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S2 licensed
The problem with any cars that are vaguely 'sporty' is that the insurance on them is astronomical, never mind the crappy mileage they get.

I finally saw the light and got the most unsporty car I've ever had, a Fiat Panda Multijet (Diesel). Probably the cheapest car I've ever owned, £4k for the car, £35 a year on tax, and Group 2 on insurance (which for me means £140), plus 60+ MPG - currently 62.3 on the trip computer.

Sod performance, save yourself a packet and get a Fiesta TDCi or something. Must be loads around for ~£2k.

Oh and my Panda still does 60 in 13.00 seconds. (70 BHP/935KG)

My two cents.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mp3 Astra :Some nice content in there. I even learned some things as well! A few spelling and grammar oddities but, overall, it was an enjoyable read.

Grammar oddities? I edited it for Tom .....damn my 'A' Level English Language - obviously hasn't done me any good whatsoever
S2 licensed
I'd just like to say that my trophy is going to be my new avatar.

It's small enough to be 1:1 scale.
S2 licensed
Quote from Christopher Raemisch :So who's going to the Whales gokart meet?

Love the misspelling Chris! I'll be there, getting beaten by Tristan, Becky, Ben et al - although I do hope we do another Race Center event too! (For obvious reasons )
S2 licensed
Quote from Fletch248 :hi guys had a really nice day and so did the missis (result) lol joe i remembered on the way home where i think i have seen u before do u race rc cars?? s14drifto (note to self) dont forget to start lol thanks for 3rd hehe see u all out on the track soon thanks again

Yup, that's me! 1:10 I.C. to be exact....

Nice to meet you!
S2 licensed
Thanks Tristan for inviting us along, what a great event!

Nice to meet everyone I met some friendly old faces and some new ones, I had a great day - thanks once more
S2 licensed
Quote from jbirdaspec :I watched some of the last iTCC races and was really happy to see you guys were using mogulus. My attention was drawn to your league because it was the first I'd seen done with mogulus for live sim racing events. I had done some experimenting with mogulus for streaming live LFS video. I was even more surprised to see you used the exact same software and method I had tried after doing some research. While you say there are better solutions, I haven't seen any that really work as good as this setup. Maybe if you could buy hulu space, but I bet that is really high dollar. I see so often the low fps and major video lag/spikes/ect of most video streaming for race leagues. It is nice to see community members making the most out of what is available for public use.

Good Job!

One more thing. Have you ever tried to tried to broadcast by playing a mpr file as it is being written?

Jay Odom

Hi Jay! And thanks for the kind word re: the iTCC broadcasts.

Just a quick word with regards to your question - no, we've never tried to do that, I do remember reading a thread somewhere about this a while ago, so I'll go look it up. If you have any info about this, could you PM me it so I can investigate and try to work out a solution?

Nice that you came up with the same solution! Right now, Flash Media Encoder 3 has recenetly become available for download - I'm testing it currently and will update the guide when I find out how to improve the broadcast quality using it.

S2 licensed
Quote from Funnybear :
And I just want to show of my new car.

Me too! 2006 Fiat Panda Diesel. Oh yeah.
S2 licensed
Quote from Angel_ghost :my name (69 - H. Marques) is in 2 list


My sincerest apologies......
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :I have waterproof bike stuff, it's not that. I haven't long passed my test, and I'm not confident enough to do a nearly 100mile return journey, most of it on motorways, in the pissing down rain. I did it the other day (ok just one junction but hey) and it was awful, I got off the bike and I was freezing cold, my left foot was in a swimming pool and I couldn't feel my fingers.

If it's spitting/drizzle/light rain I will most definatly come. If it's pouring down, like the outburst we had an hour ago then I won't.'re coming.

I live near Marlborough, so if it's raining cats and dogs I'll give you a lift.

