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S2 licensed
Great video, very educational, thanks.
S2 licensed
Quote from sinbad :Bit of an odd remark given what I've read/seen/heard/been told, I'm sure you've driven enough to comment though.

Well, I certainly haven't driven any of these things, but the surprisingly chunky weight of most modern supercars is a matter of public record. I can't imagine that they feel fantastic in tight corners dragging that much mass around. Happy to be put right if anyone knows better.

Quote :I'd primarily like a lightweight front-engined rwd low-powered (<200bhp) normally aspirated club-level race-car.

Like an Elise perhaps? No, wait, they're not front-engined are they? But something in that ballpark? Sounds good to me.
S2 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :...and because I wisely backed off, because of my experience, I could just cruise through that pack and I still won that race.

Modest, too!

(Just kidding around Flippy, no offence.)
S2 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :It also vastly depends on the type of surface you're driving on IRL.

Agreed absolutely. Anyone who has ever driven around a smooth-concrete-surfaced multi-storey car park will understand this.
S2 licensed
Quote from RoCkBiGdAvE :I use michelins, only because i have the michelin man on all me skins

I am the Michelin Man, so I just use blanks.
S2 licensed
Quote from duke_toaster :Numbers can't have decimal points. Also, 1.000000 is equal to 1.

Maybe it was suggested 1,000,000 times before


Come on Duke, there's no need to be quite this English.
S2 licensed
S14 if you go down this route there's no end to it. Next you will want Live for Sleep, in which one has to control the turning and rolling movements of the sleeping driver the night before the race, in order to make sure that he's properly refreshed for the morning.
S2 licensed
Quote from davidb72 :I've been concentrating on Aston Club, racing the FOX for the past week or two...

Hey, David, glad you're enjoying Club FOX. I think I drove a few races with you last night.

While we're discussing this combo: did anyone else get a serious improvement in their lap times post-patch? I'm still not exactly fast here, and only cracked the 1:02 barrier last night, but pre-patch I was struggling to crack 1:03. Is it just me or does the new physics make the FOX inherently a lot quicker around AS club?
S2 licensed
For god's sake, Kev, go to bed!
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Well I do err on the side of caution, and I did spend five full laps right on the bumper of somone last night...

I can vouch for this as I think I was the guy in front. Kev is cleaner than a clean thing in a very clean place.

Quote :In fact I spent a couple of races being much faster than guys infront...

Sadly I can vouch for this too.

As for the Montoya photos, I agree -- if I was approaching any LFS chicane and the car positions looked like shot 1 in that montage, I would back off. I guess I can imagine going for it if I absolutely knew and respected the person in the car in front and knew that they already knew I was there, but even then I think I'd wait for a better spot.
Last edited by jtr99, .
S2 licensed
I don't dare to listen to it because it might be me. God knows I have done some shouting at those people...
S2 licensed
Becky, you have my sympathy.

It sounds like an extremely frustrating situation. You're effectively put in a position where you either have to become the Emily Pankhurst of LFS and fight for female players' rights to not be harrassed, or you have to hide behind a neutral / male pseudonym. Neither of these options are fair, but sadly one could get pretty old waiting for random people on the internet to behave reasonably.

It seems to me that if the little bastards can't get the small stuff right (like braking into T1) then they're not going to get the big things like gender equality right either.
S2 licensed
Quote from ayrton senna 87 :more proof that it is slow guys in T1 that cause the accidents

i would have rammed him personally, instead of swerving.

Dendy, your obsession with the idea that slow guys cause accidents would gain a lot of credibility if you personally would set a good example of how fast guys don't cause accidents. You seem like a friendly enough guy but whenever I have been on the track with you I have been forced to give you a wide berth. I don't think I'm the only one.
S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :I did it but Max Mosley will wipe his ass with this survey.

I believe Max has someone to do that for him.
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :
The main problem with BF2, besides the jets just being a really silly addition and making most of the maps fun for only 6.something% of the people on a server, is the people. It'd probably be loads of fun if it wasn't totally riddled with arseholes.

Bit of a comment on life in general and the human condition, really.
S2 licensed
Very neat. Thanks, Tweaker.
S2 licensed
Quote from nikimere :I know a BTCC driver who plays LFS

Come on Niki, name names!
S2 licensed
Quote from Kajojek(PL) :Lol his guitar stopped working at the end.

I wish it had stopped working at the beginning.
Comparison of high-end pedals?
S2 licensed
Hi, all.

I was wondering whether anyone out there has experience of more than one set of high-end pedals. I have been looking at the VPP, ECCI and BRD sets and am currently leaning towards getting the VPP. I know Tristan, for example, has ECCI pedals. Is there anyone out there who has tried more than one of these or any other high-end pedals and could offer some comparative comments?

Basically what I am after is rock-solid reliability, a long soft throttle pedal and a realistic short-throw brake with strongly increasing pressure as you depress it.

S2 licensed
Vain, I like your suggestion, but along with some of the other respondents I worry that it would lead to people only driving the faster of the two versions online.

Just out of interest, though, which current LFS car would you say is closest to the track-prepared feel that you're looking for? The LX-6 maybe?

S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Fe Green is brilliant in the slow and medium speed cars, in fact in the TBO class it is perhaps the most awesome track ever concieved.

I disagree with Becky often enough that I thought I should formally register my agreement on this one.
S2 licensed
Best of luck with it, Dan. I think slow-in, slow-out might be the best strategy for a test though.
S2 licensed
Quote from szyszek :To all the FOX fans: I really really encourage you to try the F08. It's a blast to drive, and trust me, it CAN really provide some very fun, CLOSE racing. Just try it

Will do!
S2 licensed
Dave, are you reading their posts? I think these guys are all aware that steering wheels in real cars offer resistance. I think there are two reasons that people are choosing not to use FFB. 1) They do not believe that the character of the resistance offered by FFB is realistic enough to add to their experience in a significant way. 2) They can get faster times without FFB because of greater precision in their steering inputs.

Reason 1 is a personal preference thing and reason 2 is a bit mercenary but who are we to argue with someone who can get a faster laptime one way than they can another?
S2 licensed
Quote from Jethro! :I have heard all the complaints and I am convinced you guys all have problems with your equipment because you BEAT IT UP!

You, sir, should get a job in customer support. You seem to have a natural aptitude for it.