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neat volvo
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If Obama is not using alleged voter fraud as campaign ammunition, it means there is not enough evidence to back it up, or he doesn't want a recount of how many dead people voted for him in 2008.
S2 licensed
Quote :Next bitch fest please US trolls !

He's got a diplomacyboner
S2 licensed
The record stands.
23 million jobless
47 million being fed by working taxpayers
deficit has doubled
Foreign policy of apologizing and seeming humble has emboldened our enemies around the world. Can't even protect members of his own administration.

People will vote for Romney because we can't afford four more years. I will vote for Romney because I would like to be rewarded for my work. I would like to help my family's small business grow into a big business without worrying how much we'll be punished if we make over $250,000. If the employers in the US don't support Obama and cannot hire under his policies, how does he think he will create jobs? Oh, right, hire thousands of unionized government workers to grow the bureaucracy and expand his voter base.
S2 licensed
Where was Obama's grand idea last night? Where was his succinct defense of his record over the last 4 years? He has nothing to run on except more promises. My parent's health insurance costs went up $4,000 after Obamacare was passed, and the middle class tax cut Obama keeps mentioning was only the extension on Bush's tax cuts.

I was yelling at the TV when both were rambling about the percentage of oil drilled on private vs. federal land, when Romney had an ace in the hole with yet another company inflated with $132,000,000 taxpayer dollars that went bankrupt due to Obama's predilection for gambling with taxpayer money on "green" manufacturing for customers that have never existed.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
yes if anyone disagrees with you its abusive. Sounds like typical left-wing victim rhetoric.
S2 licensed
oh nice save by the moderator to keep Obama from being pinned by his own remarks about the assassination in Libya. If he didn't know, a week after the attack, that it wasn't an amateur youtube video that caused the deaths of our diplomats, then that is the ultimate failure. Not even the fact that the ambassador knew he was in danger and was ignored, and the terrorists gained yet another victory on 9/11.
S2 licensed
Romney hasn't even brought up the part about Obama investing almost 1 billion dollars in "green energy" companies that promptly go bankrupt after giving funds or support to his campaign, and happen to be managed by his supporters. A missed chance indeed.
S2 licensed
Obviously you're a man stuck in the country you live in instead of the one you're obsessed with.
S2 licensed
I doubt that the middle class Iranians are seeing the democratic world united against the ayatollahs and deciding to support them anyway. If they are I don't think they are as educated as you think. This whole thing is blown way out of proportion IMO. We would be better off giving Israel the intel and means to deal with the problem in a way they are satisfied with, since it is their country faced with annihilation in the first place. If Iran actually gained and used a nuclear weapon their country and everyone in it would be destroyed in a retaliatory nuclear strike.
S2 licensed
This is why we need term limits for all elected officials above the local level.
S2 licensed
Let me remind you all that we do live in a world of peace and harmony compared to places in the world where religion is the State, meaning religious heresy and political dissent are the same thing, and both are punished by death. The fact that secular society can coexist so well with Christianity in the first world is the culmination of hundreds of years of progress for both sides. I think we do very well if the thing we worry about is people saying mean things to each other.
S2 licensed
There is no great divide between the ethics of Christians and the ethics of everyday secular democratic citizens, which most religious people are 6 days of the week. They may disagree on a few points but are practically identical at least compared to other societies like in Saudi Arabia or the Sudan.

Quote :But such problems only exist because of religious practises.

Are you saying that only religious people have accidental pregnancies or that only God causes them? I don't think being against abortion is entirely unreasonable whether you prescribe to a religion or not. I personally am not against abortion in most cases.

Some Atheist groups spend a lot of time and energy fighting Christianity in the US. It seems like it would make more sense just to ignore it. For example, a high school student died in California and there was a service held in the gymnasium wherein a minister delivered a service. An Atheist sued the school for bringing religion into a government space (case was dismissed). That is just spiteful. You can't be smug about being right after you're dead, especially if you don't believe in an afterlife.
S2 licensed
Where was New Zealand's army and navy when Bahrain needed them?
S2 licensed
next debate is on foreign policy, right? I can't wait to see Obama try to spin the fact that supporting the Arab Spring to promote democracy ended up creating Islamist theocracies that we are giving billions of dollars to.

I would like to read that list of 27 lies you're claiming. How about truths? 47 million Americans on food stamps for one, no one can get small business loans and grow their businesses, Obama's tax the rich strategy punishes job creators big and small...etc.
S2 licensed
If religious groups in the US are responsible for almost 100 billion in charitable donations, I would say that is evidence against the notion Atheists hold that Christians are selfish and bigoted. I don't know who these Jews or Christians are that you're meeting in person, but I have not found them to be categorically mean-spirited either in person or ideology. As religions go, they are quite benign.

