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S2 licensed
The number one media outlet in the US is Fox News. Considering they are the only part of the mainstream media that follows through with reports on issues like the ones happening right now (IRS political intimidation, censuring journalists and taking their phone records, lying about Benghazi to ensure Obama's reelection) If you dare to look at their reports on these issues you will find there is almost no trust in the government, its administrators and functions, or its agenda. Everyday there is reporting both online and on TV about the government's ongoing plans to strip people of their rights, money, property and happiness. Everytime I switch to MSNBC they are covering the rescued kidnap victims instead of widespread government corruption. This is the information that is going into the majority of informed households in the US:
Quote :
The common threads in all of this government secrecy and lying are a general rejection of government’s moral obligation to tell the truth, a disturbing yet brazen willingness to evade and avoid the restrictions the Constitution has deliberately built around government, and a glib admission that the government can do as it pleases so long as it can politically get away with it.

The lesson of Benghazi is that we had no lawful right to interfere in the domestic affairs of the Libyan government.

It was unlawful for Obama to bomb Col. Qaddafi without a congressional declaration of war. The organized assault on our consulate was the unintended consequence of us using force to infuse American-style democracy on a people whose culture is unable and unwilling to accept it.

Read more: ... hite-house/#ixzz2TfInWUkf

This is the entire reason a recent poll (not Fox) have found that ~30% of respondants believe that they will see an armed revolution in the US within their lifetimes. These people are not uninformed, they have a workable understanding of where they stand beneath the government behemoth.
Last edited by flymike91, .
S2 licensed
Even though Dzhokhar has admitted to what he and his brother did, the consiracy theorists are still squinting at fuzzy pictures of exploded backpacks and shell-shocked pedestrians who we now know don't react with legendary hero insticts after a bomb explodes within yards of them. ... de-boat/?intcmp=obnetwork
S2 licensed
The problem is your conspiracy keeps changing while the real story does not. First you said the whole thing was Hollywood movie magic, then one of the guys was an actor while three others actually died, then the FBI planted the bombs instead of Tamerlan and Dzhokar... Keep one story, really believe it, and then try to find a way in your own words to describe what you think happened.

*edit: or don't.
Last edited by flymike91, .
S2 licensed
Fine. Just remember I never said there weren't some actual boozey redneck gun owners in the US.

Last edited by flymike91, .
S2 licensed
I almost blocked you but I must be some serious troll chow I'm not blocking anybody.
S2 licensed
you think anyone on this forum cares? They'd tune in and watch if someone blew it up and make up stories about which US government agency did it but this doesn't make the cut for interesting events here.
S2 licensed
I have already answered every point made to me with facts and statistics that prove I am right by all measurable factors especially the ones that are germane to the debate:gun ownership and gun crime. Find some of your own statistics if you want to make a point. Otherwise you are evidently wrong, and being unarmed doesn't make you safer from attack. You knew that in the back of your mind somewhere.

The best gun control scheme ever devised couldn't hope to be as effective as gun liberalization has been over the last 20 years but we get absolutely no credit for making the progress we are criticized for not making...good progress doesn't get reported anyway so it doesn't exist to you. Americans have struggled and lobbied to make this country safer for everybody and have been successful in eradicating more than half of all gun crime in spite of gun control measures passed by Congress. At what point will Britons say we have done enough? When we have doubled our current rate of violent crime to match theirs? This shit is rigged. Maybe Europeans like watching isolated tragedies from rural areas in the US because it vindicates their belief that they live in a gun free crime free utopia. I wouldn't know I don't watch the daily news in foreign languages like a sociopath.
Last edited by flymike91, .
S2 licensed
Quote :Please Mike, shut up, you give Muricans a bad name in a world where they are known as thick.

You have no point of disagreement, no facts to dispute mine. You have nothing why should I care what you say?

Every day that passes proves that gun control is a failed idea. There will be more guns and less crime tomorrow than there was today or the day before and it is because people have guns, not the opposite. Gun ownership has never been higher, gun homicide has never been lower. The murder rate has dropped 10% just since the assault weapons ban was lifted in 2004. All the evidence suggests that people are less likely to die by gunfire the less government does to prevent legal ownership of firearms.

Lol @ too much freedom too many guns lowest gun crime rate since 1965.

This is a graph of UK gun ownership vs violent crime. After the UK was effectively disarmed, the violent crime rate continued to rise and today is almost twice as high as the US according to data collected by the UK Home Office.

Germans can't own guns for protection anymore so they only use them for avant-garde WWII reenactments
Last edited by flymike91, .
S2 licensed
Quote from ACCAkut :You passing that ten hour class does (from what you post on here) show that it can't be hard to get that permit, or that a psychological test is not included (its in Germany).

