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S2 licensed
sorry i think its strange that you're waiting for some message from God to get the bumper fixed. They broke it, their insurance will pay to have it fixed to your satisfaction. If you wait you'll get nothing.

Are they trying to pressure or confuse you into letting them off the hook?
S2 licensed
In the US the pumps don't dispense gas until you've already paid with a card or with cash inside the little market they all have.

btw I'm loving this thread for two reasons: 1. What dummy lets a $100k custom built car out of their sight for even a second? 2. Looking at the FB links, cockney is even funnier when it's written. In my head I can only read it like the monty python guys when they're impersonating women.
Last edited by flymike91, .
S2 licensed
Thats a good point, maybe the decent squad thing is what I've been missing since I only ever joined matches in the quickest way possible.
S2 licensed
Who checks plates at the gas station anyway. Every person I've seen working at a gas station just wants to get paid so they can buy some weed.
S2 licensed
Microsoft really missed the boat not being able to proliferate HD DVD or whatever it was called, I wonder if they'll have to make a proprietary disk or cartridge for their next console.

On topic, I'm a casual CoD player but I really liked the campaign for BF2. But i felt that multiplayer modes involved a lot of walking around alone until you happened upon someone or you got shot. Is there something I'm missing out on? I don't want to start a CoD vs BF s*itstorm, but what would be the main incentive for switching?
S2 licensed
Quote from ColeusRattus :Wow, that thread laves me baffled.

Quote :Secondly, that argument works both ways: the state of Georgia is wasting manpower prosecuting people who are only guilty of being in a country illegally instead of catching real criminals. Of course I am well aware that illegal immigrants are more likely to turn criminal, but a) NOT all of them do, and b) many are forced into crime because they aren't allowed get a proper job and care for their families and themselves.

Why are Mexicans entitled to a job in the US? 10% of American citizens can't get a job. Would you agree that it is unsustainable to be soft on illegal immigration when there are not even enough jobs for people who paid into the system their entire lives?

Quote :Also, and you might call me left-wing, or even communist for that, the proposed law is no way of stopping illegal immigration or the problems it brings. It's IMHO a much smarter move to make it easier for people to become "legal" immigrants and let them have legal jobs that pay taxes.
Or even better, invest in the countries they come from, so they have perspectives there and don't have to emmigrate.

I don't feel that compassion is communism, but what incentive is there for the majority of Americans to make it easier for immigrants become legal citizens? The impact on the job market, hospitals and especially schools is much worse than a potentially enlarged tax base (not even guaranteed increase in revenue because of the increased burden on entitlements and welfare) Don't you think that it is a symptom of giving too much away that hospitals are closing their doors to the very people who pay taxes and their medical bills to keep those services available to them?
Also, the US is one of if not the largest investor in Mexican business and industry, and American citizens give away more money than any other nation per capita, much of which goes to Mexico, including my own time and money. It is not the obligation of the US government or the nation as a whole to support the lives of illegal immigrants at the cost of their own standard of life, but private citizens often choose to give support out of their personal compassion, which is more equitable for Americans as a whole.

Quote :It might suprise you, but the vast majority doesn't actually want to leave their home to exploit the rich countries. Most of them are forced to do so by "external" causes, like poverty, hunger, political repression, fear, lack of perspective, etc, paired with dubious promises made by facilitators.
I suggets the OP should spend a day in a place that helps immigrants and talks to people there.

I have spent a good amount of time in Mexico and believe me, Americans have far fewer rights and entitlements in Mexico than vice versa. No Mexican company would hire a non-specialist American (especially a non-spanish speaking one) because of high unemployment there, why would we operate any differently? I can't apply for welfare in Mexico, I would be laughed at! America did not cause Mexico to have rampant corruption in all branches of their government. Mexicans should be working to take power back from their governments and drug lords as is happening all over the world right now, the time is ripe for them to change their situation for themselves!

As far as supporting illegal immigrants, what it comes down to is this: How many more people do you think the US is obligated to support? 1 million? 20 million? Everyone? How long before we become the same as what they are trying to escape? And what have average American citizens done to deserve that fate?

I have a few questions I hope you can answer: Could Austria subsidize the lives of 20 million more people who don't pay taxes? Could your police control the influx of crime without going broke? Could your hospitals afford to give free treatment for all of those people without suffering in quality? Do you think parents would complain that their children aren't getting the education their tax money paid for if the schools were suddenly flooded with children who have never even heard a bavarian language?

Quote :And lastly, this fascist mindset angers me the most in america, because your very nation is founded on, and grew strong because immigration. Especially since the first european immigrants were a much greater and more real threat to the native population than any mexican or other latin-american immigrant can ever be.

