I have been seeing the new Tesla model S in town here and also on trailers being transported from the factory to buyers. They transport them with no cover or wrapping on open trailers. "Lol look what I have you can't afford to get on the wait list for one of these"
The government is simply too big. What revenue and resources are not purposefully embezzled or misallocated are simply lost in the sheer size of the system. The politicians have no idea for the most part where our money is going so even their best intentions are ruined from the very beginning. Obviously we cannot sustain this, much less grow it (Obamacare) so there will be a tax revolt at some point where working people decide they are not getting any return on investment of taxpayer dollars in the welfare state. When the Congress and the President can openly commit crimes of corruption that led to impeachment or prison 35 years ago they cannot be said to be a credible source of information concerning the state of the US government. They don't know. They remind us every time there is a hearing on IRS political intimidation, Benghazi, intimidation of the press, etc. they know nothing, see nothing, hear nothing. We should pay them nothing.
thought I was pretty clear. We don't need to fight them anymore, but at least Bush had permission from Congress to go to war, unlike Libya which was actually an illegal war but that's not the one anyone wants to mention?
I should mention that I support Israel for many many reasons even if you consider that meddling even though the British created it and Germany made sure it looked like a great place to live. Israel offers more freedom to Muslim women than many Islamic theocracies, allowing them to hold elected positions in the primarily Jewish government. How many Jewish or Christian women serve as politicians in Muslim countries? How many rights do Christians have in Egypt? Israel offers more to the world and their own people than their enemies like Hamas do.
Japan has its own problems which are unique to them which I believe they can solve far more easily than creating peace in the Muslim world, I guess the best you can say about them is that they are peaceful and they do have a singular drive to advance technology and science. If we're comparing cultures you could do worse, many do.
Now that you mention it, its strange that a culture that advances so quickly technologically tends to get a bit stuck progressing culturally. Obviously there will never be (or was) a totally homogeneous English speaking culture and I do not call for that, only that we carefully choose amongst potential immigrants both to weed out people who hold any anti-western views, and also to accept only the most qualified people. Why wouldn't we? Shouldn't we try to fill every job possible with a natural born citizen before we bring in more people to support? That also applies to the policy of paying more money per child born in welfare is beyond insane to me. What do we gain by accepting 'refugees' (the term is overused) and non-skilled immigrants that we could not gain by letting them fight for freedom and opportunity by their own devices. RacerX can tell you that we always fk it up so why even get involved? The survival of the fittest part isn't over yet! We would be better off encouraging trade as an incentive for incremental progress towards acceptable human rights and representative governments, selling technology and infrastructure to them also without providing simply cash or weapons as we have been doing.
When you have no controls on immigration, you are asking for attacks like the ones in Boston or London. All those perpetrators had sketchy past histories of seeking training from terrorist groups in or near the countries they came from. Tell me that isn't a case of the governments putting citizens in harm's way to avoid awkward conversations with radicals about their vacation!
Fair point, I'll be more careful about how I describe Western culture.
I said exactly the opposite, that we don't need to fight in the Middle East and you are right that it benefits me in no way that we are constantly meddling with them. If the trillions we flushed on the wars and "Arab Spring" bs were invested by private citizens and companies instead we would have already solved the problems of energy and probably so much more. It is shameful that we gave up our goals in space for nothing. This government is a failure in everything except self-service and would be better just doing the bare minimum that is required so that private citizens can spend their productiveness and money to constantly grow and improve and innovate. Are we in agreement?
Assuming none of that changes, a civilian conflict between radicalized Muslims and Western Europeans (which can includes NATO allies) is inevitable, and that is more like the kinds of formative and important wars I was talking about above like the wars of reformation or the American Revolution.
Japan doesn't have terrorist bombings or decapitation in the streets and they have enemies just as resentful as we do if not more. Perhaps they do not pick up people from the worst places in the world like Mogadishu and try to live with them? They protect their culture and face fewer challenges to their societal and technological goals from outside influences.
Even if the UN or US never meddled in the Islamic world again, I don't think it would immediately launch Muslims 100 years ahead so they can built space ships with us. They will still need to fight wars to reform Islam and to effectively neuter its hegemonic political power as was done with Christianity in the UK during reformation. Political Islam, Islamism, as it exists today simply has no role to play in the future of our countries, but for them it will have to work until they can change it for themselves because I don't want to pay for it.
