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S2 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :So you're the type of people that thinks a game is fun when you don't play it by the rules?
Nothing more boring than replying to a forum game if people just random do what they want.

Sometimes, rules are fun you know. Why would anyone reply to this game, if there's nothing "in it" for them?

Grow up.

My apologies I missed a few posts and can see you've established an order of things. I'll wait my turn.
S2 licensed
Just a quick update on various Diesel fuels.

So I guess I've done 4 or 5 tankfuls since my last post - about 2000 miles maybe? Anyway, I haven't got the exact figures to hand but I've found that Esso Diesel has been the most economical fuel for me, returning 435 (62 MPG) and 455 (65 MPG) miles respectively from 2 x 31.5 litre fill-ups.

The reasons I think for the difference are varied. The two that come to mind are that the 455 miles were done in the dry and with me REALLY trying to drive economical - very steady 60 MPH on motorway/A-roads and 1500-2000 RPM cruising to the speed limit in built-up areas. Also I tried drafting lorries! - although it definitely helps economy, I can't see anything but the back of the lorry, and the lorry can't see me. So far too dangerous and a bit stupid on my part to be honest. The 435 mile tank was done in the wet with a air-flow meter problem now fixed, so not surprisingly economy was nto as good.

The other tanks were done on Texaco Diesel which was defnitely rubbish (54 MPG!), Total (Rubbish again 56 MPG). And the current tank is full of Tesco Diesel, which is actually pretty good (60 MPG average) considering I'm no longer trying to drive economically.

I know someone who's a chemical engineer for an American oil company at a British refinery - the only companies in the UK who you can be sure sell diesel produced at their own refinieries are Shell and BP. I'll keep going with Esso for a while to get a good measure of consistency, I'm guessing they get their diesel from the same supplier again and again which would explain similar economy.

One other thing that has been suggested to me is to only fill to half a tankful. For me (Fiat Panda Diesel), this means a saving of 17.5 KGs. Obviously for larger cars, you could be saving 30-40 KGs! Definitely worth considering doing this if you pass the filling station on your trip home / to work / wherever.
S2 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :It's not your turn.

Not my turn? Calm down mate it's only a bit of fun.
S2 licensed
Here's one for you....see attachment
S2 licensed
Are we still talking about the Nissan?

Robt got it right! It's a Nissan Almera

S2 licensed
Driver: Joe Keaveney
LFS Username: Joe_Keaveney
Country: GBR
Preferred Number: 99
S2 licensed
The calendar clashes with iTCC (15th March and 10th May), but I'll sign up and do the rounds that don't clash.
S2 licensed
Hi, I'm interested in competing but I need to know when the series is running

Can you either publish a calendar or let us know in the original post?

S2 licensed
Quote from Furiously-Fast :Lol, a little challenge here. Possibly one of the ugliest cars you'll ever see.

It kinda looks like the rear end of a Mazda MX-6 but the lights are in the wrong place. This one has me scratching my head
S2 licensed
Yep, that's the one, was never as stylish as the X1/9
S2 licensed
Here's a one, I've included the whole car, as I'm not sure who knows this one anyway.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Wow, how the hell did you get that?

Dunno, just looked at the wheels and couldn't think of anything but Citroens. It's so boxy it could only be a BX!
S2 licensed
Citroen BX 4TC I win. See the attachment.

It was the daft wheels that gave it away. That cries 'Citroen' to me. Those crazy guys.

I'll find a couple of pics for you guys later on
S2 licensed
I'm honestly not interested in his private life one little bit. I couldn't care less what he earns or what hardships he's had to endure.

He cheated, and now he's paying for it. Good.
Last edited by Joe_Keaveney, . Reason : Maybe I was a bit harsh the first time....
S2 licensed
Quote from travyd :still interested.

although, can i ask a favour? i live in australia (where the shoot out starts at 2:30am), and i was wondering if it was possible that i have to compete in the later of the two (or however many) sessions. every bit of extra sleep counts :P

Yeah no problems at all mate!
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko ::hide:

You got the money then I take it?