If Christianity did not exist, I think there would still be a lot of people in the world uncomfortable with vaccuuming a half-formed child out of a woman and throwing it in a dumpster.
S2 licensed
for directions to Mars?
S2 licensed
Quote :With all due respect, I don't care what you enjoy.

Wow so much for discussion. I should have known you only drew me into a response so you could tell me to **** myself.

I brought up the difference between charity and welfare in the post you responded to. It is relevant to what I was saying, and with all due respect I don't care that you chose an unrelated topic.

The link I posted shows that religious groups in the US, predominantly Christians, donated almost one hundred billion dollars to religious charities in 2011, the largest recipient of charitable donations. (total donations x percentage given to religious charities = not made up statistics)

You're an ****.
S2 licensed
He doesn't have any votes.

Romney spoke about returning power to the state and local governments, that would seem to be up your alley. Also reducing corporate welfare and "too big to fail" ideology.

You would never be happy with anyone or anything in America. Let me know how New Zealand's space program is doing. Is there any wool in the International Space Station?
S2 licensed
you're in danger of being involved in too many discussions, but I don't believe humans need to be told how, when, or why to achieve goals important to them. Choice is the difference.

Now you can proceed with your priori assumptions.
S2 licensed
Mitt "Steamroller" Romney. Even Bill Maher commented that Obama needed his teleprompter badly. Not that I agree with Bill Maher of course, Obama could have read the back of a cereal box and have had equal substance.
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :Your creator is a nebula?

It certainly is.

Show me

Quote :Oh, also, the problem with donating money is that you don't know exactly where it is going to be spent. There is always the chance of someone who works for the charity blatantly stealing, or even innocently wasting the money and/or getting taken advantage of despite having good intentions.

Is that chance more or less than the government blatantly stealing it? Despite their good intentions of course. I bring this up because some Atheists believe that government welfare can replace religion as a major source of charity, not understanding that the joy of donating time and money to a good cause is because it is voluntary and self-directed, not coerced under threat of incarceration.

Quote :There are plenty of food donations other than from Churches.

That is true, but I was mainly arguing against the notion that religious people are selfish bigots when in fact they are the largest source of charity around the world, not just in their own rich white communities.

Quote :I just know mainly about Jews.

They're almost identical. I don't see any major differences between Jewish and Christian values. So lets say that Judeo-Christians are more altruistic than selfish and power-hungry if you would rather combine them.

I enjoy Christianity because I like the people involved, and because it is the best vehicle for meaningfully helping causes that I believe are important.
S2 licensed
My Creator:

My Community:

The power hungry bigots at my church have used the offering taken each Sunday to fund a school in Kazakhstan so that the children can have a greater chance of going to a university and escaping poverty. Christians donate more money to charity than any other group in the world. Who says you have to believe in a supreme deity in order to meet nice, altruistic people, and use the church as a vehicle to truly help those in need? Isn't that better than the government writing a check with your money, to actually know and care about the people in your neighborhood? There are stories in the Bible that inspire me to be a better person, but I only believe in the power of humans working together.
S2 licensed
NO U!!!!

I'd much rather spend all the foreign aid money and UN contributions on space technology and exploration. The US doesn't need to meddle in the affairs of Africa or any other continent. Obviously things over there are catching up they're only about 75 years behind the civilized world. If we stop giving them money, they're finally find the impetus to advance their own nations. Grow or die.

The US on the other hand has a higher number of people enjoying the benefits of the first world than any nation with comparable populations. Our poorest people literally live like kings compared to the poor in India, where slavery is still alive and well. I think we do alright for ourselves. I don't believe that having the taxpayers be forced to care for the poor like children is going to make the US a better and more exemplary nation. Europe has tried that and I would say it is failing, those nations have stagnated and their scientists and engineers still come here to live better lives.

At some point, which has already passed in Europe, people who make things, produce products and services, and contribute to the economy look at all of the people who don't work and still live relatively comfortably and say, "I'm a sucker for doing all this work and paying my own bills when everyone else is taking my tax dollars without contributing anything to our society or economy"

France just raised the top tax rate to 75% and still people say that isn't enough. At what point will the rich pay their fair share in taxes? 80%? 90%? 100%? And why should they be punished for making products, services, and JOBS but the welfare exploiters are rewarded for making nothing and taking whatever they can get? It is the thousands of able bodied, able minded people who choose not to work who should be if not punished, at least left to their own devices. Grow or die.