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S2 licensed
Last edited by Flycantbird, . Reason : oops, double post
S2 licensed
Consoles vs PC's is a bit like Pop Music vs Jazz. The majority of people purchasing are content with the disposable, middle of the road product, and don't want to be bothered with anything more complicated.

A minority want much more, and can't tolerate anything that isn't extremely complicated and challenges them.

Miles Davies will never replace Brittnay Spears as a popular celebrity.
It's comparing apples and quarks.

But this isn't a problem, it's reality. PC Sims not selling as well as Consoles ? More people would prefer playing Gran Turismo than LFS ?
Not suprising, and perfectly natural. And not about to change anytime soon.
S2 licensed
I think S3 will include a Soap Box Derby. Even if it doesn't -
LFS rules
S2 licensed
Sorry, but this is such bullshit.

America is 50 times the size of most of the countries that other members of the forum post from - hence there is a proportionatley represented number of idiots, fat people, losers, winners, sexy women, whatever happens to fit your argument of the moment.

For anyone to say any country consists of all ( fill in the blanks ) is simply a way of venting their own frustration over....whatever...or a way to simplify the world so they can appear to to understand it.

I've lived in many areas of the States, and have travelled outside it, but that doesn't make me an expert on either. I have met a lot of people, and they ( and I ) certainly don't view America as perfect, or as super righteous, or as any of the predictable descriptions that come up in these 'debates'. Again, there are a proportionate number who do.

It might be surprising to some that people are pretty much the same, deep down, on every square inch of the planet. Of course they have different environmental influences - but intelligent people can think for themselves.

Of course you'll always find someone who has a huge button mareked
"PUSH ME", and you'll get the desired response. Then you can dance with joy as you've proven to yourself and the world that you really do have a deep and intuitive understanding of the world.

But ffs, all you see on forums and bulletin boards is mindless arguing for the sake of arguing - endless heat with little light.

If there is one area, or population that's overly represented by idiots, I'd say it would have to be the internet.

In conclusion....phoeey.
S2 licensed
Quote from sil3ntwar :not exactly hard to understand.

Punctuation never hurts. None-the-less, welcome to the S2 side
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :It seems that the "nk pro RSC spokesman" has changed

Let's just hope that an LFS patch kills it

Frankly, the last LFS patch pretty much killed it for me.

I'm happy for everyone who's suffered through the debacle, and is finally getting something for it, but I personally can't seem to get all too excited about a 5-month-after-the-fact patch for what I'd consider the second best (at best) sim.
S2 licensed
Leave For Speed would be an entirely different game, wouldn't it ?

If it helps, "live" rhymes with "give", not with 'drive'

S2 licensed
Quote from faster111 :yes but i canrt even enter a 1 hour on like get wasted by crc.

I ran this through bablefish and my computer locked up.
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :They are the eyes of your disappointment. They are the eyes of your own self-decay.

And all I saw was paint shop pro.
Still...self decay.
S2 licensed
so it isnt so much the bad spelling or the poor grammar but honestly there should really be a punctuation checker anyone can read even when letters are omitted from every word its easy to follow not when there are no periods comma etc it just keeps coming i want to drive faster maybe its the power supply but honestly i dont so much worry about spelling its more punctuation making me head hurt in the future ill be online now im not so thanks
S2 licensed
Quote from Alan Dove :I didn't say he wasn't self-taught! But his knowledge of musical thory was clearly evident!

Actually, he was not doing much more than standard blues stuff. He was hardly a monster of theory - even by his own admission.

Some of his chord work was advanced, especially towards the end of his career, but his solo's are rarely much more than B.B. King on acid and heavy distortion.
Last edited by Flycantbird, . Reason : Oops, Gunn's post wasn't there when I started typing
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :
With mouse you can have very precise and steady inputs. A hand is also faster and more precise than a leg. The problem with the mousers is that their throttle and brakes are digital, but with some damping this can be easened.

I don't think this is the case ( hand faster and more precise).
As you stated, the mouse controls are digital, and there is no real finger tip sense involved. None-the-less, people can get used to whatever input they have available, and be fast, as they no no other options. I used to be pretty fast just using a joystick before I got a wheel.

But the point is, you CAN feel what's going in in LFS more so than the other sims. As people mentioned, the steering feels 'light', you also feel the brakes aren't taking effect at 3/4th throw where they normally do at 1/2. You can 'feel' that you are travelling too fast, or that the wheels aren't digging in, at various points in a curve. Yes this is based on visual cues, but so is real world driving. They have more physical sensations to rely on, but they still have to realize they are at 'point C' in a turn and should be at a given speed/angle, etc.

The racing in LFS is instinctive, which is the bottom line for why it's so much better. It's not simply point to point, otherwise, so many people would not be so constantly improving - you'd simply plug in the formula and be tied with the WR if that was the case.
S2 licensed
Sorry if I missed a thread on this elsewhere, but I was wondering who'd tried GTR2, and what you think ?

I d/l'd the demo last night. After messing with turning off the various 'helps' and getting the controls correct, I thought it felt pretty good, actually.

The weather effects were pretty good, although I haven't yet driven where the track is drying out over time ( as it's said to do). Driving in early morning, with the sun suddenly blinding you as you crest a hill is cool.