Hah! :ices_rofl Yeah, it'll keep me in Jaffa Cakes for a while

Seriously though, well done.
'Locked-in' drivers for Round 3, Reserve List, No-shows & NEW SIGN-UPS (CLOSED)
S2 licensed
'Locked-in' Drivers for Round 2

The following drivers, who are the top 15 drivers in the Driver's Championship after Round 2, are now 'locked-in' for Round 3 of the iTCC. That is to say, they have qualified directly through to the iTCC event itself, and do not have to qualify through the 'Reserve Shootout'.

These drivers are:

16 N.Scott
26 J. Atkinson
33 B.Keough
38 P.Dolezal
47 D.Lind
57 R.v.Buren
69 H.Marques
86 M.Cherkashyn
88 D.Vuckovic
94 A.Laudens
99 F.Enersen
200 K.A. Gjerde
209 P. Diaz

All other drivers must qualify through to the 3rd round of the iTCC through the Reserve Shootouts.

These drivers are in the Reserve Shootouts:

Reserve List

4 D. Lobb
5 T. Osterhouse
7 M. Boljevic
9 C. Ford
15 L. Malecki
20 N. Grans
23 J.Pickard
24 K. O'Keefe
25 T. D'Souza
27 T.Hynninen
30 B. Grindle
31 C. Wilkinson
35 J. Ward
41 A. Ristic
44 Á. Árnason
66 T. Østgaard
71 K. Gasiunas
73 J. Dimic
74 P. Vladan
77 D. Novak
80 M. Meier
87 J. Lovett
89 J. Matthews
91 J. Miranda
96 E. Kasperniunas
213 P. Goik
217 A. Collett
222 D. Faurie
228 L. Kaczmarek
236 K. Burns
246 G. Alamaras
282 Z. Cagas
285 E. Bitan
288 A. Perrs

No-shows required to confirm interest

The drivers listed below did not appear at Round 2 of the iTCC Touring Car Championship and are requested to confirm their interest in the iTCC for Round 3 by replying to this post in this thread with 'Still Interested'. Upon receipt of their reply they will be moved to the Reserve Shootouts.

6 C. Zörner
12 A. Moor
18 J. Jokela
36 G. Noll
40 D. Nikolin
42 S. A. Skavdal
46 D. Zanetti
81 F. Fredrikkson
98 S. Stankevičius
82 S.Mathei
28 T. Falkenberg
211 T. Oliver
212 K. Johnsen
229 J. Souai
256 L. Baker

New Sign-ups

There are several places in the Reserve List. Sign-ups are invited from drivers not currently in the iTCC Touring Car Championship. These drivers will join the other drivers already in the Reserve List and must qualify themselves through to the iTCC event through the Reserve Shootouts.

300 I. Sindic
301 R. Müller
322 G. Kane
353 J. Kursk

Unable to attend round 3:

8 V. Gruppelaar
13 A. Zadro
55 M.Makalowski
97 S.Moore
207 A. Turner
376 H. Say

No longer interested
92 M. Ruis


To be eligibile to enter the iTCC you must be able to meet a minimum standard of outright pace - the iTCC requires that you can lap within 103% of a recognised benchmark. In this case it is Rudy Van Buren's fastest race lap from the Pre-Season meeting at Aston Grand Touring (AS6) - 2:45.22. So the time you will be required to beat is 2:50.18

When registering your interest in this series please submit a .spr hot lap of your racing at Aston Grand Touring (AS6)

Please submit the .spr as an attachment to your sign-up post.

Joining iTCC

Please signal your intention to join the iTCC by replying to this post with the following information as shown below:
  • LFS Username :
  • Real Name :
  • Team :
  • Eligible (Hotlap of AS6 in under 2:50.18) :
  • Preferred Number :
Where new drivers belong to a team already competing in the iTCC, if they have a team currently with only 1 driver, then they may join that driver in the that team.

New team entries are allowed within the guidelines published in this thread.

Race Numbers

Any numbers are available between 300 & 399.

Allocation of race numbers is strictly on a first come first served basis.

Rules are here, bear in mind these are in the process of being revised, it would be wise to re-check the rules before Round 3 begins.

