i voted i perffered the older sounds. i really didn't feel it was a step in the right direction.
lfs sound has always been generated on the fly from in game numbers.
lfs it seemed to use:
Engine size (liter)
engine type
Throttle position
amount of power gernerated
am sure he used a filter to generate the mufler sound.
with that sound engine the way sounds sound is fantastic but how the sound sounds is not so good compared to some sampled sounds... actually quite a few.
1.3d sound
2.use of EAX extensions
thease extensions would work wonders on lfs, if u have a good understandment of how sound works you know the improvements that can be made. Eg when something moves further away from you the higher frequencies get drowned out; frequecies get drowned out moving through air yadaydda all this can be simmulated on sound cards today
3. i see a substancial improvement if lfs used a little more varaibles
Engine size (liter) stroke
engine type
Throttle position
cynlinders compresion valves number of valves per cylinder camshafts
exhaust diameter
turbo size
also it could be just me but lfs seems to lack dynamic range when it comes to loadness cars just don't seem alive at 9000rpm(xrt)
i'll probally buy it in next 2 months or so out of pure respect for the developers, every time i boot up the game i think damn only 3 people. Being a computer Science major i understand somewhat the amount of work that that was needed for the game.
I don't feel i ever trolled on here before, ive been reading these forums long before my join data, and never felt like a part of the community. being an outsider iam still a potencial customer so to speak, and have only suggested what I felt was wrong with LFS From my point of view. Now please don't say. "well your have no idea about LFS because your an "outsider" " ive been reading these forums for over a year now and from my outside point of view certain aspects don't look good.
If your Fine with the way LFS is now and how it progresses, then i guess we can't see eye to eye on certain things.
I like LFS just as much as the next guy, but they are certain things that i feel would stop me from enjoying the game. I don't see why i can't bring my potencial $24 opinion here.
Kinda opposite from me, i kinda like to race against different people and see different styles. I mean sure i like to race against my friends and there periods where thats all i rather do. but randomly connecting to a server and racing and see different styles & techniques i just can't do with out.
But on a different Note. Can the developers survive on such a small community?
mmm interesting, i particulaly don't understand why you want a small community. i don't see the benefits. I rather be able to have a wide selection of races to choose from. i would imagine if it got big (community)there would be smaller communites inside LFS.IE Drag, Drifters,Forumula,street cars,GTR...
Valid answers.
now what do u think its gonna take to get Demo users to Move to FullGame. For me personally its gonna be more people playing or more variety in whats played( Irony)
Right Now There around 800 people playing thats a Great Number only 576 are on demo and 280 on Full. I see this a LFS major problem and should be one of the things that should be looked at. No ever says anything about this on the forums except for the one or 2 threads that pop up saying the demo should be limited.
Personalyl i think it shows that LFS is a great game but...it lacks that something that makes people say; damn i need this game.
So funny too see everyone emotional. I think if u want to prove a point you should list hard facts though.
If you feel LFS has been giving content for the past year, you should list it instead of saying stuff like you won't be missed and all that.
what some of you have to understand is we all play LFS for different reasons; and we all would like to see LFs go in different ways.
I Dream of the day that LFS has a maximum of 10,000 people a day and there is a wide variety of combos used. I mean thats my main problem with LFS not enough playing(dead). and there must be a reason?
1.Why are there more Demo people playing than licensed?
2.Why are they 13,000 Members of the forum but only 800 playing online at a time
3.I often seen post that that LFS (s1+s2) sold 20k~30k where are those other 19k people
you guys mistook me. i was simply stating that i see were others are coming from. those were not really my personal beliefs or anything. its just that to someone who dosent comb the forums looking for info, LFS looks slow.
i never said it was, i said it "seems" and i personally don't think they are.
I guess some don't realise that fixing issues and changing minute stuff may still take alot of time.
personally, after reading that test patch thread i still feel the devs should atleast say what there working on. Not everyweek, but atleast say hey where working on an auto updater on the main site atleast.
I can see where others are coming from. Playing LFS for a year now and i thought it would of been alot further along than it is. yea they where 30 test patches but most of them seem to correct bugs and trivial stuff. the fact that the devs don't really say what there working on there site dosent help. I guess most are just fustrated because they know LFS has alot of potencial and it dosent seem to be fulfilling it.
that sorta of sums of what i was trying to convey. i only joined this thread because of the one sided aspect of it.
Everyone here was saying GT4 was bascially shit without really taking into considerations the many distinct differences between the games.
you can compare apples and oranges but in the end remember your dealing with two different fruits.
I don't think Gt4s [Engine Sim]is any better, but it dosent raise the bar so to speak. i would consider them on the same level.
@sam yea i my self rather see better tire than engine but the incosistency at times annoys me
Yes i know its 3 people making the game which still amazes me. but from a potencial customer stand point, its slow, am sure if i actually saw what there were doing or if they had updates on the lfs site on what there working on i would think otherwise. but i started playing LFS over a year ago(on and off) and i saw one major update that brought few things. granted the value of these few things were great i was somewhat disappointed.
Keeping in mind i havent driven the tracks, but watched ive seen coutless videos over which is where i am drawing my conclutions. Am i saying the tracks suck no, am saying they don't pop out as being something i havent seen before.
If the tracks are so good why does it seem that every drives Aston or the oval?