EDIT: Or.......get the train to Pewsey and I'll pick you up there.
Ballast (Check this thread before every round!)
S2 licensed
The following drivers are ballasted by the amounts shown for Round 2 of the iTCC Touring car Championship:

16 N. Scott - 42 Kgs
57 R. Van Buren - 34 Kgs
69 H. Marques - 27 Kgs
19 R. De Jong - 20 Kgs
33 B. Keough - 14 Kgs
99 F. Enersen - 9 Kgs
55 M. Makalowski - 3 Kgs
47 D. Lind - 3 Kgs
86 M. Cherkashyn - 2 Kgs
94 A. Laudens - 2 Kgs
38 P. Dolezal - 1 Kg
88 D. Vuckovic - 1 Kg
82 S. Mathei - 1 Kg

All drivers in the list above are to ensure they are correctly ballasted.

Failure to use the correct ballast will incur heavy penalties.


Joe Keaveney
S2 licensed
Quote from boothy :By my reckoning, highly unofficial, mind:

EDIT: Just realised that even those below 6th place would still carry ballast, 1kg for every 3 points, don't know how the rounding will work though, assuming it will be down.

Thanks for the help Boothy! Nearly right with the point as well!

The ballast will be rounded down to the nearest whole Kg.

Ballast will be shown in a seperate Ballast thread very soon! About 20 minutes..
S2 licensed
Quote from crazydav :LFS Username :crazydav
Real Name David Faurie
Team :Renesis
Eligible (Hotlap of AS6 in under 2:50.18) :
Preferred Number :if the 95 is always free I take

Choose a number between 200 - 299 please
S2 licensed
Quote from Joe_Keaveney :

Race Numbers

Any numbers are available between 200 & 299............

Please indicate your preferred number
'Locked-in' drivers for Round 2, Reserve List, & New Sign-ups (NOW CLOSED)
S2 licensed
'Locked-in' Drivers for Round 2

The following drivers, who are the top 15 drivers in the Driver's Championship after Round 1, are now 'locked-in' for Round 2 of the iTCC. That is to say, they have qualified directly through to the iTCC event itself, and do not have to qualify through the 'Reserve Shootout'.

These drivers are:

16 N.Scott
23 J.Pickard
27 T.Hynninen
33 B.Keough
38 P.Dolezal
47 D.Lind
55 M.Makalowski
57 R.v.Buren
69 H.Marques
82 S.Mathei
86 M.Cherkashyn
88 D.Vuckovic
94 A.Laudens
99 F.Enersen

All other drivers must qualify through to the 2nd round of the iTCC through the Reserve Shootouts.

These drivers are in the Reserve Shootouts:

Reserve List

4 D. Lobb
5 T. Osterhouse
6 C. Zörner
7 M. Boljevic
8 V. Gruppelaar
9 C. Ford
12 A. Moor
13 A. Zadro
15 L. Malecki
18 J. Jokela
20 N. Grans
24 K. O'Keefe
25 T. D'Souza
26 J. Atkinson
31 C. Wilkinson
35 J. Ward
36 G. Noll
40 D. Nikolin
41 A. Ristic
42 S. A. Skavdal
44 Á. Árnason
46 D. Zanetti
66 T. Østgaard
71 K. Gasiunas
73 J. Dimic
74 P. Vladan
77 D. Novak
80 M. Meier
81 F. Fredrikkson
84 M. Booth
87 J. Lovett
89 J. Matthews
91 J. Miranda
92 M. Ruis
96 E. Kasperniunas
97 S. Moore
98 S. Stankevičius

B. Grindle (need your number)
28 T. Falkenberg

You will notice that several drivers who signed up for Round 1 of the iTCC are missing from this list. This is because having signed-up, they did not appear at Round 1 of the iTCC, and are therefore presumed to be uninterested.

New Sign-ups

This means that there are 22 places in the Reserve List. Sign-ups are invited from drivers not currently in the iTCC Touring Car Championship. These drivers will join the other drivers already in the Reserve List and must qualify themselves through to the iTCC event through the Reserve Shootouts.

