yh jibber i know but what im saying is you can sometimes get away with it, as for leaving the piston at the top , i know the sleeves are tapered but i wouldnt have thought it would
my sis got a tatoo about a year ago of my nefue's name, harrison, on the underside of her left lower arm, this is stupid for several reasons:
1: she works in banking and has to wear long sleeve shirts all the time
2: what if my sister has another kid???
3: what will he think we he understands what it is etc
to stop any confusion i will point out at this point that i have 2 sisters, harrison is not the sisters in questions child as she cant have kids
we tryed telling her but typically didnt listen so now i take the piss out of her aout it quite regulaly
i think there is a program about(well i suspect several) that take several outputs and put them to one simulated input then you could just use audacity, im not sure of any programs that can do it alone
i would sat the trans am from smokey and the bandit just because i lov the trans ams but if tv can be included i would ahve to say both KITTs (yes i am a bit of a knight rider fan lol), im sure there are others i hae liked, i just cant remember them
it shouldnt just lock up if left for a while, i was oround my cousins when he got is buggy our he haddent used for 6months and that started fine even with me starting it, and im crap at starting nitros
bulb mode vasicly as far as i can figure out is were you define the shutter speed by how long you keep the shutter button pressed, the 450d gives a readout of the time the shutter has been open on the back too. on the 450d you keep going along until you get o the max exposere time then its one further if you get me and shows BULB were the shutter speed usually is, im not sure if this is just what canon call it or if its the recognised term
anyway took some more pics tonight and i got this one of the dog(yes he is my main subject atm) its my best so far i think, although its still bad but hey.
i shot it in raw and made a few tweaks while converting it
i tryed to get the background a bit blured but you cant do too much with the kit lens indoors
edit: just had a look at migz post and was wondering if the a350 had a BULB mode, ive been messing around with mine on BULB lol, can be pretty tricky judging it
edit2: i think ive been a prize idiot, ive just re read migz post and realised it wasnt the shutter speed causing the problem
ive been having a bit of a read through hear and i think there is one thing nobody has suggested, that is the use of non alchoholic beer, some is awful some is actually quite good. i say this because i know someone who was heading into being a serious alcoholic but he managed to get himself back, and one of his methods was to use non alcoholic beer so it tasted right etc but just slowly got him off the beers basicly
lol none of my pics have an ounce of creativity yet, my main prob atm is i havent got a tripod yet(well i have, its on old cheapo thing my dad had for his camcorder, but part of the head is missing) and i want to do a bit of still life stuff
i can see your point toddshooter but i think there is a need for a mod to post in a thread to give reason for closing etc or to moderate the thread itself (telling people to calm down over certain issues, as a group instead of individually) but i sorta agree with the idea that a mod that has been a part of the discussion should not be allowed to moderate it above a certain level
its ok not too sure tbh, at least they have kept the cranor curves although i wonder if they have widened it, if they have i think it will loose its magic tbh