Ive already stated that Gt4 Physics arent as good as LFS, what am saying is GT4 is a sim but not as high of precision(meaning the amount of stuff simulated)
I guess if you guys focus on those areas of why GT4 or Gt is bad then yea. For me i have had Great fun racing with friends Seriusly Online using DFP and right next to them. Yea when am driving i realize that the outcome could of been alot different had certain other things been.
Damage in Gt4 prob isnt really possible on ps2 and won't be half way near realism.
The same way you guys beat on GT4 i could beat on LFS
1.LFS has Inconsistent levels of Simulation Excellent Tire simulation but Horrible Engine simulation and such.
2.LFS Slow developement
3.While LFs does have online, There arer't alot of people online For me living in New york whenever i get a chance to play i always check LFS world and see what S2 servers are doing. and it isnt alot. Most of the time is a few servers and more people playing the demo than the game it self. Right now There 13 servers on S2. There are 116 People playing the game and there more people playing the demo.
Problem with LFs is it dosent apeal to alot of people its enough for
people to play the demo but isnt enough to get them to buy it. Now that dosent mean it dosent appeal because its Super realistic. probally has to do With actually Gameplay. Drag Racing and Rally are subpar.
4. The tracks are just reiteration of what we have seen times before. There is no aspect of the tracks we i havent seen before.
I could prob go on for a while with the areas of problem I see with LFS and say stuff like LFS seem more like a tech Demo than a game. But that dosent make it a bad game i take it for what it worth.
Yes there is an option for it, although it didn't turn it into a huge difference. 1080i is only has good as your textures i would assume.
What i meant is if u took into consideration Everything and simmulate it with xtreame precision, like what F1 teams do with CFD-wind tunnels. Then your gonna need a super computer that can't even do it in real time. obviusly that type of precision isnt neccesary for a game and LFS level works just fine.
Sometimes it seems people take these games as training sims, but for me there both fun in different ways. I defend Gt4 because i felt it was a great demontration of Programming skills and such.
I can't imagine any game/simmulation moving the track instead of the car. how did u draw that conclution. dosent it create a paradox if you have more than one car on the same track. Its far more beneficial to update the car positions(resource) wise than updating the whole track.
are you talking about those 80s games that where 2d were u basically doged the cars
Go searching around because its in there, am not sure how they did it but they did
I guess its ok to have higher standards of what a sim is. because i could say that LFS is not a sim. it[LFS] runs in real time. No True Simmulator; If you simmulate Everything Possible to the highest precision. can possible Run in real time. Am playing devil advocate in that case.
Problem i had with his statement is it seems like a waste of resources. you can't have multiple cars in his example.
Where are you getting this infomation from, Have u looked at the source code? for [GT4]; regardless, its dumb to think that the developers would rather Move the whole Track Data And all Sprites instead Of the 6 or so cars.
GT4 Is a sim as is forza, Problem is they are what i call low precision sims. They may not simmulate certain parts [Tire Temprerature] which affects the whole sim as a whole, but its only when u really push the sim the short commings arise.
Considering the the hardware Gt4 is on, its a Excelent job of a sim.[Remember ps2 was designed in late 90es] And they somehow got 1080i our of it
To the original poster i suppose u can use this statemeant from the creator
"To be honest, I can't really say the [original PlayStation] or the PlayStation 2 were able to sufficiently represent the realistically modeled physical world we wanted [in previous Gran Turismo games]," Yamauchi said. "With the PS3, we will be able to perform true physical modeling for the first time."
Am i the only one who thinks using Shaders on Stuff like lights is a waste of resources. To me those features don't add anything to gameplay(Eye Candy). Personally for wet conditions i hope the developers step it up and do something that hasnt been done before.
Eg. Procedural Rain. Be nice to start Driving on a Dry track, have it start raining(maybe a slight drizzile or Full downpour). or have the track Dry as a race goes on. With the ability to have different parts of the track Dry at different rates, Or have maybe water collect in certain areas creating puddles.
That would deffinetly be fun and would really sepperate the good drivers from the people who just Drive same Combo over and over again.
Lfs def has the potencial to do this, but it prob turn into same wet track seen 100s times before.
I think alot people miss the point with Blu-Ray. i don't think they want everyone to drop dvds and run out and get a HDTV. Fact is if you have a HDTV, they really isnt a good source to actually use it. So if u have a HDTV and really want see what it can do your prob gonna like it. Having blu ray sorta takes a little stress off developers, having so much space, i guess the sorta can think of a way to use it all.
Yea Consoles have there advantages though. When i see screen shots of a game i know when i get it home its gonna look like that. i know when i get home am not gonna have any conflicts; guranteed to run. i don't have to worry it being outdated for a while. Pluss they offer a wider variety of games.
So i guess it really depends on what your playing me personally i can't live without BOTH
when creating a game like GT4, above all the game has to sell. "Real" Sims are going to harder to sell and develope. the strategy i think GT4 team took was good. I doubt there any developers are unhappy with GT4 in terms of its realism. the more calculations u through into the sim the more Testing is needed. and remember there on a Console so when they launch the game its launched, they can't release a quick patch to fix any issues. i think the did a decent job Balancing game (developement wise)
I would have to disagree with that, although technically there could be a specific setting that is deemed optimal dosent neccesarilly mean it is truly the best. I don't think there is anything that can be considered the best in a racing enviroment.
Example is you could have someone who makes a setup with a smaller turbo as a result hes especially faster in certain areas (Corner exit maybe). That same car would prob suffer on the straights. (vague example) Also have to consider what effect this has on the tires and Fuel consumption.