Wanting a gun to take responsibility for your own safety makes you intellectually inept to the point that you can't have a gun. Good policy I'm sure it has saved countless assault victims.

Quote from dawesdust_12 :Mike, are you sure that the supposed "decline in gun violence" isn't just because gun owners keep accidentally shooting themselves in the knob and bleeding out?

Or is the decline because they're already in jail and don't have guns in prison to shoot inmates with and instead resort to shivs or rape.

When someone brings up a point of debate, I will respond with facts, statistics, charts and my own formulated opinion after researching policies here and all over the world. I'm called stupid for having a different opinion and being able to back it up. Dustin can't support anything he says with facts, laws, statistics, census data, nothing whatsoever and that is the sum total of the evidence in favor of gun control. You are more likely to be acci ... identally shot in the US. Do we say that parents are mentally deficient if they want to obtain bleach to wash their socks? Gun control is a myth by every measure that has been used to study it but if it makes you feel morally superior to be defenseless, well then more (or less) power to you.

S2 licensed
Dustin you don't know anything about your nation's laws or mine and you remind us all quite often. I took a ten hour class to get my handgun permit along with an 8 week waiting period. Just one of the infinite number of facts about laws and countries you will never bother to educate yourself about.

If I were as uneducated by the media about your country as you are about mine I would imagine you are living in a trailer in Nova Scotia growing weed and stealing meat from the supermarket.

There is no proof that gun control works in the US, but much evidence that it does not. Columbine is one example of a horrific tragedy that happened when gun control had never been tighter since the revolutionary war. The media will never report that every single day in the US gun crime and deaths reach a new low as part of a 25 year trend in decreasing gun violence that can't be accounted for by any gun laws except ones that liberalize gun ownership. More guns=less crime is the only finding by every measure and census that has been taken in the US.

How many different ways can I illustrate this: When gun crime reached its peak in 1992-93 less than 20 states allowed guns to be carried for self-defense. Now, today, gun crime is far lower than it has been since reliable data has been kept and 43 states have liberalized their gun laws and allow self-defense. Criminals know this and fear nothing so much as an armed victim.
Last edited by flymike91, .
S2 licensed
Only outside of the US would someone complain about a US ban of products that regularly kill American children while moaning that other things in the US that don't kill very many American children are not banned. Their own country, children, laws, or any other country in the world, are usually forgotten by the time the red white and blue froth shows up in the corners of their mouths.

lulz when Dustin can't remember what county he lives in, or its history of passing and then abolishing gun control laws when it cost too much money and saved no lives.
Come on down when you get sick and want to cut the line.

@ Boris: If it bleeds, it leads. I think people would get neurotic after the first 10,000 news stories in one year in the West about children choking to death. No one would ever let their children eat fkn Kinder Eggs thats for sure. The media is dead-set against the idea of an armed citizenry so it benefits their agenda to saturate the media with rare gun tragedies rather than the 100,000 to 2,000,000 times guns are used for self-defense yearly.
Last edited by flymike91, .
S2 licensed
That is such a ridiculous argument it shows how little people who spend all their time thinking about disarmament know about the 120,000,000+ adults they are trying to shame and silence. Basically treating adults like children, just like everything else in our society today. Grow up, remove your bright orange safety helmet and live your life already.

You should put it back on to look at this funny Kim Jong Gif though

Last edited by flymike91, .
S2 licensed
If you are a healthy adult there is really no reason to get any kind of flu vaccination. A flu shot is not a guarantee against getting the flu in any case so I don't see the point for the majority of people.
S2 licensed
Our methods of "helping" suck. If any other country wants to fix the middle east they are welcome to try, I'm saying it is a waste of time, money and effort. Giving them money and weapons didn't work so Obama is trying that again. They will never join us in the 21st century as long as they see themselves as victims of the 12th century. The 22nd century belongs to us already, we need to act like it for our own sake.
S2 licensed
I would be honored to be president of Amerispace.

It just puts things in perspective how far ahead we are; why we waste so much valuable time and money on fighting or helping people who like the status quo (acid attacks, ritual filicide, etc sharia) when we could access the unlimited resources in space and never waste a thought on them again.
S2 licensed
Wish we would stay out of it. They were killing themselves before we got involved and they will continue to fight for another 2000 years with or without us. Islam is the sociopolitical force that keeps them contained to the desert and away from our developed societies. As soon as we agree to stop importing their resources and deadly radical ideology (refugees) we can leave them behind forever. As long as Islam is law in the middle east we will never have to worry about them competing with us economically and we can exclude the Muslim world from our economic activities completely. It would cost less to leave them to their own fate.

