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S2 licensed
good guy greg has nothing constructive to say

S2 licensed
I'm sure you're serious all the time
S2 licensed
I would be disappointed that megaupload got shut down, but dragging New Zealanders across the ocean to put them in American prisons has been kind of a dream come true for me.
S2 licensed
America just beat you all again

Not only ugly, but also unreliable!
Last edited by flymike91, .
S2 licensed
I didn't know chevy made a 5 cylinder engine until I looked it up and every result was about how stupid GM is for making an inline 5. Are they really inherently unbalanced?
S2 licensed
I like the stability, plus i get to recreate all my XRT skins
S2 licensed
Quote from theirishnoob :meh, keep downloading folks... Support the indie folks ( goes without saying im sure ) but seriously, **** activision, Song BMG and the others who say what they like but do nothing.

This is the attitude of pirates. Activision is not a person. It is thousands of people whose job and goal it is to make the newest and best video games FOR YOU to enjoy. You are telling all of those real people to f*** themselves while you enjoy the results of their labor. Nice.
S2 licensed
You can try to avoid a flame war, but not a debate of morals because this is as much a moral issue as an economic one. IMO stealing someone else's product is stealing the work of thousands of people, not just the millionaires.

Your government could compile all of your internet usage and charge you a $200 citation for downloading torrents to reimburse the producers of that content. Would you prefer the government do that or make it somewhat harder to steal movies as you described?
S2 licensed
or dedicated servers with admin powers.

Personally I only use rivals mode. I love doing the challenges where you avoid traffic and try to get the fastest clean time. Its difficult, but I would rather be challenged by difficulty than stupidity.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
I can't listen to music when I read, too distracting.

I'm reading Water for Elephants, The Hunger Games, and one other book atm. Since I got a Kindle I can finally afford to buy more than one best-seller at a time!
S2 licensed
I wouldn't trade first world problems for third world problems
sounds like first world guilt to me
S2 licensed
yes North Korea is so threatened by the US they vivisect entire families in concentration camps.

Read this and tell me people in the US have fewer rights than in North Korea.
Last edited by flymike91, .
S2 licensed
when you say things like that people can see the shit you're stuffed with through your thin layer of skin.
S2 licensed
Everything written on the internet is true, but I don't have to tell you that.
S2 licensed
United States citizens have less rights than anyone else on the planet, hmm?. I know you're trying to get me worked up but since I'm talking about a hypothetical war I'm not exactly emotionally invested here. I'm going to ignore you and see if anyone else wants share their thoughts about how European and Scandinavian countries would act if the US couldn't take any action against nations like Iran and North Korea if there was a 100% chance that they were going to nuke Israel and South Korea, respectively, and diplomacy had already failed. Is it right to intervene or let human nature run it's course?
S2 licensed
For decades the US has given high protein food shipments to North Korea for not even the price of letting us be there to distribute it, I think we've been pretty accommodating to them considering their transgressions. Also I think they are more likely to nuke another country unprovoked than the US or any other nation with nuclear weapons really. I know you love an underdog though, even if they would put you in a concentration camp for the rest of your life if you set foot there.
S2 licensed
N.Korea is so secretive it works against them in many ways. I don't think many people understand their motives (I don't) or why they are so aggressive against their neighbors even though the Korean war has been over for such a long time. They have more than enough arable land, the potential for trade with industrious nations, and if they weren't such dicks they would get much more food aid from the US and UN than they do now.

Honestly if nuclear-armed North Korea becomes a serious threat, I would hope that nations with armies and navies other than the US would take the initiative to protect NK's neighbors but sadly that is extraordinarily unlikely. I wonder what would be different or better if European and Scandinavian countries had to take up the police role of dismantling a government like North Korea's if the US was somehow unable to contribute? It could be an enlightening experiment that provides a new perspective on how to conduct military actions against governments that threaten global security.
S2 licensed
well honestly I think this is all idle talk anyway. N.Korea can't even organize food for their people, I seriously doubt they can organize a war. More like a small skirmish, which is status quo between north and south today.
S2 licensed
I hope so, don't you?
S2 licensed
omg you're so cool like an Australian James Dean
S2 licensed
North Korea can start a war all by themselves with no help from the US. NK has already started military operations against SK targets recently including destroying a ship and shelling an island. This new Kim Jong Junior may not even have real control over his military, we don't know.

Actually it won't matter how costly the operation would be, South Korea has allies who have promised to fight alongside them in a war with North Korea. The US is also obligated by treaty to defend Japan in a war. China is North Korea's greatest ally so that should be interesting.
S2 licensed
Having a huge army is pointless for N.Korea because they can't arm them or mobilize them. Its like when the Russian troops were given the guns but no ammo, and had to be shot at from behind to make them advance. Many farm villages in N.Korea don't even have one tractor for the whole community, causing a food shortage. Think about it, they can't feed their population when they're not at war, how would they do it if all the men were fighting? They seem to be begging for someone to play war with them but no one wants to. If they were aggressive enough to start a ground war with S.Korea everyone else would just bomb the shit out of them. Its suicide!
S2 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :Music can only be made with the money incentive? Your re-writing thousands of years of history with that statement. The market just changes and adapts.

It terms of games and movies? It's a tad trickier but with games I don't think it's that far off until we can expect open source games that can live with the likes of BF3 and so on... What then becomes important is the hardware to create these games and the hardware to plat them.

In terms of sims teams and various businesses pay vast amounts to people like Scawan to develop in house simulations.

Businesses have to become smarter and have to adapt. If the market changes and your business is left wanting... then tough.

Even musicians in the middle ages got paid, how far back are you talking? Thousands of years ago it didn't cost millions to build a recording studio, develop recording hardware/software, train sound technicians, manage talent, organize international tours.....

I just don't quite see how a business can adapt in such a way. For instance to make blockbuster movie you must pay millions upon millions of dollars to all of the hundreds of people in the credits and you hope to make up for it by selling tickets and licensing the rights for DVD and eventually to the networks who will show it. So if no one buys the tickets, no one buys the DVD, and no one watches it on network TV, then how will they continue to make high budget movies? I think the internet has fostered an attitude of 'everything is free' which to me equates to 'the hard work of talented people is worthless to me but I guess I'll take it anyway'

Open source games may one day match the quality of the big boys but I can't imagine why would a team spend hundreds of hours that they could have used to work for money, and instead give away their product for free. No one will be able to hire men like the LFS team if they lose more money each time they release a new game. Another problem with open source gaming is that people like to play the same game as everyone else (Battlefield, Call of Duty, Forza, World of Warcraft) if there were hundreds of indie developers and no corporate developers like EA or Microsoft Games then how could a game get the marketing it needs to become a global success?

Quote :(RACER X NZ) One possible solution is the business model that muso mates of mine adopt.
You put up stuff, songs etc for free.
You also sell limited release albums, with posters, whatever. You can sell this at a premium.
When you sell the 'limited' release stuff the demand is there as you have built up a base by giving away your free stuff.
Hmmm, sounds a bit like a game we all play................

So what happens when someone records the extra songs from the limited edition album and puts them up for free? Or they scan your sweet poster and have it reprinted in China to sell for less? And so you built up an online following...for what? People who used to get your music for free are going to start paying for it? The only way I see that working is if you build an online following that is enormous and that will also pay to see you live. Ohh but how are you going to go to where these people are on tour without a bus, a driver, a manager, roadies, sound technicians...? I wonder how many of your friends, if approached by Sony or Virgin records would say "We've got our own way we're doing it so you can take your money, connections, and publicity and shove it!"
Last edited by flymike91, .