Hello folks,
I would need some helps, as I guess I am becoming a bit old to catch everything ...
I will describe briefly my configuration, and I hope someone can explain me how is supposed to work the refresh rate at 75Hz on my damned screen.
So first of all, I have for my computer the following stuffs :
- win10 64b
- Geforce GTX 1070
- Monitor iiyama 25" ProLite XU2590HS-B1
I suppose the rest is useless to explain ... but I have nothing to hide if needed.
I remember having read max vertical frequency 75Hz for the monitor.
Suddenly (1 year and half after having bought it), I noticed that games I ran were only proposing me display modes with 60Hz ...
So ... where is this damned 75Hz ???
I then began to read on internet wtf was going one : hopefully I was not alone.
1- it seems we must install the screen, and not get the PnP one of Windows, done, but not sufficient.
2- it seems the use of a Display Port is mandatory : HDMI would not allow 75Hz to be available. I was doubtful, but anyway I bought a cable HDMI (screen is having only HDMI or VGA) to Display Port (8€) for ... the SAME RESULT ??
But by digging a little, I found Windows proposing me 75Hz, but with a "low" resolution (1440*900) ... what the hell is that ? is the graph board not able to handle the thing ? or the monitor ? should not the vendor explaining the max resolution for 75Hz if it is the case ?
If you have some ideas/explanations : you are welcome !