Yeah, thanks everyone for making it such an enjoyable day. Well done to Becky for unequivocally thrashing us all in qualifying, and to Thomas for the win! The entire field was quick - every driver was quicker than the best lap time from the group who were on before us! Sim-racers win again.!
Nice to see such a strong turnout from the [SR] guys, hope we can all meet up again next year! Consider me pre-confirmed! I'm definitely going wherever the next one is!
Thanks again to all who made it there, and particularly to Thomas and Victor for making the trip to the UK. Hope to see you again next year!
I'm sorry - I can't make it tonight. I applied a week or so ago for this round but after so long with no reply I figured I wasn't being put down on the reserve list. So unfortunately I'm already committed to a dinner with fiance and friends.
30th of August looks OK though, now I know I'm on the reserve list I'll make sure I'm available.
Apologies again but I can't cancel the dinner at such short notice.
Look forward to seeing the replays! Best of luck with the admin/racing tonight!
Joe Keaveney
P.S. JO53PHS you need to clear your PMs matey!
P.P.S Use my setup - it's ace. No - really - it is!
Scribbled in crayon with the hand you don't normally write with too
Good idea, anyways. Is there an itinerary for where to be and when? As my folks live 10 miles down the road so I can be there in a jiffy so will be good to see everyone and say hello and so on.
I did think about getting a t-shirt done for the event with our team's logo on, but I reckon I'll look daft enough in a bright red racing coveralls and dodgy trainers.
Real Name: Joe Keaveney
Numbers of Entry Requirements that you have attained. (see above): 8
75 CTRA License points
50 CTRA (tin top) or CTRA SS License points
CTRA Yellow Roof License
14901 online miles
Within 103% of WR (UF1 @ FE1 - 0:53.96)
Just started league racing this summer (done F500, doing MRT & UF Baby R atm) - if that's too much racing experience then feel free to ignore this post! Oh yeah and I've been playing LFS since 2004! It's a bit better now!
Number (this MUST be above 27 – and up to 3 digits long): 47
Joe Keaveney
EDIT: Oh yeah, that setup from Setupgrid has it's camber settings all screwy. Here's my version
Right, here goes. I've looked to make sure this hasn't been mentioned before, so very sorry if I'm repeating anyone's suggestion.
My scenario is very simple. Imagine a 4/8/12/24 hour race (ALMS, Le Mans etc)
Imagine 2 or more drivers in that team racing that car over that amount of time. How does LFS allow it? At the moment I don't think it does. I think the endurance guys leave the server as their teammate joins the server, and then the league admins total up the number of laps by those drivers.
I'd like to have a feature that allows me to jump in the car when my team-mate gets out of the car during a pitsop. Pretty simple sounding, not so sure it's easy to implement. But I thought I'd throw it out there for discussion.
Thankyou for the compliment! Both myself (ICON JOE) and Darren (ICON DAZZA) are looking forward to these tryouts, we both know there are plenty of drivers out there who can drive clean AND fast, it's just a case of finding them and getting them racing with us!
We really want to have a club atmosphere, helping each other with setup, teaching racecraft, and then getting us into competition.
1) Walk 2) Run - that's pretty much our attitude!
Hope to see you all on our server on Thursday night, 19:00 - 21:00
Just a bump to highlight the tryout session on Thursday night of this week, the 5th of June.
We're looking for clean racers with a passion for sim-racing, come and along and race, and say hi. If you're looking for a team and you think you fit the bill (clean, fair racing) then turn up and make it count!
Anyway, only trying to help, no ridicule please if you don't mind as I don't try to help people only to be shot down in flames. Save that for somebody else.