Doesn't look anything like GT5's Autumn ring.
Alot more shrubs on the hills, different lighting, and the sun is actually moving and time is advancing, both on the track and the car's clock
GT5 was really dark inside the car due to the poor dynamic range of the HDR lighting
The guy later said he was able to get smooth laps, just the first few were not so. I think it's partly due to the noise and not being able to hear the RPM/revs and unfamilar track/physics
Possibly, subjective, but it's mainly because these GT6 tracks have dynamic night/day cycles now and changing weather - on all tracks, I assume, unlike in GT5
GT5's Autumn ring was a "frozen" track before, with fixed lighting
You can see the time of day is different in the GT6 pic
That's the thing, I've tried to get into the Live 8 demo several times now, but I can't make my head around it
Whereas with Reaper it just feels right, and usually everything is under the right mouse button click. It's stuffed to the brim with goodies. I think it sounds better too..