This is about the dead Russian soldiers that have died in Ukraine despite the Russian army not being in Ukraine according to stupid people
You forget that a lot of gamers are incredible bell ends. I have one Steam early access game and they release an update without fail every Thursday. Even did so on Christmas day. They still get accused of abandoning the game development.
No long term serious military conflict can happen without outside help. ammunition runs out, equipment gets destroyed, uniforms get worn out, all this has to be funded by huge loans. No, I do not think the Donetsk Rebels are holding off a large western assisted army with army defectors, captured vehicles and farmers who find a T-64's controls to be rather like a combine harvester. It's called realism.
A photo of a breakers yard with broken tanks proves nothing. Do you not realise how absolutely useless tanks with trees going through them are going to be?
This is indicative of the equipment they are using
I suppose they just happened to find an adjacent yard with a stockpile of fully working missiles to fit in their grad launcher too
Physician, heal thyself. Posting links from Russia Today to support the Pro-Russian position is no different from posting Fox news links to support an American position.
How about you explain to me how a civilian uprising has enough tanks, artillery, other weaponary and the people skilled enough to use it and to fight with an established, well equipped national army for many months?
Interesting, So, your claiming that Russia has officially, formally, sent troops into Ukraine, that would mean that Russia has now invaded.
Is that what you are claiming ?
Because I'd like to see far more evidence than you have currently provided to support your claim.
No, you don't. Anyone with the common sense they were born with can figure out that a civilian uprising suddenly having lots of tanks, artillery and well trained men in military uniform with flashes from a neighbouring ally is getting outside help. Oh, no, they're really the american illuminati pawns dressed up as Russians to start a world war and form the new world order.
Yeah, why pick LFS when you can get a game that's been on preorder forever or a "racing sim" which doesn't have flags, pitstops or anything useful for actual racing.
It is so crazy to see. I think white people get discriminated more. And i am black. I can say this you cabt then it would be racism. You must say that i am dark.
Here in mauritania africa we dont have christians and their churches not allowed by government. We hear in europe every religion is possible.. it is unthinkable here to accept the white religions..
The more you repeat something.. eventually many weak hearthed people will believe it..
Six months forum ban is harsh. He might start going out, interacting with people in the flesh, having sexual intercourse, getting an appreciation of the world around him. *Shudder*
It's a shame people now start to think i don't care. I've always cared, but since LFS's income got so low due to inactivity I had to find another full time job which is keeping me extremely busy these days, leaving very little time left for LFS. And I also want to spent some of my free time as actual free time every now and then, otherwise what's the point of life? Also, if there are more important things that need fixing, then I'll look at those first.
But items that are posted in the bugs section will be looked at, when I have time.
Sorry if I sounded a little harsh, wasn't my intention. What I found weird is that nobody of the usually helping people posted in my bug thread, Flame and you do so well your job that I got too used to get inmediate help and solutions
Have you been hosting your own races? If I remember correctly, that can screw up your logging in to other servers if you don't clear the info in the hosting race form.
Yet it was the Brits who still sided against the German.
The German who was wrong and has admitted he is wrong. Bit ridiculous to make out like the Brits supporting their nation's drivers is somehow odd when it absolutely is not.