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S3 licensed
I'm still for landmines or a sniper... See the BL2R thread
S3 licensed
I found a copy in the 5€-bin of a supermarket
S3 licensed
Quote from Zachary Zoomy :in my opinion I think we should just kill the MRT and make way for the RB4 GTR, RAC GTR and LX8 GTR

As much as I'd like a LX8 GTR, I wouldn't kill the MRT for it. I would agree on replacing the MRT with the wob-racing WR03 though
S3 licensed
Quote from Linsen :Please, jamesxing and tristancliffe, could you have your discussion where it belongs? In private? Or would you guys be missing the audience?

nah, I like it here
S3 licensed
You're awarded 100 awesome points for bumping this thread!
Too bad I don't have a wheel the next few days :/
S3 licensed
Quote from Renku :

exactly, but didn't find it in suggested improvement log and the quick search i did didn't return anything either.
Can't hurt to remind people though
S3 licensed
I got pro on many lessons
S3 licensed
Cops aNd Robbers
Server content filter
S3 licensed
Didn't find this with a quick search:
I'd like to see a variable/flag the server sets for which type of host it is running. For example Race/Drift/Other (i.e. cruise...), so people can filter the list by it. Personally I really would like to get rid of the drift/cruise/CnR/... servers on the server list, because I wouldn't join them anyway
S3 licensed
MSN was pretty precise with the bird's eye view, so here you go: that's where I'm living
S3 licensed
I'm not sure about the horn thing, because I'm sure some people would abuse it on normal servers, for the rest, could hurt though, I espcially agree with the handbrake; it shouldn't auto-unlock or at least be an option to choose
S3 licensed
IIRC it just displays a message box "Cannot connect to host: You are banned" when you try to connect to the server... not sure though, it's been forever since I got banned
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :i am one 1337 Programmer

PRINT "Jakg is 1337"
INPUT "Do You Agree? 1 = Yes, 2 = No "; $1337ness
IF $1337ness = 1 THEN PRINT "Yay!
IF $1337ness = 2 THEN KILL USER

you forgot something
and in basic it's 1337ness$
and you should define USER, if the value is "D:\games\lfs\lfs.exe", you'll delete it

Quote from stevewhite :you forgot to end if...

he didn't; you don't need it if it is in one line
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :On the other hand VB does make some things simple, apperetly

Only if things stay basic. Try to do something comlicated and go through hell (or use an .ocx/module which some nice person created for exactly the thing you were trying to do)
S3 licensed
You can get VB to emulate keypresses with SendKeys()
S3 licensed
good point, I'm not sure about pink though
S3 licensed
Quote from al heeley :google maps is better than the MS version for my area. It depends where you live.

I can get a very clear picture of my current location on MS (bird's eye view) but nothing near the quality of google when it comes to my home location
S3 licensed
The bird's eye view scaringly precise
S3 licensed
Quote from VTiRoj :The men and women share the same suits, wont it be weird when we see guys with boobs?

The red suit is woman-only
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :No, we cannot take her clothes off

You just gave me one of the most stupid ideas I had the last few weeks...
*seeks naked woman texture for suit*
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Isn't it hard to ride bikes in Antarctia? LOL

S3 licensed
Quote from Stampete :What's up with you guy? Why can't I try to get it cheaper? What's your Problem. There are people who didn't like this game anymore and they are happy when they get money for something they didn't use anymore.....

Guess what, most of those were barricaded (i.e. banned from many servers) and tried to sell their licenses after. You're better of having invested the 36€ for a safe account
S3 licensed
Quote from leo-02 :I Love H.K!!!!!!!!!!!

careful, you were fishy before
S3 licensed
Quote from BlackSheep720 :(Picture attached)

eww... 16bit. Increase it to 32, looks much better and won't cost much performance unless you have a really old PC
S3 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :-1

I don't want to hear some goon's V12 XFG.

What he said