But, for the love of Flying Spaghetti Monster avoid any links that mention "cup < girls" or any variation there of. Goat (X)s is too very much no-no as well. Also, if anybody invites you to any citrus fruit party, it's not going to be fun....
It is not legal. Small quantities in possession and cultivation are misdemeanors and are officially punishable by a fine but a in-practise policy of non-enforcement makes them "not-that-illegal". I.e. It's illegal but allowed, if they don't like you, it's illegal and they can raid you and prosecute you for it.*
Usually it is tolerated by the police and government officials. But recently coffee shop clientèle need to have membership card with them to curb drug tourism. *1*2.
In essence, watching a WR-replay that you have to first endure 10minutes of acrobatics so the driver gets the tire's temperature to optimal is not fun to anyone. In online races it doesn't matter because the conditions are same for everyone and usually in real life you don't have tire warmers on starting grid anyway (until the start).
I know, it was not directed to you but "you". I knew perfectly well you quoted Jenk from cargame.nl forum.