I know it's not LFS, and it's not my intent to compare it.

I just thought it was more drivable than most of the other non-lfs sims I've tried. The AI seemed ok too, although it's hard to judge with so little time spent on the game. The night driving wasn't as spooky as other games, but it wasn't a total resource hog, either.

What do you think ?
Last edited by Flycantbird, . Reason : changed typo - 'wasn't a total resource hog'..not 'was'
S2 licensed
I was searching for some dev look-a-like photos, but had no luck.

I did accidently stumble across a photo of another dev team, one that isn't anxious to have their images displayed publicly too often.

Apparently,a new vehicle is in development, and should be released 'soon'. ... estlavie/cestlavie_05.jpg
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :I notice how terribly my family drives. When my mom is driving on a straight, flat road at a constant speed, it is like this:
gas-brake-gas-brake-gas-brake-gas-brake. It is so annoying.

Lol. I make a tedious drive on a long boring highway a couple times a month, and see your mom, or possibly some distant relatives, every time.

I started to write about something similar that drives me crazy, but realized this isn't the "Things that make you go @#$!@#$" thread, after all.

As George Carlin says, there are two kinds of drivers. Anyone going slower than you is AN IDIOT, and anyone racing past you is A LUNATIC.
S2 licensed
I'll make the switch to G25, but from the Momo Black.

I'm not that disatisfied with the Black, I just think the G25 will be that much better. Plus I'm worried about the age of my current one ( about 2 years of hard use).

I'll keep it around for banger racing, though
( or put it in the G25 box and return it for a refund, as someone suggested in another post).
S2 licensed
Get a second job and quit after the first day.

Find a crappy piece of costume jewlery for 5 pounds, tell your wife you got the money back and immediatly spent it on a ruby for her.

Bet a friend that you can out perform him over 5 laps, and don't lose.

Just don't sell your licsence.
S2 licensed
In the real world, I'm constantly sorry there are no buttons to bind to text messages. "BLUE FLAG" and "@#$!#$%NOOB" opportunities present themselves daily.
S2 licensed
I would buy a liscense plate bracket that said
"my other car is a (fill in your favorite LFS car)"
S2 licensed
Look for a patch called MomoRacingPedalsFix on the wingman site.
It cleared up all my problems, and they haven't returned ( well over a year).

Here's another thing that might help. Before you start LFS, go to the windows control panel and the game controller - do a cal there ( forget the wingman software). On my computer, it's never quite right until I've rotated the wheels and fully depressed both pedals.

Then start LFS, and while the opening screen is playing, turn the wheel full left and right, and depress both pedals. Do this anytime you computer has been rebooted.
S2 licensed
Quote from Dumpy :On the contrary, ghost mode is great when you don't have a proper internet connection. Thanks for the advice though?

Different strokes for different folks.

I've had the black momo for 2 years now. The only problems were fixed by a patch from wingman (the sudden loss of full accleration) and an occasional cleaning out of the pedals. I haven't done that in 6 months or so, with no problems.

I'm planning on buying the G25, but am a little concerned that the wheel itself is larger. I rather like the small wheel. None-the-less, I wouldn't necessarily rule out the momo black, as you can get it cheap, and it feels very good (for the money).
S2 licensed
I've been playing rFactor for 2 days now, and unless I'm missing something ( which is possible ) I can't get any reasonable control of the cars.

The brakes don't make sense no matter what I do, I'm always slowing down way too soon, or skidding thru the turn, with no in between.
The steering is similar, although not as bad.

I've done a lot of tweaking to the controls and the setups and can't seem to get it to feel just 'good' ( as opposed to great).

In LFS, I know where the car is going to go, I can look down the road, and imagine how I want the car to get where I'm looking, and that's where it goes. I can modulate the brakes and I know what's going to happen, and I can maintain speeds with the gas or brakes, or hustle the car in mid corner, etc.

I don't get that feel whatsoever in rFactor. I seem to be fighting to have the car not go where it shouldn't go, and that's a huge difference (in comparison, I do think nkpro felt pretty good, and I could control those
cars - just not on-line )

I don't know, I'd been driving the Fo8 at FE Gold for the previous week, and was really pusing it to my limits. I got back in it today for comparison, and I could barely drive a lap. I was unwillingly anticipating fighting the car as I had been in rFactor. It quickly got better after some laps.

As I say, I could be missing something ( please prove me right, I welcome it ), but LFS seems FAR superior. Maybe the two just can't be compared ?

Many of the rFactor mods are cool, the karts for example, and the real world tracks are something I miss from previous sims - but not even so much the 'real world-ness', just the huge variety of turns.

If there is a weak spot for LFS, I think the tracks are a bit too 'samey'.
Yes they are different, but there are a lot of high speed turns, broken up by extreme tight turns. Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying there aren't tracks I like a lot, but I'm looking forward to new tracks as much as anything in the future.

Granted it's a beta S2, and the bottom line is how it feels to drive, which I love. I'm certain there is much to come, too.
S2 licensed
The one on Fern Bay Black with that woman in the grandstands lifiting her shirt.
S2 licensed
if it's not too late, can someone send me an invite ?

flycantbird at
