You have been a direct beneficiary of tax avoidance, that's all I'm saying.
Money that should have (and that's a very loose should) been taxed, instead probably went to some kid racing, which you benefited from.
My point being that tax avoidance isn't born from some selfish place. Quite a few businesses have to otherwise they simply can't turnover a real profit. A profit that often gets re-invested and put towards new sustainable jobs.
You seem to fast to understand those who riot, yet wilfully ignore why someone might avoid tax.
... but I assume some of your competitors do have sponsors looking for tax relief.
Without competitors you would have no one to race, and thus you yourself 5Haz are a direct beneficiary of a tax loophole and a tax avoidance technique. Thus making you a hypocrite unless you report them all to the HMRC for investigation, which you haven't
With the amount of tax people have to pay in the UK - up to 60-70% of total income when you calculate overall tax burden - it's no surprise many people try to legally avoid tax.
I'd say quite a large percentage of the right-wing media is totally against the bank bailouts.
Blog after blog after news item after news item in right-wing media hates the bank bailouts and continuously makes the point. Had the banks failed cuts would still have been made though. The treasury relied far too heavily on bank tax revenue. There would have been a gigantic recession, but at least we'd be in a better of place now.
Keynsian economic theory is not something indicative of right-wing media thinking.
One of those pals being Daniel Hannan who is one of the most vocal against the bank bailouts?
Maybe you should read more than JUST the Guardian.
No, your wrong.
What people are saying is that being not as wealthy as others (they are not poor) is not an excuse to riot and steal and kick people in.
Being right-wing or left-wing may correlate with a person's wealth, but it's by no means a certain. There are plenty right-wing libertarian types who are foaming at the mouth about billionaire bankers and corporations. The bankers rout on the public's purse is just as abhorrent and disgusting.
I know people who aren't rich who are free-market libertarian types, and their are wealthy people who are of the left. I am not sure why you have this tendency to try and put people in certain stereotyped boxes Becky.
Anyway, the rioting has gone down now. Everyone is enjoying their new Playstations while the R*E*A*L poor sleep in the slums of the world wondering where their next meal is coming from.
Zimbabwe is an extreme example of course. That's what happens when a government just continually prints money. But gold's value can be measured against anything, not just fiat currency. Some value it against the Dow or the FTSE. Some value it by how much gold could buy a house.
Yes, it's an investment, just like your investment in British Sterling is. There are risks, but it's a lot safer bet than a fiat currency right now.
When governments deface a currency in search of political gain people always turn towards the most historical form of currency - gold. Happened in Weimer, Zimbabwe etc...
Though you would want to hope that it doesn't go that far. But gold is vastly more trustworthy than a fiat currency which can be created with a click of a bankers button.
No the OPPOSITE happens. I don't think you've actually tracked the value of the dollar over the last few years. As it's FALLEN gold has sky rocketed. As the saying goes gold IS money. duuhhhh Kids really need to learn their history. What do they teach in schools these days?
If they taught basic economics we might not have gone on this fiat currency, made out of thin air, led crisis.
Straight out of the Guardian. Started 20 years ago did it? Oh it's Thatcher's fault. I get it. it's always Thatcher's fault! default Guardian readers position - blame Thatcher. NEWSFLASH - It's not Maggie's fault.
State neglect? A lot of these kids get free education, free healthcare, free welfare, & free housing. Yes the conditions they live in are not comparable with the wealthier in the community, but compared to MILLIONS around the world these kids are millionaires.
When will this term state-neglect stop. They've not been 'neglected'. Far from it. Yes there are clearly problems, but these kids live in a freakin' paradise than kids who live in the crime filled slums of the world. Stick em in the slums of India and they might change their tune pretty damn quickly. Mind you it's rampant capitalism dragging millions of Indians out of poverty...oh the HORROR!
There are failures somewhere, but this line of 'state-neglect' is as invalid as blaming multi-multiculturalism and welfare causing 'laziness'.
If the government officially declare it as riots than I think the state, and thus tax-payer, is liable to foot the bill. If not then it remains for business owners to rely on insurance.
I think you're confused as to what as far-right person actually is. Though I think the political spectrum is deeply flawed and often conflicted hence why it's extremely out-dated now. If you really think I am 'far-right' you're not as smart as I thought you were.
Becky you know full well political spectrums are useless. I am not sure anyone actually uses these terms any more. Anyway I am not far-right, that's complete bile. A belief in social & economic freedom is not someone of the 'far-right'. And if you think that, then you're very much mistaken.
I do many different things. I'm a self-employed jack of all trades. Don't make excuses. I do what needs to be done to get what I want.
Want me to write an article on motorsport for a publication? I've done that! Want me to move your house? done that! Want me to create a website? Done that.
All with some average GSCEs and a lame BTEC Nat Diploma in Popular Music. No bloody excuses. If I fail it's my own bloody fault
Hence the second sentence in that paragraph which bemoans a lack of ambition. The opportunities are there to create your own job and your own wealth. These kids don't have to pay for healthcare, for education (up to 18), and for clothes and food. I'm sorry even with a tough job market they've got it so much easier than millions of people around the world.
If you get free healthcare, free education, and then free welfare and still riot... there are no excuses.
There this very lame hope that somehow the government can come in and fix everything. We don't have an abundance of natural resources to subsidise these 'youth programs', it's all pie in the sky. This social experiment of paying for everything seems to produce the same results had they not done anything at all. If not worse. It's the same old bollocks. The same old arguments of the 'ignored youth'.
I'm actually surprised more communities haven't come together to protect their own property like the Turks did. I suspect we might see more of that tonight.
Wouldn't say lazy. They just have a different set of motivations. There will always be people attracted to criminality. No amount of youth clubs and state-bribery will stop it... and Britain is still the land of opportunity compared to most countries around the world where starting a business could end you up in jail.
Do you seriously believe I've taken that from a Tory publication and made it up? Yeah, I make up the fact a friend of mine was stabbed. grow up mate.
And there is no jobs because the economy is ****ed. No govenment can fix that despite what people think. Only thousands independent people with ambition to create a good worthy business and thus wealth can do that.
5haz do you understand what £4Trillion of national debt means? It means the country is broke.
... and by the way I spent most of my youth in council estates with benefit claimants. I was your typical youth - getting chased by gangs, friends getting stabbed, friends getting arrested for drugs.. Don't think I'm some toff rich kid. They got plentiful opportunity for jobs etc... Life was hell, but not an excuse for what we're witnessing. I'm fed up of apologists. it's bollox. they have so much opportunity. Maybe they don't see it or choose not to.
They don't have any opportunities? Rubbish! They get FREE healthcare, FREE education, FREE welfare and a number of funded social groups etc... Most of that is still there. They must have homes with electricity to go to use their new TVs. Poor? There are MILLIONS... maybe BILLIONS that would die (and some do) to get the opportunities these kids have.
There are communities of people all across the UK who didn't use excuses as to why they were poor. They got on with it, started businesses, become independent, and became part of the community. Maybe schools should teach personal responsibility a lot more, not that it would actually work.
While I broadly sympathise with the message of more civil liberties there is no real solution to this other than the communities coming together and protecting themselves.