There are many ways to drift. Try googling for drift guides for help. Almoste every real life techniques are applicable in LFS, so the guides don't need to be LFS specific.
The thing is you can't change how people use words. Word meanings change over time and new slang words will form. There is nothing you can do to stop it. Fighting against it is pointless.
Arguing about them always ends up in shouting and name calling and in the end no one is any wiser, usually only more angry.
Who cares? No need to fight over what words mean or what word to use to mean something. Just let people use any word they want and if you don't understand what they mean by a word, ask them.
Have you checked that your graphics card is capable of doing 32x AA? The drivers (or nhancer if you are using a nvidia card) might have the setting, but in reality it might not do anything else than to fallback to 4x.
Also LFS is really one of the few games that actually get updates. If you look around it's quite difficult to find other games that offer same kind of updates.
Backwards compatible here means that you can run DX9 features with software instead of using your GPU. Which is really really slow. It wouldn't increase performance, because hardware doesn't magically learn new tricks. Also disabling DX9 features for people who don't have support for them wouldn't work. You are either using DX9 or you are not, there is no middle ground.
Sure, 2002 was a long time ago, but that doesn't mean everyone has a DX9 gpu now. Maybe that group of people is not that big, but dropping DX8 support would still alienate a part of the userbase.
Besides we are not at the limit of what DX8 can do either. Night, day, rain etc. is possible with DX8 too.
I think the biggest thing with having support for both DX9 and DX8 would be that, Scawen would have to maintain two versions of the graphics engine and it could prove to be a big time consuming task, because DX9 and DX8 are quite different. So in LFS case I think it's best just to stick with supporting one version of DirectX.
Moving on to DX9 (or even DX10) would be a good addition, because they are better than DX8. There is just one thing blocking the move to newer DirectX: The users who are still using old GPU which don't have support for newer versions. Even Valve insists on maintaining support for DX8 on Team Fortress 2, because there is a lot of people still using old graphics cards. And I think the userbase of TF2 is more eager to upgrade their computers than the userbase of LFS.
All in all, we are probably going to stay with DX8 for a loooong time.
Paying any more wouldn't do anything really. The devs are not in money trouble, they have enough money to develop this game and buy food at the same time. Surely they would tell us or come up with a solution if they were. Giving them more money now won't help, because they are already working as fast as they can/want.
EDIT: Infact the reason why the patch is taking so long, is not because the devs don't have enough money. It's probably the other way around, they have such a steady income that they don't need to push the patch out half done to increase license sales. Instead they can take all the time they need to make it as good as they can and release it when they think it is ready.
Users who have macros don't use auto-clutch. Also I thin it's advantageous to make the macro clutch to use an axis instead of button. So fiddling with the auto-clutch or clutch button rates wouldn't affect people who use macros, only people who use them in a legit way.
It's when you make macro for your controller, so that you when press one button the drivers of the device send multiple key presses to the computer. How it is used as an advantage when changing gears is to make a macro that clutches very fast and changes the gear with a single key press. This way you can change gears a bit faster than by doing it manually.
What happens is that you don't have the output variable in the function.
You have few ways you can solve the problem.
The best solution would be to use classes, but probably requires most work. You would need to make a class that handles the file writing operations and opening and closing of the file.
One way is to make the output variable a global variable. Not recommended!
Another one is to send the output as a parameter to the function. Which is probably the solution you should use here.
It's probably easier for you to make port forwarding to work than it is for everyone to connect to your hamachi network (maybe even potentially open a door for malicious users of the said network).
Also it hurts the servers popularity quite a lot, because as said people who want to connect have to first connect to the hamachi network instead of directly connecting to the server. Most people will choose the latter option because there really isn't shortage on 'normal' servers for CSS.
I am not saying that you should stop hosting your servers, but I would suggest making port forwarding work and make a 'normal' server instead if you really want people to play on it.