Because when I watch a video with hundreds of Muslims in the streets calling for death to whites and the domination of Islam, I know that they can do that because they're not at work, meaning we are paying for them to wage a war of ideology against us which we are unable to respond to ("racist"). I know that the majority are full of shit, or just want to rabble-rouse, but there will always be many men in the crowd, the ones who take advantage of the freedoms of our society to say and do what we would be arrested for
who are dead serious about doing exactly what they say they are going to do.
I hope I haven't implied that I don't care about people who have to live under Islamic law, I do care especially for the women who are treated as less than second-class citizens. No one could watch that video about acid attacks and not care about what Islamic law means for women wherever it exists. However I do feel that Muslims who believe Sharia is oppressive and medieval and move to London instead of working and fighting to abolish Islamism cannot rightfully complain that we don't do enough for them as immigrants.
Our Western society is born out of the hundreds of years of horrific warfare that was waged from before the Dark Ages all the way to WWII. Probably billions of our ancestors died in battle and disease to make our culture and society what it is today and in my opinion it could not have been created any other way. Every time there was a major war in Europe or between Western nations, there was a step made towards the relatively peaceful future that we are living in now. In the US we fought the Civil War because it was the only way we could take that step towards liberty and end slavery. In Europe, the terrible Thirty Years' War and English Reformation took God himself from the sole ownership of the Clergy and political power from the nobility and were each huge steps towards modern democracy and national sovereignty. If we did not fight those wars and countless like them we would have continued to suffer and stagnate like Muslims do in their countries today. But we did fight those wars and we now reap the benefits.
There is no substitute for war to make major shifts in a civilization. If it is true that the overwhelming majority of Muslims are ready to get with the program and live under secular laws and governments and go to space and invent useful technology and all the other things with us then they should have no problems destroying the minority of people, governments, and religious institutions that are holding them back at a level at least 100 years behind us. It doesn't mean they have to stop believing in Allah and worship Jesus, but separating the politics from the religion of Islam will take an effort at least on par with the Reformation. The effort is not ours to make.
If they don't have the will to fight and die in maybe many wars against Islamism then they will never rise to our level if that is truly what they want. We cannot fight those wars for them nor is mass immigration an expensive 100 year shortcut and I think that is pretty obvious from what we're seeing. If they think it will be easier to change us to tolerate the politics and oppression of Islam than it is to change themselves and take the heavy steps towards freedom then it will be us fighting a war to make them sink so we can continue to rise. In my opinion the latter is more likely for many reasons you could imagine, but the former would certainly be less painful though not painless by any means. We don't deserve to have to fight their fight for them.
I also believe the US citizens will fight a hopefully short war within 40 years to keep us free from our government, and by doing so take yet another step as a society towards a better future if we succeed. That's a story for another thread but it illustrates the point that no one can make progress without believing in it enough to die for it. It flies right in the face of our expectation of instant gratification to think we may not survive to see what we're fighting for.
There is no indication I can see that we are done warring to secure our secular, technological future. In 200 years we will have seen many more wars and many more steps towards great things we don't even know about yet. I hope people will write about us as the ones who lived right before Islamic fascism fell once and for all, a violent culmination of 2000 years of warfare and strife that brought the deserts out of the darkness. I would rather Muslims get to take all the credit for themselves just the same as we can take the credit for what we have created without assistance or outside money.
Sorry, no one is off-limits for criticism. I don't say that everyone who simply disagrees with my politics is racist against white people. Everyone is entitled to have their opinion heard if they can back it up. You make yourself look like a child who can't have a civil debate without stomping your feet and turning red. You refuse to or are not able to take a stand and support it with arguments based in logic and data. If you don't want to risk being criticized for your views why do you just shit on mine without saying why you disagree and on what data or experience you are basing your point of view?
You are too immature to take part in a meaningful conversation.
I appreciate that.. I'm not here just to vent without thinking, I have an interest in the direction our countries are going domestically. I hope we reject Islamic politics and embrace personal freedom as we progress. There will be more wars and cultural conflicts in store for us, but hopefully after each of them we come out stronger and wiser than before.
