edit : I did some bs (discovering) and tomorrow the links will die ... should have practiced more before doing stuff like this
edit2 : fixed my bs
edit3 : corrected first link
BTW where is Degats doing the Juxtapose thing . We count on you, changes are kind of discrete : having both images side by side to see the differences is mandatory
Let's trust in Eric and the karting tracks : remember Westhill => almost nothing spoiled, and 2 additional tracks
By the way we received a newsletter ^^ ! It's been a longtime since we get one
1- does not mean Eric was finishing autocross They may choose to share whatever they feel is the best to share, not consequently the latest materials updated
2 - go to /cp 14406116 -103306151 8933792 -28280 2508 0.0 40.0 in shift+U mode, and you will see that the karting is not visible from there, and the road we can see in this screenshot at the bottom right is going exatly there
Not a VR nor multiple screens user aswell, but just to see if it can work with small workarounds, what happens if :
- you use a single monitor or try to duplicate the display on the monitors instead of enlarging the desktop
- delete the file "card_cfg.txt" in your LFS folder as per https://www.lfs.net/patch-6g notes on the Rift and start again LFS
Initial price is 0 : demo is free and unlimited and is containing everything "locked", else than 3 cars and some BL configs, that you may "unlock" eventually if you buy S1, S2 or S3 levels !
indeed, no other companies are updating their already sold product more than ten years later ... free of charge . I wish Scavier to sell many more licences in the months to come
And again, in current world, having a beautiful product that is not leaving the taste of half-done things is a very good move : LFS is clearly going to be highly polished in all aspects and this is a very good news. I hope Scawen is progressing well on tire physics assumptions (if we can call his algorithms assumptions ), and his will to separate graphics and physics parts : understandable he is not talking too much about it. Eric is undoubtfully doing great things on the 3 remaining tracks.
Why complaining when it is clear we will get a huge (and not small) update coming ?
It is great to have motivated and nice guys doing such great things, some would try to demotivate them ? You can’t be serious !
Enjoy waiting for the test patch ! (BTW, will we get test patches track per track or the whole thing at once ? Eric will go mad if he has to address all the small thingies we will found)
indeed, even if it has been slow and if it could have been fullfilled with plenty of other cars and tracks like the initial years of development might have let supposed, it is crazy to act like bitches now ! When obviously things seems to be brilliant at the least for the future !
Scawen has spent a few weeks on kerning ? Eric has not finished the track he is working on ?
... that's life. There is no promises on what they must do for LFS, but in the end they want to do things better, it is all that matters. How many other simulators with serious flaws are having the development team explaining you that everything is perfect, so they begin another project keeping the previous one unfinished ?
Clearly Scavier rock, and I hope they can release this graphic update as long with the magical tire physics update that will allow them to implement new contents (what you can be sure the team is waiting for a longtime now (VWS, mythical rallypack, and things they never spoiled etc etc ...)
Current tire physics is containing several flaws that need to be cheaten with setup to have something almost good. A good example, use force view with a FWD, you will see that when turning the inside wheel is leaving the ground. Workaround is to stiffen the front ARB and block the LSD => not very true in real
The term used by Eric was "visceral" I'm ready for the visceral effect
There is 100% chance they are deleted (remember Rockingham update was leading to OOS)... 3D kerbs are most probably not only visual ^^
And if we consider there is a chance that tire physics come aswell ...
If the next update would include tire physics, then most probably yes, we will see it.
And maybe when the progress reports of South City or Fern Bay will come it will figure the VWS in action But dreams do come true ...
one of the reason : LX8 version was leaked, VW's one not ... So the treatment will be different ^^
But for now, let's not disturb the master, he may be in the final stage of testing the new tire physics before writting a progress report
Indeed, LFS remains the driving/racing simulator I will always use.
Who is still playing AC or GP Legends regularly ? Most of the time you enjoy these sims a lot when you discover them, but after a while you are not keen to run them anymore ... Not the case with LFS
I am not sure licensed contents is helping that much, even if it is nice to have the feeling to have the real thing through your wheel (AC is quite successful in some cases on this aspect ... but in the end it is less pure than LFS in the global behaviours of the cars, leaving a mixed feeling). Having plenty of different architectures of vehicles is a must, this is where LFS is lacking a bit : some kind of modern supercars, GT3 racecars, and I let you imagine everything else the new tire physics will allow to bring.
From memory but I am not sure, Scawen or Victor was talking about changing the skin format and having a kind of reserved bit/byte per pixel to allow a dirt effect to be implemented