A suggestion, maybe have that shop site linked or even better merged, in the shop section of the main site. I didn't know that existed till yesterday and I've had the game a while.
Listening devices will now need software to access the iphone, this means lots of money in third party licenses for apple as well as the opportunity to impose DRM.
The problem is, you're happy with mediocre and quantity over quality. You are a mediocre driver on this game, though feel you've exhausted the content and I am sure you're fairly terrible on other sims switching between 170 tracks. That's why you value such bullshit as having lots of modded tracks over Scawen's programming achievement because it's inconceivable to you the level of what he's done.
Plus, what do you think will happen? He'll read this thread and think "the shallow bogan is right, I'll change work ethos just to please little twats like this" You're better off not thinking about this game and just carry on bending over and continue letting irental take your money and your self respect.
UK does exit polls for elections but not referendums. I don't think an exit poll can accurately call a referendum like it can an election because elections are decided in small areas.
Presumably there would have to be some sort of programming change to make it work with steam. They, or Scawen on his own rather, would then have to sort steam keys for all the users. They wouldn't get all the money per purchase. They would get absolutely murdered in the steam reviews for the way and rate of pace the game is worked on. Servers would likely get beset by the kind of idiots that use arcade racing games. Don't know whether you've ever been on Assetto Corsa public racing servers, full of numptys. So in short:
More effort that takes away from developing the game
Less money per purchase
Likely lowering the quality of racing in the game
Higher overall return is speculative.
Possible ethical objection to making a third party DRM a requirement.
I tried this with my G27. It detected it after I hit refresh but the wheel was near impossible to move.
One thing that would be nice would be the ability to calibrate a wheel, whilst on a server, without having to join first. Joining with an uncalibrated wheel has always caused it to go into a motorised spasm before shift + o is quickly entered. If you go to options when spectating, it is reading the input of the spectated car. Perhaps an option to calibrate the wheel from the pit screen/options button in the pit screen?
The sky, sun, pit garage all reflect in the dashboard glass of the FZR as if there is no car body/driver about. It's a fair bit immersion breaking. It also continues to show the sky if you turn it off. Other users on the server also reported the same issue. I don't know whether that ugly outline in the screenshot is standard or just because I am using a custom interior texture. The screenshot was taken at Westhill.
Dunno about that, Absolute Beginner's league had a 6 round cup of custom tracks using the outer Westhill environment http://www.absolute-beginners.nl/news.php?item.786.10 I've seen it being used in quite a few other places. Personally, I thought it was great. I know people keep saying to allow mods but the whole thing of adding custom objects into existing environments to create new places to race/drive has always been a much easier way of going on. I also haven't seen other racing games offering the ability to be able to customise environments the way LFS can be (correct me on that if I am wrong).