I think obama will be reelected, but what can he run on? His winning smile and easygoing attitude?
The economy has made little forward progress despite trillions of dollars wasted on his political friends and pet projects
His domestic policy has caused the markets to swing wildly but stay mostly stagnant as investors and business owners try to guess what he will do next (Obamacare), and are not able to accurately predict risk or hire people
His energy policy of picking winners and losers was an embarrassing $500mil failure (Solyndra)
his foreign policy is a joke (apologizing to Afghans for burning Korans used as message conveyors, to people who use that book to justify sewing young girls' vaginas shut so that they won't 'sin' or killing them as punishment for being gang-raped)
His response to the Arab spring has been at times supportive and discouraging, so no one knows where the US really stands or where we will invade next. He truly thinks the Arab Spring is about the the people earning democracy for themselves, but it is actually bringing Sharia law, oppression, and decades of war.
What is the best thing that has happened for the citizens of the United States in the last 3 years that can be directly attributed to his policies? Has he protected our rights? Has our country gained prestige, power, and money? That being said, I could only vote for Ron Paul so I'm not going to vote at all. Romney is just as shady as Obama, and Santorum...it makes me sick to imagine him facing Ahmadinejad, Chavez, or Jintau wearing a damn sweater vest.