Who cares about world domination, we already dominate the entire solar system.
Last edited by flymike91, .
S2 licensed
Isn't it funny that the whole family was taking trips and vacations to the very country they were claiming to be refugees from? And no one sees the problem with that. Our country is so pitiful we cow to peasants and give billions of dollars to people who hate us all over the world. Judge Pirro puts it nicely here.
For some backstory, she was attacked in the media for owning a gun and her name and home address were published for the world to see and to target her, but the bombers need privacy so we can't see how much money we gave them while they were "refugees"

No more 'refugees'. Americans are born here as refugees from the rest of the planet, we don't need more people whatsoever, much less people from war-torn countries. We gain literally nothing and give them everything.

Notice that Japan doesn't have Muslim terrorists killing them on their streets. They don't take in refugees or anyone who is unable to support themselves. And they are safer.
Last edited by flymike91, .
S2 licensed
They don't think the plot is good enough obviously. Why have plain 'ol Muslim terrorists when you could have FBI-trained Islamic supersoldiers genetically enhanced for physical strength and spiritual righteousness?

There are pictures of Tamerlan with boxing gloves, what the FBI won't show you is that he punched his opponent so hard his arms and legs fell off (bled out instantly of course) and Tamerlan was disqualified from the Olympics AKA CIA black ops recruitment ceremony.

What bothers me is all the fkn sheep who think Anwar Al-Awlaki was killed in a US drone strike when leaked NSA internal memos describe Tamerlan Tsarnaev jumped 35,000 feet without a parachute into a moving vehicle and strangled the rogue Jihadi with his own hamstrings. Now all the sudden he's a terrorist when he was the US government's greatest asset.
S2 licensed
The wife has not been "cleared" she is probably the best source of information the FBI wants to exploit. The friends that called Dzhokar before calling the police when they recognized him on TV are also being questioned and accused of aiding and abetting.

It seems unlikely to me that Russell converted to Islam for her husband without knowing the depths to which Tamerlan was obsessed with jihad. Also it is hard to make dinner when you have to clear the bomb-making material off of the kitchen counter.
Last edited by flymike91, .
S2 licensed
bomb making materials found all over his house. He went on a driving shooting rampage with his brother when caught. Al Qaeda publications illustrating bomb-making techniques.. His apartment was only 800 sq. ft. Anyone who went inside would have been able to see the evidence that he was a Muslim extremist planning murder. Concrete evidence is of course inadmissable in the court of RacerX (all planted by the FBI), only circumstantial guesswork and fuzzy pictures allowed!
S2 licensed
Quote :Yeah, America's laws are so much tighter. Wander in drunk to a Wal Mart and go "I want one of them boom sticks", and then on your way out, picking up a 64 case of Budweiser.

No one else here is lying or exaggerating to prove their point. It makes me wonder why you feel the need to. Could it be because you have added no facts to this discussion? Your feelings don't make good laws.
S2 licensed
Canada had a national gun registry up until last year. They stopped because it cost too much money and was not set up to measure evidence-based outcomes such as reduced deaths, injuries and threats from firearms, making the registry useless in the first place. Basically a five hundred million dollar study of the gun buying behaviors of ordinary lawful citizens trying to navigate a licensing bureaucracy. We could have one just like it and pay five times as much!
S2 licensed
It is also not true that children can buy guns in the US, you misunderstood the story. The minimum age to buy a handgun is 21, 18 for long guns. Children can be taught to operate firearms safely at their parent's discretion and close supervision.

Quote :burglars are like polar bears here.

Difficult to defend against without guns.
S2 licensed
I can't help the fact that some people still act like animals, but I take reasonable precautions by having a tool to protect myself from predators. The fact is this: No gun control law in the US has ever decreased gun violence and murder. Never. Not once, and not in the future. The only gun laws that has decreased gun violence are ones that deregulate and liberalize gun ownership, which has been a part of the 50% reduction in gun crime over the last 20 years. Again, your emotions are valid in other contexts, but not applicable in the area of government policy.
S2 licensed
I didn't bring up the comparison between guns and kinder eggs. I only commented that a child is statistically more likely to die by choking than shooting so it isn't really an example of bad policy, but bad parenting instead. I occasionally had kinder eggs growing up, but I wasn't left alone with them at an age I could choke on the parts. I also occasionally shot guns around age 9 but I was always tens of millions of other people do without ending up a tragic news story. A girl who has good parents.

I find it hard to believe that modern society has devolved us to the point that a child in the 19th century had more personal responsibility and common sense than fully grown adults have today. Life is just so easy for us that we are angry and confused when we realize that we haven't erased everything that could possibly hurt us emotionally or physically, no matter how small the real risk is. Lets let facts and statistics drive public policy instead of our emotions.
Last edited by flymike91, .