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Quote from Dajmin :The blue flag thing is easy enough to implement - if you get shown a blue flag for more than a couple sectors your car stalls out and your laps aren't counted. I'm not sure what the rules are in real racing, but I don't see how wrong you could go with that. A whole lap to pass a backmarker can't be asking that much, especially since they're supposed to ease up to let the leader go.

That is not foolproof. Sometimes you might end up being blue flagged when you are actually faster than the person behind you. You are driving away, but you are not far enough so the blue flag keeps showing up.
This could happen when you had trouble and had to pit for extra long to fix your car for example.
S3 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :All the negativity over here.. where does it all come from?

In this case the negativity started from post #1. You didn't even believe in your idea yourself. You started this thread like it was bound to fail.
S3 licensed
Quote from senn :Anyway, yeah i've never had this screensaver/power save issue running Vista32, and my screensaver time is set pretty low, so i dunno what to say *shrug*

Screensaver does not come on, but the monitors will turn off. It could be a issue with 64-bit only, because thats what I have too and it happens for me.
S3 licensed
Quote from Chupacabras84 :after 30 seconds of racing i crashed into some dude and get banned for whole day the funny thing that i get banned by ppl who even didn't saw the whole situation and they vote faster than i could type sorry

It's unfortunate when it happens to you. But can you honestly say that this happens all the time? I don't think so, infact it's sometimes hard to get people to vote for kicking a real crasher. I think it's quite rare that someone gets banned without a real reason, especially on licensed servers where you need a lot of people to vote for it.
S3 licensed
It seems to be a problem with game controllers. Vista doesn't seem to detect that the user is using a game controller and it thinks that user is doing nothing. If you press keyboard buttons or mouse the display will stay on.
S3 licensed
Quote from Chupacabras84 :Hope "vote ban" will be available only for admins or only when player where kicked already 3 times from the server.

Admins can kick normally. Only regular users need the vote ban option. And I think all servers should have the vote banning option enabled (except for league races etc). Especially on demo servers it's essential, so that one person can't stop the whole server from racing. Otherwise you can't do anything when one person starts crashing on purpose.
Of course sometimes people abuse the system and start votes without reason and people vote without thinking. But in my opinion it's better to ban few innocent people here and there than have crashers running rampant. The vote ban is only 24 hours anyway.
S3 licensed
There is already a global ban system. If you get banned from multiple servers in a short period you will get a global ban for a short while. It does work on username instead IP though, so there is nothing stopping the user from making a new account.

I don't really think this is a big problem though. Usually crashers will get vote banned quite soon, if vote banning is enabled. Also most crashers are not serial crashers, they only do it when they get frustrated. Those kind of people usually stop after they get kicked of a server or two. People who crash all the time (ie. they don't even try to race properly) get usually banned from all major servers too quite quickly.

With licensed servers the problem is reduced even more since, not many people are willing to pay just for crashing. Cleaner racing is one of the services that comes with a license.
S3 licensed
Tyres are and always will be a big issue in sims. They are probably the hardest of things to model correctly. Diffs, suspension etc are easy compared. Sure, LFS has issues on this area, a lot.
But what can you do? If you just simply increase the grip of hot tyres what will happen then? Wouldn't it it also be unrealistic if hot tyres would grip as almost well as optimal tyres? Solving the tyre problem is not easy like that. You need to rethink the whole issue not just some small part of it.

Again I am not saying that LFS tyres are perfect now, far from it. They are actually very simplistic now, only heat and the thickness of the rubber is taken in to account (afaik). In real life tyres have more attributes than that.

