I love the SRT 4 and have considered it. I wish they still made the neon version cause now it is a caliber. New it is the best bang for the buck when it was in production. Used might be a craps shoot considering so many of the younger crowd can get their hands on one. Makes me a bit uneasy about a used one.
The best thing about the SRT is the underrated HP and since it is FWD you don't loose near as much power to the ground as you do in a AWD (the thing i dislike most about the evo). If you put a 3 inch turbo back exhaust and a AEM EMS on the SRT 4 it would be stupid fast though. I've heard of people putting a very similar mod to a evo 8 and pulling 350whp out of it.
The Evo is my kind of car. But really i would take just about any 'car' over my 1997 4x4 Chevy Tahoe at this point.
My favorite color in the MR. That is so sweet man. Great car.
I've been eye balling the new X GSR at our local dealer here. I used to have a Talon TSi and this is one of the only cars that could replace it for me. Plus it has child seat mounts for my 3 year old little princess of house. I've worked my way up at my job and paid off all my debt with the goal of owning a Evo. Only life throws a twist at you all the time. Instead my wife is going to quit her job be a stay home mom and go to school. So my grocery getting hot rod will have to wait. I think my 68 year old father is going to try and buy one just to spite me though. Maybe I will get to drive it.
I hate to hear about stuff like this. I know exactly how it feels to have a love one in ICU after a car accident. I don't know Kimmy. Never seem her online or raced with her that I recall. I want to have that opportunity in the future. I hope she recovers quickly and her family's hearts and minds are strong though this time of need. My prayers for all of them. I went through this with my brother 3 years ago and a friend during high school. I went to the hospital and was told my loved ones would never leave. Well, doctors know a lot, but they don't know it all. They both did leave in time, but only because of the prayers and strength of people that loved them and cared for them I am convinced. Keep thinking of her, praying for her and surrounding her with your heart's. Thats all and the best you can do.
I have pretty much that same setup as well. I cranked all the AA and run at the same res. Only difference is my 6320 Dual Core is O/C to 2.8 ghz not that it needs to be for this this sim. If i unlock the max fps it will go up to 200 and bounce down 150fps full grid. I have it locked at 100 though. Never drops. Defiantly check the drivers for all your hardware including chipset drivers. There are some important drivers for the chipset that will control your PCI-E slot(s). However I would start with the Graphics Card Drivers like it recommended by others here. If none of that works and you are getting crashes, not that you said you were, use Memtest86 boot CD to check for bad memory. If you get red in Memtest86 try one stick at a time until you find the bad stick. Good luck.
I'm a Web Admin/Developer by Day. I do that stuff like that all the time. I have a test server, but normally because it's a test server it's been blown up by testing updates or other type things so i just go straight for the live environment and hold my breath.
When I clicked on servers this comes up. This appears to be the only thing effected from an outside look around. Hope I'm posting on the correct thread.
XML Parsing Error: mismatched tag. Expected: </img>. Location: http://www.raceauthority.com/servers.asp Line Number 91, Column 117: <td bgcolor="#000000"><img src="/site_img/licence_search.gif" width="137" height="24" align="absbottom"></td> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^
No. Forza 2 doesn't have logitech drivers built into the game last that I heard. I suppose it could be added in a live update at some point, but since MS makes the wheel for Forza 2 (ms wireless racing wheel) we will prolly never see it for forza 2. I have the MS wireless racing wheel and forza 2. Since i found LFS i don't play it anymore.
Since this is a remote server you might try increasing the 'max_allowed_packets' setting in your mysql config file. Not sure how much data you are sending to the server at one time, but I have an experience this week on our webserver at work that caused me to have to increase the amount allowed. I would try different port/firewall settings first though. It has been reported that the 'max_allowed_packets' increase can cause a performance hit on the database server. However, I cannot confirm or deny that statement.
Good Luck! and back up those config files first!
Edit* You know. Unless you are send a lot of data ( > 1m at a time) then max_allowed_packets is not the problem. I thought about the settings for allowed hosts for each user account. Default is local. So a SSH tunnel would bounce off the loopback and hit the database from the localhost, since most mysql users are setup this way. Or you could change it to allow the host you are connecting from. I may be giving you information you already know, but i thought i would throw this out there.