I think you have a very broad definition of fascism. What you don't understand is that at that time America desperately needed people to build a nation from scratch. Now that we have done that, our needs have changed and we can barely support the current population of natural citizens at the standard of living to which they have become accustomed, we don't need any more people. Is it so hard to believe that what a nation needed a century or more ago is not what it needs today?
Last edited by flymike91, .
S2 licensed
ah America causes all pain and suffering in the world, I forgot.

Don't you thinks it's strange that Mexico would take the manpower out of prosecuting criminals to sue the United States for enforcing its own laws?
Last edited by flymike91, .
S2 licensed
pink wheels why not everyone will think you're manly as hell

just get a hella dark window tint
S2 licensed
It may amount to nothing if no US judge allows the case to be tried, but it angers me that their objective is so obvious and the war going on in Mexico is so much bigger than this piss-ant lawsuit, it makes it look like their priority is to vilify the US rather than end what is essentially a civil war in their own country.
Mexico v. Georgia
S2 licensed
Mexico and eleven other South American countries are suing the state of Georgia for passing anti-illegal immigration legislature. The law allows authorities to check the immigration status of criminal suspects who do not produce a valid ID and to detain and turn over to federal authorities those who are found to be in the country illegally. Unlike the Arizona law, Georgia's laws require only those who have already been arrested for another crime to prove citizenship. This is a reiteration of federal laws which are almost never upheld to their fullest extent and therefore do not correct the problems they were designed to address.

Currently georgia has the 7th largest illegal population in the US, with natural citizens subsidizing over 500,000 illegal immigrants. Georgians have complained that because of the high levels of illegal immigrants, they don't have the access to quality education, healthcare, and police protection that they would otherwise have, and have paid for with their tax dollars.
Mexico's statement: "Mexico respectfully submits that, if HB 87 is allowed to take effect, it will have a significant and long-lasting adverse impact on U.S.-Mexico bilateral relations, and on Mexican citizens and other people of Latin American descent present in Georgia."

Sounds to me like a veiled albeit very respectful threat that if the US doesn't allow South Americans to illegally cross our border, the war that has caused the deaths of more than 40,000 Mexicans will spill over onto the southern states; on the other hand it could be a message to Mexicans that despite the fact that the government has allowed and probably in many cases help raise the death toll, they're still looking out for their 'right' to come to the US, as the Mexican govt. has suggested they do in state sponsored publications.
I don't see why our borders are open at all at this point. Hundreds of people are dying every week in a real war just a few feet from our border. I don't know of any other country that would keep their border open to such a threat.
The fact that Mexico and the majority of South American governments are willing to challenge that we are breaking our own constitution by preventing illegal immigration and correcting the problems associated with it just drips with hypocrisy. They cannot solve any of their own domestic issues so they want to prevent us from solving ours because it benefits them that our immigration laws are too relaxed!
S2 licensed
They could allow you to have completely customizable controls, deadzones, sensitivities, steering ratios, etc but then you would actually have to be good in order to place on the leaderboards and we can't have that now can we.
S2 licensed
aw all over my pants
S2 licensed
I used to bitch about killstreaks too until I discovered barebones mode. Its like discovering a new (better) game. Honestly if you've never tried playing with no perks or attachments I highly recommend it.
S2 licensed
I used to bitch about killstreaks too until I discovered barebones mode. Its like discovering a new (better) game. Honestly if you've never tried playing with no perks or attachments I highly recommend it.
S2 licensed
That was a good article. Maybe I'll try changing resolution and see what works. Also i'm using an hdmi cable for the first time so all my games look a little different now.
S2 licensed
Is it just me or are the graphics pretty awful? I'm playing on 1080i and between the scenery popping in and out, the complete lack of any anti-aliasing, and often low framerate i'm very close to returning this game. Honestly I expected something a lot closer to red dead and so far la noire is not nearly as polished.
S2 licensed
it's not worth a long discussion. marriage is not for everybody, but social norms sometimes force people into marriages that are destined to fail. Blueflame's ideology is what causes teenagers to get married and have kids too early, which is a formula for divorce and broken families. They're 'in love' and so of course must get married and have kids. Wrong.
S2 licensed
you both have a immature and over-simplified view of marriage.
S2 licensed
i was trollin
S2 licensed
I really thought I would not like Thor, I'm not a comic book reader, but it was BADASS. Plenty of godly ass-kicking.
S2 licensed
apparently there's a new uh president of terror, Saif al-Adel that has replaced Osama. Who wants to bet he'll also be dead or captured before the next election?
S2 licensed

I got wood
S2 licensed
what is this another american idol spinoff?
S2 licensed
why does the government ban websites? I thought turkey was a normal place.