In conclusion tyres are a big issue. But do you think they should be the only issue? There are plenty of other things the devs have to also take care of. There is more to this than "this is wrong, now fix it".
S3 licensed
That last pic shopped.
S3 licensed
Quote from LSDBlackWolf :Ok, so I've been playing rFactor for the last couple days and was wondering. All those mods , are they legal? For example, i think in order to have a ferrari race, for example in Nordschleife, someone would need to ask ferrari permission to have their cars in a game and pay for it right? Also with Nordscheleife correct?
In rFactor, do they ask permission to all those manufacturers and track owners? If so, does anybody have an idea how much would it cost?
If money is a problem, would it be possible to make a 99% nordschleife replica, and the last 1% would be added to make it "fantasy" but also almost realistic and thus not having to pay for it? :P Like GTA cars...looks like a Ferrari but its called something like Ferbari! :P

RFactor can have it's mods because they are kind of on the grey area. The mods are made by a 3rd party and the company that sells rFactor is not making money out of them (atleast not directly). Technically I think the mods are not legal and the the car/track companies could sue the mod makers if they wanted to. But they don't because it wouldn't really help anything. There are so many people making mods and they are not really profiting from them and they are probably not very rich either. So the gains compared to the trouble would be probably quite small. Besides the mods are also free marketing.

License prices for cars/tracks vary depending per game basis. They probably take account how much the car/track would benefit in selling the game and how much it would benefit the maker etc.

Likeness is also part of the makers' copyrights. You can't just make a small difference and avoid paying licenses (Altough you could probably get a cheaper license that way). If you look closely at GTA cars, the cars are actually quite different from real life cars, they are usually a mix of multiple cars. Rockstar has probably lawyers that can determine exactly how close replica they can make.
S3 licensed
Some people are a bit dim like that.
S3 licensed
I have heard many people say that they will buy LFS because of Scirocco. They might be waiting it to be actually released.
S3 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :Hmm, will AMB be able to unlock 0.6A, at least in single-player mode? :s

I think so. The ban only effects online features I guess.
S3 licensed
How can LFS be dying if there is a lot of people buying it all the time and the amount of people online keeps rising?
S3 licensed
Quote from arco :Yeah same here, sorta. I've never been the most active online, but the last month and a half I think I've only been online 2-3 times.

Keeping breaks from LFS is fine. I have had two long breaks now (few months not playing at all) and coming back is great afterwards. For me the comebacks really make me remember how much fun racing in LFS really is.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Agree on that. I am not home so I canot confirm anything, but aren't there are filter method for filtering away demo servers? (not the old way or having separate list of servers demo/S1/S2)

Use your eyes to filter them out. Demo servers are easy to spot because they only have max 15 connections.
Besides if you like driving the FBM around BL1 those demo servers offer decent racing too. Sure there are few bad drivers there and the occasional intentional crasher, but then again T1 is carnage on S1/S2 servers too.
S3 licensed
Graphics need to be improved at one point yes. But since there is only one guy doing the coding and graphics are not very high priority it might take a while.
S3 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :I wanted to, but the overtaking tests always got me because I got bounced off-track by the AI.

Same here.
S3 licensed
Quote from Juls :Maybe the LFS community is not their main source of income, and they develop versions of LFS for professional customers, like this Czech simulator renting business, or this fair where they introduced the scirocco.

I doubt that. The devs have stated many times that they do LFS because they like doing it. And professional customers are even more demanding (believe it or not) so they would probably make them do stuff in ways the devs don't want to.
S3 licensed
Quote from JPeace :but it would be great to have realistic wet weather, but then would you have two hotlap ranks? a wet hotlap rank and a dry hotlap rank (like we have now)?

All hot laps would probably be in the dry. Just like now in hot laps the wind is always 0.
S3 licensed
Only reason cruise servers are separated is because there is server setting called cruise, when that is on "wrong way" won't show up when you drive in the wrong direction. Since there is a setting which makes sense to put on when you have a cruise server, it was reasonable to add a filter for it in the server browser.
Drift servers on the other hand don't need a extra setting for the server. You could have arbitary setting just so you can filter drift servers from the server browser, but it may lead to problems with people forgetting to set the option. Or even not setting it on to 'advertise' their server on the regular servers list. It would be easy to have it set wrong because it would do nothing.
S3 licensed
Credit card is easier and safer than PayPal. Only use PayPal if you can't directly use your credit card.
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Lg ggw-h20lrb
S3 licensed
I though I would sum up the whole thread in to one image: