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S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :/echo X [ makes message X appear on local computer screen ]

Any possibility of a local version of /rcm? overridden by remote obviously.
S2 licensed
Well, i failed, and google failed. Maybe i switched to the stream_ function set even earlier. To me, it seems the socket extension for php4 simply isn't finished, and with things being so incredibly simple in php5, it's absolutely not worth the hassle.

So, switch to php5 or install a separate cli-only php5 to use for this, because while there might be a magic trick to get it somewhat working under php4, comparing the amount of work involved under php4 to the amount of work under php5, using php4 seems like a really bad idea. Even if you're trying to run it under a webserver where you for some reason really don't want to switch php versions--and wan't short bursts of data off insim, running an exec or system call to a php5-cli would be less work, and you'd have the output in php4 thru stdout.

I do know for sure that i've been playing with sockets in php4, probably TCP, and had those non-blocking errors, another problem completely solved by php5.
S2 licensed
Quote from St4Lk3R :Were you able to receive messages from insim?

I was able to send and receive, but i could not in any way manage to get the socket functions in php4 and the socket dll/so to work non-blocking, meaning any read or write operation would halt the entire script until it was finished.

You really should move to php5, php6 is already on it's way, but i'll try writing something short for php4, hang on.
S2 licensed
Quote from racemania :the big problem for me is that i cant seem to figure out what im doing wrong.

My guess is you're trying to achieve this without any form of server-side scripting/cgi (php/asp etc.)

Result: you can't, all the code/snippets posted in this thread deals with fetching statistics and info from lfsworld using a server-side scripting language such as PHP or ASP, HTML is used to present the information, not gather it.

Solution: find out if your web host offers any server-side script support, if you're running your own web server, find out how to offer it yourself.
S2 licensed
Haven't read or tried the class yet, but iirc you should get some kind of console output from LFS even if you're not sending the right stuff.
Packet received before ISI packet, Admin password doesnt match, unknown packet (x bytes).

And a successfull InSimInit should of course render ..
InSimInit: port x

S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :There is like no documentation or tutorials?

As for programming, there's nothing special about Insim, your tutorials would be about basic networking and dealing with binary data.
S2 licensed
I'm in!
S2 licensed
Quote from alland44 :Did they play with a car ?? NO !

:eclipseeh :soccer: :eclipseeh :static:
S2 licensed
I'm getting the shift-f4-stuck-in-black-window thing with U10.
S2 licensed
Quote from troy :i hope its just a normal ban that lasts 24hours so i can play again tonight

It's a normal 24h ban, would be alot shorter if it could.
Quote from Atixt :the server seems to be down now?

It's restarted now.
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :My god, I'm completely lost now.

Just think of it as different button confiuration files, or different profiles, changed thru /run'ing a file, such as /run change_to_paddles.txt, which should change your in-lfs-button-configuration to shift with the paddles.

So you'd have paddles.txt, sequential.txt and stickshift.txt, /run'ing them would switch the buttons/settings around so you wouldn't need to configure it yourself, change wingman profile, or run another copy of lfs
S2 licensed
Quote from joen :You're clearly exaggerating.

Not really, his html and css just isn't valid. Only a small part of css was valid since there was actually not much css at all, which i didn't notice.
S2 licensed
Quote from jinxboy :? more explain please?

Your html doesn't follow the specification of the doctype you've got set, it therefore fails validation. Your CSS contains a whole load of non-standard properties and has only a small part which is actually valid.
S2 licensed
Not valid html, not valid css.
S2 licensed
Maybe check your global profiler settings first, ie. profile assigned auto / fixed profile etc.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from Gener_AL (UK) :Physics - Locked
Track/Editor - open
Car/Editor - Locked
Gui/Gamemodes - open

S2 licensed
And why use two arrays when you only need one?

while($row mysql_fetch_array($res)){ 
$TeamMembers[$row['nick']] = $row['nome']; 

S2 licensed
Quote from soyobr :Any light?

Can't say i really understand what you're asking for, but if it's the array creation ..

while($row mysql_fetch_array($res)){
$nicks .= "{$row['nick']},";
$nomes .= "{$row['nome']},";
$TeamMembers explode(","$nicks);
$InGameName explode(","$nomes);

.. or ..

while($row mysql_fetch_array($res)){
$nicks[] = $row['nick'];
$nomes[] = $row['nome'];

S2 licensed
Probably because PC-games are designed to run on monitors where pixels are very sharp, and movies are designed to be displayed on various sources where pixels are more or less blurry. LFS has a setting for message size somewhere, only affects the chat messages iirc but atleast you could try maxing that if you can't read the chat on the TV.
S2 licensed

So if i did have enough sleep and got it right, that'll be about ~1,02mb/s or ~8.6 Mbit/s for 60 cars at a mere 3 pps, sticking with only 3 spectators.
S2 licensed
Quote from micha1980de :ok, your point. but what would be the solution? uncompressed all the way? Or do you have a better codec in mind?

A good choice might be a windows popup asking for which codec i'd want to use, from which i'd probably pick uncompressed most of the time. Simplest and fastest would probably be to just offer uncompressed output for both audio and video.
S2 licensed
Quote from micha1980de :or am i wrong?

You're talking of something completely different.

The basic math concerning capture speed would include how many cpu cycles LFS needs to draw a frame, and how many cycles for the codec to save the frame. Choosing a fast codec would seem like a good idea here, since LFS tends to use quite alot of cycles.

MJPEG isn't a fast codec for reading either, which doesn't exactly help the process of editing captured video.

Quote from wikipedia :.. most M-JPEG implementations are designed for interlaced video, M-JPEG is not well suited for movies that are smaller than television resolution. Movies designed to be viewed on progressive scan computer monitors (like web movies or CD-ROM videogames) are ill suited for these implementations of M-JPEG.

.. did i mention it's pretty damn slow, too?