^ those are the biggest problems. It's expensive and low res.
It's a good idea, but needs to be cheaper and higher res to be usable. Now it's just a proof of concept or a rich mans toy.
Driving near others tends to make people drive slower. Atleast when the faster driver is behind or when both drivers are of similar speed. Both drivers have to pay attention to where the other is and try to prevent/get the pass.
Yes. SoftTH has lower frame rates because it's not as efficient and the PCIe lane limits a little. But for example with your monitors you can achieve 60fps with a PCIe 2.0 8x lane (max fps is around 67 with that res and 32 bit colors). For 30" you would need a 2.0 16x. So PCIe limits max fps, but the PCIe is not the biggest limiting factor.
I do agree that SoftTH is not the best solution. It has it's advantages, but in some aspects TH2Go is the better solution. The new Radeons are even better than TH2GO, because for the same price you get the same functionality AND a high end graphics card.
PCIe bandwidth does not limit FPS with SoftTH that much. Only if you have very high resolution and/or if the second GPU is on very low multiplier PCIe (1x). Even 4x should be enough for most resolutions, with 8x you should be able to run 3x30" without the bandwidth becoming a problem. SoftTH does take some power away, but the biggest power consumer is the very high res. Using three monitors makes the resolution huge compared to having one screen. Especially if you are using AA and AF the power needed to run the triple monitor resolution is many many times more than using just one screen.
This is correct. The gloves are there to protect the fighters hands, not there to protect the opponents head.
And boxing IS more brutal. Mostly because only thing you can do is to hit the opponents head for 12x3 minutes. That's got to take it's toll. Also what is really brutal is the 10 second count and standing 8 second count. Basically in boxing you are allowed to continue even after you have been knocked out, if you recover fast enough. That's what causes brain damage.
I don't see any reason to hate boxing like mr. Dare seems to do. I am a MMA fan though. I like it because it has all aspects of fighting instead of just one. Actually wish that a some of those good boxers would crossover to MMA, learn to defend takedowns and such. I am sure some of them could be forces to reckon with. That's not going to happen anytime soon though, because the money is at boxing.
As iFastLT said the Viewer is only for things that you can upload skins to in LFSWorld.
Having the ability to upload suit skins could be made, but it's kind of pointless because you don't really see them in game.
Maybe the suit skin could be part of the helmet skin. Like having only one file with helmet and suit. It should be 1024x1024 like the car skins though.
Actually MMA matches are 3x5min, championship matches 5x5min or sometimes in Japan matches are 10min + 5min. So infact they are never 20min in total, only 15min or 25min.
A computer can't reliably determine if someone should be penalized for actions under yellow or blue flag. They are all very situational. You really need human judges to determine when a penalty should be given, that's what they have in real life.
Only car in LFS that has flappy paddles is the F1. It has a "Neutral" button on the wheel. Other cars either have regular H-gearboxes or stick sequentials.
Yeah, the CMR series has gone downhill from 2.0 on. And even that was a bit less sim than CMR1 iirc. I thoroughly enjoyed both of them back in the day.