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S2 licensed
Quote :150 years ago it might have been relevant when there were cowboys needing to hold standoffs after a dispute in the Saloon... but now it's completely ridiculous. There's no saloons, cowboys, and disputes can be solved with words.

No more saloons, but we have convenience stores.
S2 licensed
and that doesn't make you wonder what the government's true motives are for banning the only types of weapons that could be used against them?
S2 licensed
and carry a concealed pistol.
S2 licensed
I have the same or probably more understanding of events as they unfolded as everyone else in the world who was not in Los Angeles in 1992. Being a Californian, this event is described in retrospect as being one that brought shame to the state (the failure of police to do their jobs protecting lives and property) and everyone involved in the looting and murders who might otherwise have never done such things. I have watched the videos of innocent people who were on their way home from work and were dragged from their cars and beaten to death for absolutely no reason other than "everyone else is doing it" or "because he was white."

I don't feel the need to die just because everyone else is, so I keep and bear arms every day.
S2 licensed
well it brings up a question of what is worse for society: smoking a joint or being finger fked on the side of the road by the government.

S2 licensed
for anyone that missed it, it was a picture of Indiana Jones hearing that there's Nazi gold somewheres.
S2 licensed
The game you're trying to make was made in 1987 and had licensed cars

*edit: and a blonde babe riding shotgun so beat that
Last edited by flymike91, .
S2 licensed
So Ayre knew that the US government would target him for setting up an illegal gambling network and he went ahead and allowed dim-witted Americans to send him millions of dollars anyway. When you defend some ruthless and greedy billionaires and not others it doesn't make you seem very fair. Can Calvin Ayre stand trial for ruining the lives of people who are addicted to his product which is designed to exploit stupidity for his own illegal profit? Probably not.

Who in their right mind would send a foreign stranger money and then hope that the computer tells him he will get it back? Maybe I need to rethink my whole Nigerian prince scam!
S2 licensed ... p;list=PL97003FBB99FAFACB

America's disgrace in the 1992 LA riots is the best example of how the government cannot protect you, and will not protect you in the event of a real outbreak of mass violence. Is there any reason to believe this kind of civil unrest cannot happen again?
S2 licensed
that's a good way to get a reckless driving ticket.

I hate traffic cops. In Texas they can do whatever they want to you including side-of-the-road full cavity searches without warrant if they suspect you of carrying marijuana. Speaking for people who carry marijuana that is distressing to say the least.

Last edited by flymike91, .
S2 licensed
I don't see why its so evil to protect your copyright. Why should people who were not involved with the creation of certain intellectual property profit from disseminating it as if it were their own?...well they can't actually it's illegal everywhere.

The US respects the copyrights of other nations as long as they agree to respect ours. If there ever was something of value invented in New Zealand someday it would be a shame if it were ripped off.
S2 licensed
Not any from new zealand, but there are many cases of people being prosecuted in the US for having cp on their computers and the FBI becomes involved in cases where they are part of a network designed to share those pictures around the world.
S2 licensed
The FBI is accusing dotcom of being more than a negligent website owner, but that he encouraged and profited from illegal uploads
S2 licensed
Who is going to hold them responsible? It is obvious that dotcom was benefiting enormously by looking the other way.
S2 licensed
All they need to do is find one image of CP that was uploaded to the site and they can arrest and prosecute all the founders for setting up a worldwide chidl prongraphy ring which is illegal in every country. They are responsible for that they created. I guess the money was nice enough for them to forget that fact.

This is not censorship and I don't see the connection. Censorship would be the FBI not allowing anybody to listen to Beyonce's new single. In actuality, anyone who pays for it is free to listen to it. It is horribly disrespectful towards artists to decide that their work is not even worth $0.99 of enjoyment. Or a movie that cost $5,000,000 to make should be free to you because you're so special.

Racer X: That is a ridiculous argument by Kim. There were a lot more than 36 pirated movies on Megaupload. Even if he was instructed to keep those files, it doesn't excuse the thousands of copyrighted files that were uploaded during and after the initial investigation.
S2 licensed
Its unconstitutional. The second amendment was not added primarily for personal protection, and so banning weapons because they don't fit into that restrictive purpose doesn't take into account the intent of the amendment which was to keep and bear arms in order to protect the State. Pistols are not so useful in that role anymore.

The signers knew that an armed society was was a major limiting factor in how much control the central government could impose. The biggest threat to freedom was known to be the government, the power capable of infringing on that right for the gain of politicians and others.

That being said, there's no reason armed citizens shouldn't be 'well regulated'. Background checks, waiting periods, training and qualifying are all reasonable regulations.
S2 licensed
I was reacting the the notion that gun owners are keen to kill their neighbors or kill anybody for that matter, an idea which seems to be rampant in countries where people are defenseless. I know people who carry a gun at all times in public. I know of no men or women more unlikely to provoke a violent confrontation than the ones who lawfully carry pistols with the permit they had to train and qualify (including a background check) to receive. Unfortunately, there is no data showing how many crimes were deterred by the would-be victim being armed because crimes that don't happen are usually not reported. This lack of useful information is harmful for the rights of hundreds of millions of Americans, but is purposefully ignored by the media and politicians.

The status quo of gun violence in the US is that it is slowly decreasing with or without gun control. The fact that Columbine happened right in the middle of the assault weapon ban proves that they have no effect except to placate frenetic liberals like Diane Feinstein.

Plus, disarmament of citizens denies the possibility that this country will ever have to fight a domestic war again which is overly optimistic at best.
S2 licensed
Funny I remember you killing us after your king banned and confiscated our guns, then we put a thing in our constitution that says you can't do that because only tyrants do that when they want to kill you.

Gun owners are not over-keen to use guns, but the Gun Owner=Murderer media talking point is the only argument shocking enough to try and marginalize 51% of US households into the rapacious killer category. 100% of households in the UK have knives but what percent of those are used in murders? Some people are using knives to kill people so all people who have knives want to kill people. Sound right?
S2 licensed
I'm sick on New Years! Shitty luck.
S2 licensed
I don't think I will, they're the worst.
S2 licensed
My Dolan comics were deleted! Does this mean I was successful in getting them banned?
S2 licensed
Dolan comics are not banned because they are not offensive. If you don't find them funny then you're too sensitive. This is all funny.
Last edited by Victor, . Reason : piss poor godaweful comics will be deleted. No style at all, none whatsoever. Go to 4chan for this rubbish.
S2 licensed
Quote :Saw Flight
A lot of ruined potential, great start but then dragged on forever with no drama and useless characthers and scenes. Denzel awesome as always though..

I disagree. I went in thinking it was going to be a procedural about a plane crash but it was actually a very dramatic and hard-hitting illustration of addiction and self-destruction. I couldn't help but have an emotional reaction to Denzel's performance. Then again, I don't analyze movies as I'm watching them that would totally kill the experience for me.
S2 licensed
There's an old adage that applies here: "The first rule of a gun fight is to bring your gun."