Skins must be to the guidlines published here

Best of luck to the new entrants, and to everybody, thankyou for supporting the series, let's give a good show at Round 3!


Joe Keaveney - iTCC Admin
Last edited by Joe_Keaveney, .
S2 licensed
Should have thought about that before you cheated, eh.
S2 licensed
I try to do some some practice even though obviously I never race - I can't even get close to that

I think we've managed to create a series that only serves to make me feel more hopeless at driving than I already felt.

Still, sounds like you'll be right at the front with pace like that
S2 licensed

Makes up for no Race 2 server.

Thanks NDR I'll be on soon
S2 licensed
Hi Victor,

Can you please add LFS Usernames Pantera70 and snoring_snoopy as moderators to the ICON Racing Events sub-section?


Joe Keaveney - iCON Racing Events Admin
S2 licensed
The following drivers are ballasted by the amounts shown for Round 3 of the iTCC Touring car Championship:

16 N.Scott - 34 Kgs
57 R.van Buren - 38 Kgs
99 F.Enersen - 44 Kgs
94 A.Laudens - 36 Kgs
47 D.Lind - 20 Kgs
69 H.Marques - 7 Kgs
19 Jong - 6 Kgs
33 B.Keough - 5 Kgs
209 P.Diaz - 9 Kgs
55 M.Makalowski - 3 Kgs
200 K.A.Gjerde - 3 Kgs
86 M.Cherkashyn - 2 Kgs
88 D.Vuckovic - 2 Kgs
38 P.Dolezal - 2 Kgs
26 J.Atkinson - 1 Kg
222 D.Faurie - 1 Kg
285 E.Bitan - 1 Kg
82 S.Mathei - 1 Kg

All drivers in the list above are to ensure they are correctly ballasted.

Failure to use the correct ballast will incur heavy penalties.


Joe Keaveney
Stewards Warnings
S2 licensed
The stewards, having inspected the races, have identified several drivers who did not follow the correct league procedure regarding spectating.

The procedure is that if you are in a position from which you cannot continue the race, you notify the admins by using chat (the only time that chatting is permitted)

Drivers should NOT telepit or telespectate, period.

The following drivers receive warnings about their behaviour.

213 P. Goik
9 M. Meier
19 Jong
31 C. Wilkinson
74 V. Pavlovic
9 C. Ford
86 M. Cherkashyn

Additionally, two drivers receive penalties due to repeated failure to follow this procedure.

89 J. Matthews
7 M. Boljevic
Warnings & Penalties
S2 licensed
Hello racers,

This thread lists those drivers who have been given warnings or penalties following incidents occuring in the iTCC Touring Car Championship. The penalties awarded are according to the Penalty System in the iTCC Rules.

Where penalties would have no effect (for example, a 5 point deduction against a driver with no points), a penalty will be imposed by means of a qualifying 'grid-drop' equivalent to the number of points. So for a 5-point deduction, the driver would be panlised by being dropped 5 places down from his qualifying position at the next round.

All drivers should note that receiving two warnings in a season will deemed to be displaying unsporting behaviour and will be penalised as such.

Round 1


82 S. Mathei
33 B. Keough
57 R. van Buren

Round 2


213 P. Goik
80 M. Meier
19 Jong
31 C. Wilkinson
74 V. Pavlovic
9 C. Ford
86 M. Cherkashyn


89 J. Matthews - 5-position 'grid drop' at Round 3
7 M. Boljevic - 5-position 'grid-drop' at Round 3

Round 3

Penalties - (Chatting)

23 J.Pickard - 9 points
285 E.Bitan - 4 points
353 J.Kursk - 2 points
222 D.Faurie - 1 point
38 P.Dolezal - 1 point

Round 4

33 B.Keough - Warning & 5 point deduction
57 R. Van Buren - Warning & 5 point deduction

Round 5


16 N. Scott
44. A. Arnason
209 P. Diaz
353 J. Kursk
77 D. Novak
405 Y. Laprevotte
555 R. Goncalves

Round 6


66 T. Ostgaard
71. K. Gasiunas


33 B. Keough - 1 point deduction for chatting


Joe Keaveney - iTCC Admin
Last edited by Joe_Keaveney, .