forums a tad less inviting.
S3 licensed
hmmm... If I add up my breaks from LfS and the forums, they're probably longer than the OP is part of the community.

But then, I guess noone misses me while I'm gone, so no need for proclaiming when I'm back.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :The physics can wait, heck, it might even take 4 years more to develop new physics, but what is holding back tracks / cars from beeing released?

In the past, the release of patches was independent from Erics work, as in, not finished things like the GTR interiors would not cause a delay in the patch.

As for releasing content patches: I guess these too need coding work by scawen, and I only can assume that he doesn't want to be sidetracked by that. Especially since even a simple content patch would need a testing phase and possibly a bugfixing phase after release.

Also, content patches can increase the workload. Say eric made 3 new cars. Scawen could finish their physics with the current version, but would have to update them to the new physics when they were done. So if he simply postpones the release of said cars, it basically halves his work on them. The saved time can be used to improve the physics further.
S3 licensed
It always baffles me how many people think that Scawen is holding back the release intentionally.
I for one think that Scawen is the one person who wants the patch out the most. But thank god he also has high standards and won't prematurely release something and hope to get things fixed soon after that.

Just look at Minecraft developement: Notch has a completely different approach. He releases patches and fixes bugs later. Just look at the minecraft forums and watch people whine and bitch about how he destroyed minecraft.

The conclusion: no matter what Scawen does, people will complain. So Scawen's better off working on his own terms than trying to please the moaners.
S3 licensed
Got it in the mail yesterday, and played till I reached Level 8

As most things have already been said, I see what I can come up with that hasn't been mentioned.

Force feedback is really great for the premium cars (haven't driven a standard car yet). I especially like how the steering goes light when the front wheels lock up.

The graphics can be beautiful (and in motion, the standard cars actually don't look as bad as I feared. Still far from as good as i'd like though)

The physics are definately improved and feel more like Enthusias now. Still, to fully apreciate them, you need top turn the steering model to "simulation" and search through one or two other submenues to disable all driving aids. It almost seems like PD tried to hide their physics deliberately.

Also, the level system is rubbish. I kind of do understand that they wanted to give the a- and b-spec points more of a value than mere bragging rights, but as it is now, there are two hurdles to overcome to advance: level and money. Seems a bit redundant and unneeded.

EDIT: Btw, my PSN ID is ColeusRattus (surprisingly) if anyone wants to add me.
Someone with enogh free time and boredom should compile a list with all the PSN IDs mentioned in this thread.
Last edited by ColeusRattus, .
S3 licensed
Quote from RMachucaA :Dont you guys realize, that as every day passes, LFS falls behind more and more and more

LfS falls behind what?
S3 licensed
Quote from BOSCHO :

The GT Turbo in LFS v0.1 at an unpublished city track in Miami.

... which later was published as South City.
S3 licensed
Reign over me.
Awesome movie and easily adam sandler's best (not that that was difficult to achieve though...)
S3 licensed
Why do people always think that games have a certain exclusivity to them?

While it is true that I preordered GT5, it won't be a reason for me to stop playing LfS (allhtough I haven't raced online in a very long time...).

Don't make it appear as a choice, if it actually isn't.
S3 licensed
Having one or multiple guns at home, especially if they are NOT secured, but rather scattered around, will most likely getting someone hurt or killed who has found one and toys around with it. The worst case, but also most propable scenario is of a child doing that. Much more likely than using it to defend against an intruder.

Just look at the US of A. The high density of gun owners has obviously NOT improved overall security there. Quite on the contrary. Conflicts and crimes are more likely to lethaly escalate.
S3 licensed
Wow, I feel old now. I grew up with reruns of the flintstones and old school scooby do. Then we had Wickie, Heidi and Biene Maja.

I was about 16 when the cartoons you guys mentioned aired. But as Cartoon Network was in english, I still loved them as it was more cool than watching them in German. Also, it took a few years till they got dubbed, and the dubbed versions sucked.
Last edited by ColeusRattus, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :If you create an audio guide on comprehensive reading, then maybe you could also create one called "Public Relations for Dummies".

