I'm not going to apologize to you for defending myself. But I'm also not going to stoop to your level of personal attacks. I'm only sorry you can't keep your temper down enough to engage in a discussion on a purely rational level.
DWB I do not assume everyone from other cultures is bad. In fact, I think America should be more of a republic (small 'r'). Republics mind their own business. Their governments have very limited powers, and their people are too busy practicing self-government to worry about problems in other countries. I honestly don't think we should have to deal with accommodating other cultures, if they want to live in the US (or Europe) they should accommodate to their host country and the culture and traditions of the majority. Its like having a house guest that refuses to eat what you cook him, its offensive.
My problem with multiculturalism is not based in hatred. The fact is, the minority groups who are moving into Western countries will not ever assimilate fully into the majority culture. They will never give up their incompatible traditions and values while westerners are more than happy to give up our beliefs that are incompatible with theirs (called political correctness). Diversity without assimilation to the majority culture will always cause divisiveness, anathema to the healthy function of society
Im on my cell so bear with me. European (white omg sry) culture is as weak as some people here have suggested, and the guilt we have placed on ourselves only allows cultures that still practice honor killings, systematic subjugation of women, etc. to become stronger. What positive impact has multiculturalism had on western society? I put it to you that people feel less safe, less trusting, and more separate than ever before. The proof is that PCness has made me a racist in your eyes for being proud of what my culture has achieved without the influence of desert tribesman.
Again, simplifying everything I say to its lowest denominator, treating everyone but you as if they have no valid ideas or beliefs. America's fear is not of 'brown people' its a chipping away at our European culture and tradititions and replacing them with a menagerie of foreign minority cultures, many of which have a deep seated hatred of the west, and none of which benefited from the age of Enlightenment that created the most technically advanced, safest and most free society in the world.
I guess its easier for you to write me off as an idiot. Just because you don't agree with me doesn't mean I'm some back country hick. I was born and raised in San Francisco, I'm educated and I strive to learn more every day. You may not believe it but my views on various issues have changed from debates on this forum, and if you've learned anything from me I hope it is that not everybody thinks like you do, and those people are not automatically retarded.
sorry for the rant I just hate being discredited, and I don't do that to anyone on this forum regardless of their beliefs or how they've treated me. I have respect enough for everyone to hear them out.
Wolf if you want to talk about multiculturalism I could make a thread about it. I think its worthy of discussion as its success or failure will most likely define the 21st century and all.
I probably was going to buy this game, because I enjoyed cod4 and black ops on 360, but after playing cod4 for a few hours today, I cannot give money to a developer that treats its oldest customers so badly. It is almost impossible to join a lobby today that does not have some hacker who can teleport anywhere on the map, see and shoot through walls, have infinite UAV, etc etc.
The straw that broke the camel's back came a few minutes ago. I was bitching about a guy who was blatantly hacking, so he threatened to "Fk up my xbox". I thought he was bluffing but right when I was about to file a complaint, I was signed out of Live and my xbox froze and would not turn off until I had to unplug it from the wall. These hackers are getting very malicious and I want nothing more to do with the Call of Duty franchise. See you guys on BF3.
yes, now instead of people not trusting people who don't look like them, he has succeeded in making sure that citizens (even in largely homogenized communities) cannot trust people who do look like them.
Surely his actions will bring up the topic of multiculturalism and its inherent failures in western society, but christ there are an infinite number of ways that his beliefs could have been heard and rationally discussed, not like this...
If he will spend his life in prison, then justice will be served as much as it can be under the circumstances. I don't know any more about being in a Norwegian prison other that what I've read, but it is my belief that Breivik has racked up a debt of suffering that can only be repaid in the same way, which is not the Norwegian way. It is not beyond my understanding why this is, but it is against my own ideas of justice, of which every single person differs in one way or another.
Again, my sincere condolences to the entire country of Norway, and people I've offended here. There is nothing left to do but wait for the trial.
Retribution is as powerful and valid a human emotion as any other. I don't regret my own feelings against a despicable man and what I consider to be an naive justice system. As if a man who can murder dozens of youths in cold blood can be rehabilitated and put back in society, it's almost laughable.
sorry all I'm edgy too, especially once I found out what happened on that island. I can't sort out what I'm feeling. I typed this paragraph ten times but everything i wrote was either not enough for my feelings or too much for the sensitive. maybe i'll try again when i can figure this out.
You might as well let him go back to his apartment and pay his rent and meals for 20 years or less. Maybe there's someone in Norway other than you with human emotions.
Now he gets to chill out in a comfortable and modern Norwegian prison. Maximum security prisons and life sentences are for punishment and retribution, there is no rehabilitating an animal like this. This guy will get 21 years max. I guess the Norwegian government has more mercy than this guy, thats for sure.
authorities on the island seem to be keeping quiet. this is very distressing to me as it should be to everyone when bastards involve children in their attacks.
tve i've been looking up the guy you were talking about, krekar. It seems likely that he has made good on threats he's made against the norwegian gov.
I'm torn on privatizing space. On one hand its one more thing the citizens don't have to pay for, on the other, private companies are not satisfied with scientific endeavors in space. They will require a commercial incentive to fund missions, and the current scientific community is unable to privately fund deep space missions.
When the government pays for missions, the costs always overrun by millions of dollars, of course that is not acceptable for private companies. but what is the commercial incentive? We're a long way from asteroid mining, but that would be very cool.
You're right wolf (edit: and wien) I jumped to conclusions. I'm just looking at groups who are in the bombing business nowadays, especially after the almost identical bombing in Sweden last year.
The separate MO's make me wonder if the bombing and shooting are separate incidents?
(edit: Breaking news is suggesting the events are separate and that the death toll is up to 7.)
US media is a little behind the times with one death reported. It seems to me that some of those thousands of 'refugees' Norway has been allowing in the country unvetted and unabated were actually terrorists. Who knew?
Why Norway? You give refugees freedom, safety, democracy, and social security, so they bomb you. No good deed goes unpunished.