true about the salt, i know a guy who restore an old land rover who after every drive in winter would jet was the whole car, underside especialy and then put it in his garage wich he heated to dry the water and had a dehumidifier in there lol, his whole garage was like one of those car bubble things lol
it wont as long as water isnt trapped anyware, it is why alot of land rovers end up in such a rusty mess, after ever dunking in water make sure the car is dry in all the places that seem suseptable to collecting water and any mud and crap that has collected is cleaned out, as long as thats done it will be fine
im on vm and for my schooling need a line that is reliable and thats what i got, its also bloody fast andd as for sky, i had to set my sisters up and its awful and the security is wpa which oesnt agree with my sisters laptop and they dont give you the router access codes
i didnt mean that old i meant more older (anything with a manual tacho really tbh)
just tell the tacho system it has smaller diameter wheels on it lol, gives you a bit more speed and it dont show on the tacho, but the new systems make this impossible(i think lol)
yh dan it is totally stupid on a dual caridge way, often you will see forein truckers doing it more often as they can be quicker depending on country, although saying that there were a few tricks in the older trucks to make em go a bit quicker
all i was saying is dont be so hard on truckers, yes here are some idiots out there, more than there used to, but dont just generalise all truckers driving on a minority
people judge truckers without really understanding
i dont think peopel often realise about trucks and about drving them, and how you have to drive them, with a truck one of the most important things is fuel economy especially with diesel the price it is now so have to keep slowing down ruins fuel economy, thats why if you see 1 truck try to overtake another, you will never see him lift of, ever
its worrying when your in the cab of a truck and see some of the stupid things people will do infront of a 40 ton truck
i think it would be more sueful as a system to use in multi class with the fastest going first because it would help stop different classes getting messed up at t1 etc and give accident chance to clear if the starts were staggered a bit
lol about the guy in the pic, when i heard about it i wondered what sort of things could end up hapening, if i did it ide point the camera at something else like a sign or something lol ill let your imagination run with that one
edit to remove double post: i agree really bob, its changed severly even in my lifetime, its all the health and saftey hyperactivity, ohh someone might slip and smack there knee, wtf, especcially when you consider the brutality of some of the rugby pe lessons that happen when the teachers are doing the brutality part lol
yes it depends on conditions weather its best to sit on top or cut down into the surface, bvut i think tbh depending on the situation 4wd can be a good or bad thing, well not bad but not helpful.
i just think that in snowy conditons 4wd can be a help, mainly because it would allow a vehicale to get out of conditions 2wd vehicles would get stuck in. i think there was a couple stories on telly about buses being towed out by 4x4's ?
ah yes i i must admit i do agree here, the ony thing here is that a 4wd vehicle wil tend to have wider tyres than most cars, there are of corse exceptions, but i used that as an example because these sorts of situations are best tackled at low speed, like small residentail streets.
well tristan ide like to see you win that arguement with and experianced offroad driver r someone who drives in sever condtions regually
as for low range and wheel torque, yes you are right but the ability to travel at slower speeds and therefore having more control is surely the safer option