I am actually working in PR, and I actually do think that the best PR is honesty. He said what's up, he said why he did certain things, and why he did NOT do certain things. Perfect PR IMHO.
Also, I think that the seeimg lack of info actually generates a thrill in the community that's much more effective than flooding it with tidbits, especially if he has to cut out features again because they don't work.

The "lack" of info is also just a misconception by the community. We actually know all there is to know. We only get the feeling of lacking progress and/or information because Scawen isn't constantly repeating himself every few days. Honestly, what kind of insight would we gain if Scawen would post "still working on it" every week?
Last edited by ColeusRattus, .
S3 licensed
So, you're making a game but lack programmers and artists? Good luck with finding them if you can't offer paychecks.
S3 licensed
I guess by the trailer that it's hinting 3D TV support. The crashing scenes with the huge amount of floating debris only make sense if it is meant to be viewed in 3D.

On the game itself, I remain open, but not hyped. I quite liked Shift (and ProStreet for that matter) and I think those two were the best NfS titles since Porsche anjd actually quite fun to play.
Still, they were by no means Sims, and this one isn't going to be one either.
S3 licensed
Quote from arco :My Christmas gift for the devs will be this.

What does this situation have to do with customer service?
Scawen stated quite clearly what his goals are, what he's working on, and that he won't be posting aboput the progress until he met a milestone.

Honestly, a way better christmas present for this forum would be a (audio)guide on comprehensive reading for many people in this community.
S3 licensed
Quote from AstroBoy :Will be waiting for a discount me thinks.

Seeing as MW (part one) was only recentlly lowered from 59.99€ to 49.99€ in retail stores here, and MW2 still at 59.99, it might take a while for the price to sink to something bearable.

But then, IMHO you don't really miss anything out. I never got into MWs MP, and the SP portions suck really badly gameplaywise, even though they're well scripted.
S3 licensed
Being a fan of Il2, I can't wait for that. Literally, as watching that vid made my rig committing suicide. Guess after six years, it's time for an upgrade...
S3 licensed
Well, I deem guessing the weather in Britain easy: rain and fog, followed by rain and fog. after that rain and fog. At the weekend there's a slight change, as it'll be foggy and rainy.
S3 licensed
Quote from Franky.S :hodge podge?? but yea it is a mess, they should of kept the one from GT5P or GT4.

I actually thought that the GT mode from GT4 was a very unintuitive mess that took a lot of time getting used to. I preferred the GT3 interface.
S3 licensed
Quote from DodgeRacer :I enjoyed shift, no its not a good simulation, but it has good car models, good track models, and an interesting career mode that I actually felt like completing.

True, I also quite like Shift. Plus, I think I was one of 4 guys on this planet who actually though ProStreet was the best NfS since Porsche.

But I think the Codemasters games sell well too. IIRC, Race Driver Grid overtook the NfS franchise, at least the contemporary part.
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Abut apart from those tanks the Jaeger unt Koenigs Jaegers were awesome machines with really amazing suspension.

You mean Tiger instead of Jäger, I suppose.

But yeah, it's pretty much historical fact that the IS2 was the best tank. Not even of world war two, but of all time, as evidenced here. (sorry for the joke only people who frequent the Red Orchestra forums get)

Now back on topic... er.... well... humm.... hat was it?
Oh yeah. My car has 5 wheel nuts. Dunno why, my previous cars all had 4.
S3 licensed
Quote from TehPaws3D :How do you know this? I've used a map editor alot and I only see about 512.

That's because the map is generated as you go. It isn't infinite though, but "only" about 8 times larger than the surface of the earth.
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :the americans sort of tried that... doesnt work

I know. Still, no excuse for being hypocritical about it, is it? So either full deal or no deal, not the kind of arbitrary system we have now.
S3 licensed

GT5, here I come