yes im not ****ing stupid but for some reason i have a sneaking suspicion it wont find anything cos it usually warns when there is something dodgy happening, but she is running a virus scan atm. so my responce to you = ffs use brain first and think why i havent mentioned the obvious
my girlfreind has a problem with msn atm. im not sure if anyone has come across it before, to me it seems like some kind of virus cos every time she messeges a freind of hers it sends a message like this pic (dots so people cant see it and try and access it) to all her msn freinds. what it does is trys to download a file that is a number followed by a dash then jpg.exe (222443233-jpg.exe sort of thing) now she says she didnt open it and when i clicked on the link neither did i but it dont seem to be afecting me. this perticualr freind she messages that makes it happen originally sent her the same thing by what it seems. i just wonderd if anyone had seen it or heard of it and knew what it was and what to do ??
those vids hilight the need for high speed replays in decision making and why it dosnt get implicated, cos the officials are scared of how it will make the sport look when everyone is offically demed to be stupid faking bastards, that is the reason i dont watch football
well thats only if the airbox is clear of the water but the exaust is uner the water, in this cse the engine sucken in water from the intake side because it was run with the airbox underwater
well yh i use the top top end very lightly, basicly all this gold plated rubish, which can cost you 40 odd quid last time i knew, especcially at the lieks of pc world and associated companies, £5 for a tbh specialist cable that arnt produced in the same sort of quitities of comon cables isnt that bad
he wasnt saying get a hdmi cable to do the job he was just saying about the price of a top line hdmi cable in comparison to the scrat to vga cable which jack called dear
there is 2 things to take from this thread, the lesson to check your tyres regularly and for all of the tire, inside/out and al around including sidewalls, and to just keep an eye on how your tyres are wearing, maybe buy yourself a cheap tread depth guage and check your tread depths ones a month or somehting and note them down to see if it is starting to happen again
a freind of ours does/did a version of it and his is faster and tbh has a bit or feeling too it but i still thinkits a great song that never got the recognision it deserved due to it not really suiting the original artist very well
edit: and anything by acdc just rules especcially highway to hell lol
yh if your planning on using a high iso get a more expensive body, it is the only thing that gets on my nearves with my 450D tbh as i seem to do alot more shoting in a situation that needs high iso than i expected too, putting that one down to experiance
ive got my first lesson with RED on the 14th of november, im gonna make sure i get on with the instuctor before booking alot up, standard cost is £22 an hour but the usual discount for block booking and maybe a student discount, im also gonna be putting my car on the road so i can learn as quickly as poss cos it could lead me into a job and i just wanna be driving asap
i would say 450D(which i have and like although the iso performance annoys me a little) or the 500D or even maybe a 50D is within your price range, they are the canon offerings and although im a connon fan there arnt really any of the major manafacturers that make a bad camera. one thing i would say would be to go to a store were you can try them, mainly to see if they are comfortable in the hand and if you like how they operate(user interface etc) because they are more important than you think, even if you ont end up buying it from them. as for lenses, you get what you pay for really, some makes are better value than others but generally the more you spend the better the lens you get and its not worth spending the whole budget on the camera and get a cheap lens cos the more decent camera is pointless without the right lens and wil only show up any weaknesses the lens have more than a cheap camera
if they have the facilities i wouldnt be suprised to see cooper tyres put in a bid for the contract as to me they seem to be trying to get more invilved in motorsport but i may off the mark
if the noise annoys you send it away but im not sure there is too much wrong (although i havent listened/watched the vid cos i cant hear sond from embedded bids on my pc) co my first g25 wasnt tht noisey untill my dad had a go and pulled on it getting out, it then got noisier but went on for over 18months till i burned the motors out, my new one is alot noiseier than my old one was but again works fine
ide imagine the rear suspension is a beam setup so there aint much tat can happen camber wise unless something is seriously bent, if it is independant rears check all the bushes by trying to lever them with a crowbar, if in any dout get someone to have a look at it on a ramp, damaged and dangereous buits of suspension is all i can think off
edit: just had a quick look on autodata and it looks like the rear camber is adjustable by a washer on a rear arm telling me its independant so it is probably either the camber not set corectly or that trailing arm bush has gone
edit2: @tristan. not all corsas are chavvy thanks you very much
well only if it was kept on the original gp layout ofcourse lol, lydden lol i could imagine that, just wident the current layout, then they really would have somethign to moan about when it comes to the track