200 K.A. Gjerde
207 A. Turner
209 P. Diaz
211 T. Oliver
212 K. Johnsen
213 P. Goik
217 A. Collett
222 D. Faurie
234 Y. Laprevotte
228 L. Kaczmarek
229 J. Souai
236 K. Burns
246 G. Alamaras
256 L. Baker
261 J.J. Wang
282 Z. Cagaš
285 E. Bitan
288 A. Perrs


To be eligibile to enter the iTCC you must be able to meet a minimum standard of outright pace - the iTCC requires that you can lap within 103% of a recognised benchmark. In this case it is Rudy Van Buren's fastest race lap from the Pre-Season meeting at Aston Grand Touring (AS6) - 2:45.22. So the time you will be required to beat is 2:50.18

When registering your interest in this series please submit a .spr hot lap of your racing at Aston Grand Touring (AS5)

Please submit the .spr as an attachment to your sign-up post.

Joining iTCC

Please signal your intention to join the iTCC by replying to this post with the following information as shown below:
  • LFS Username :
  • Real Name :
  • Team :
  • Eligible (Hotlap of AS6 in under 2:50.18) :
  • Preferred Number :
Where new drivers belong to a team already competing in the iTCC, if they have a team currently with only 1 driver, then they may join that driver in the that team.

New team entries are allowed within the guidelines published in this thread.

Race Numbers

Any numbers are available between 200 & 299.

Allocation of race numbers is strictly on a first come first served basis.

Rules are here, bear in mind these are in the process of being revised, it would be wise to re-check the rules before Round 2 begins.

Skins must be to the guidlines published here

Best of luck to the new entrants, and to everybody, thankyou for supporting the series, let's give a good show at Round 2!


Joe Keaveney - iTCC Admin
Last edited by Joe_Keaveney, .
S2 licensed
Hi racers,

Victor has enabled the use of the dynamic iTCC userbar.

Quote :

userbar usage :
[itcc]LFS Username[/itcc]

For example: LFS Username of Joe_Keaveney will give [itcc]Joe_Keaveney[/itcc]


Obviously after an iTCC Round it takes us a couple of days to get the points tables done and the userbars updated! So be patient.


Joe Keaveney - iTCC Admin
Last edited by Joe_Keaveney, .
S2 licensed
The results posted above are now 'declared' meaning these are the results that will stand as the official results of Round 1 of the iTCC.


Joe Keaveney
S2 licensed
Decisions have been edited into the protest posts above.
S2 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :I'll be up for this. When is it? & can anyone who tried to enter compete in it?

When we've published the results and and have a better idea of the numbers we require, I'll make a thread here. This is going to take a few days, so please be patient.


S2 licensed
Just my two cents.

As Darren says, the guidlines we will be releasing shortly will clarify what we expect of drivers on the restart.

Rudy accepts that the restart on lap 14 of Race 2 is not the way to behave in a restart, and I welcome his honesty.

What I would say to everyone is to race within the spirit of the rules, not just the letter. If there is unsporting conduct on the track in future iTCC races, we will take a dim view of it.


S2 licensed
Quote from banshee56 :Any chance the signups will be re-opened? We have 3 CoRe drivers that want to sign up!

As soon as I have a better idea of how many drivers we need to apply for Round 2, I'll open up entries. Not yet though, not at that point yet.


S2 licensed
Dates now amended. Sorry to those this affects - we have tried not to change any dates, but if we hadn't changed them you wouldn't have any admin team for the last three races!
S2 licensed
Original post updated with replaysand results of shootouts and qualifying.
iTCC - Round 1 - Results / Replays
S2 licensed
These are the declared results for Round 1 of the 2009 iTCC Touring Car Championship held at Westhill International (Reversed) on 11th January 2009.

Round 1 Results

Reserve Shootout 1

Reserve Shootout 2


Race 1

Race 2

Race 3

Round 1 Replays

Reserve Shootout 1

Reserve Shootout 2


Race 1

Race 2

Race 3

Thanks to all who raced, it was a great race meeting to watch!


Last edited by Joe_Keaveney, .