I wish there was a way to convey more of myself through writing. Some may not believe that I'm not a flaming racist, I don't see Muslims in the restaurant and think 'omg terrorists' I don't think twice about them. I just don't like the politics of Islam and how it affects our society, in our communities and streets. I think thats a reasonable assessment anybody could make. We need to get over the word racist because some Muslims and all Jihadis use it as a catch-all guilt trip for any criticism they face for their politics, regardless of their race or religion. It is a meaningless insult for them to use so it should be equally meaningless for us to hear. I am also taking a break from this thread unless some new revelation comes out.
I don't get it. Is 'Muslims do horrible things but secular democracy has done far worse hundreds of years ago' a stock argument whenever Islamic societal problems are brought up?
I dont pray and I am not trying to invoke Christianity at all! I only care about space and the capability of our advanced secular society to go there because I feel it is important. Stop trying to make this about Christians, I don't understand why you keep going there other than a convenient diversion.
oh ho ho breaking news: The attacker in london is Michael Adebolajo. Apparently he was arrested in Kenya in 2010 after trying to cross the border and join up with Al-Shabab. He was deported to Britain, and officials were briefed as to why he was sent back. Then they put him back on your streets.
The strange thing is, they don't even consider that a possibility for fear of being called a racist. That word is so powerful in Europe its not even worth trying to cut down on immigration as an experiment to see if it changes anything.
Islam is not a religion, it the entire sociopolitical structure by which Muslims act out their everyday lives. Everything that happens in the Islamic world and in the lives of Muslim immigrants has a basis in the laws of society laid out in the Qur'an. The religion and the politics cannot be separated, and this compounds the complexity of our fight for cultural dominance in our own countries.
The analagous sociopolitical structure under which we live in the US and UK is secular democracy, which instead of being defined by the religion, it purposefully sets it aside and limits its influence. We have top-rated televisions shows based on homosexuality and Christian groups are powerless in their objections, but do you think a closeted gay Pakistani is going to come out after seeing the neighbor girl get mutilated for no reason? Thats why religious nutjob groups in our countries are at worst offensive and illogical, rather than systematic murderers. There's a long distance between picketing against homosexuals and burning as many as they can to death with sulfuric acid.
Islamism and Jihad could not exist without conspiracy theories. They are the only way to convince idiots living in the first world that their society is as bad as the one that has to set aside a whole section of their law to address women having their faces burned off for looking at men or "being to proud of her beauty".
TVE you may be right. Just remember that no one helped us to advance past those brutal stages of development, it required countless lives and pointless battles and warfare amongst ourselves. We had true grit, and pulled ourselves up to this level with sheer force of will with no one to pay for it or make sure we were quite comfy during the long uphill climb.
But we did intervene, to try and help them progress by experiencing our culture and technological achievements. The worst part to me is that we have met such fierce and deadly resistance. In my mind, it is not worth the cost to fund the progress they obviously do not have the will to achieve for themselves like we did, the only way it has ever worked in history. It is also not worth our lives and safety. Even though you think we are no better, I know that we are. The proof is quantifiable, not an abstract opinion.
Wow. I could have written your responses before you did. I'm not making a comparison to Christianity you fools! I'm making a comparison to secular western culture! How could you willingly misunderstand that as your first response to seeing what commonly happens under Islamic law? Please! The video mentions that Pakistan had to set up special judicial guidelines JUST for acid attacks! Does the secular US or UK have a special acid attack court!? We don't treat women like cattle, not for three hundred years or more! Stop insulting your history, its embarrassing.
I'm always going to remember "rich, flavourful culture" when I see this.
*edit: Finishing this video brought me to tears. No one in the world deserves to live under Islam. Most of these attacks are in Pakistan. What makes you think many men capable of committing these acts have not immigrated to or been born in your country, your neighborhood, seeing your daughters and wives doing things and dressing in ways they would murder or disfigure their own for? Can the word "racism" protect all of this from judgement?
From the video: Is this really a religion of peace? These are the people who came here when they needed help, we gave them help..What they give us in return? Death Threats, Harassments and rape..And this is not because of society, this is happening almost in every Islam country. Europe doesnt have any problems with Hindu, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and other..only Islam. How can they ask for respect when they do almost nothing to integrate, respect our culture and values.
If our culture is hot dogs, nascar and hardcore porn, thats what they need to learn to love to live here. We don't owe them reconciliation, appeasement, special accommodations and special courts to address their special crimes. We owe them nothing, they owe us everything if we pay for them to live here and rescue them from crushing poverty and oppression in their home countries.
Which one of these groups is most commonly associated with removing people's heads?