i think tbh the focal lent you need depends on what motorsport you shoot and if its circuit based how far are ouy generally from the action, i go down to brands hatch and at the btcc meeting was shooting graham hill bend from the south bank with a 200mm lens np, although i would have liked a 350 to get closer or a 300 to get closer to the action on padock hill. as for which specific lens i cant really say as i havent a clue about nikon lenses due to the fact i own a superior brand (runs from sam)
was plannin on going to the race this year but money means we cant but i am gonna do the full 24 on tv, managed 19 hours last year, and im gonna be on the eurosport forums to especially if theve got the up all night club going again
lol just been to do tht same exam, i am no official out of compulsery education. so untill i geand aprntihip or college starts im free so hopefully will have time to get creative witht he camera
i thnk that will be the lens a mate of mine has, ive had it on my 450d a cuple of times and loved it, i love the uwa effect, if only i could afford one i would get a 8.5mm fisheye with a 180degree field of view
tbh the brawn isnt just about aerodynamics, everyone thought the secret was the double difusser but it isnt, the brawn car is a great base car, no matter what the other teams do they wont be able to match it properly. its like saying that putting a wing on an mpv makes it handle like a caterham, i think not
its about the same price as the 500d but tis a better still camera but without video, even the 50d isnt that much more, but tbh for a straight beginner the 450-500 would probably be better but if you are looking a little more seriously at photography i would go with the 40d although it still isnt full frame
one key thing i fund when looking to buy a camera is to learn about taking pics first so you can identify what you need to take the pics you want
i like the video feture and like the qualtiy of the video but i would rather spend the extra moneynthey are charging you on a better stills camera not a combined stills/video camera, just personal preferance tbh, i was to get a camer with video it would be a 5d markII
lol i was kicking myself slightly when i learnt the 500d had been released a little while after i got my camera but then i learned the price and wast so unhappy, i would rather do without the video and get a 40d
well lol i sorta said that to myself but soon i found myself buying a second lens, albeit a cheap one, and have got about 5 more on my want list lol although the 450d kit lens is quite good especcially compared to what it replaced
tbh it depends what you want from the camera, i have a 450d and it great but thats just my opinion
have a look at www.dpreview.com and have a look at the reviews of all the cameras in your price range
one thing to remember is that if you are thinking of upgrading in the future you would have to stick with the same brand or you wuold have to buy a new set of lenses