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S3 licensed
Quote from Sponge :That’s a bit unknown at the moment, but from some of the research I’ve done, somewhere between €500 and €700 should get me something decent, but obviously I’d prefer to spend as little as possible Wink

- AMD Ryzen 5 1600 AF Wraith Stealth Edition (3.2 GHz / 3.6 Ghz) 119€94 ( 6C/12t, this can last you for some times )
- ASRock B450M Steel Legend 109€94
- ASUS GeForce GTX 1650 TUF-GTX1650-4G-GAMING 169€94 ( Maybe you can find a better alternative second hand, like an Nvidia GTX 1060 or a AMD Radeaon RX580 )
- SanDisk SSD PLUS TLC 240 Go 54€95
- Toshiba P300 1 To (Bulk) 49€94 ( or any Hitashi/seagate/westerndigital HDD )
- Cooler Master MasterBox K500L 54€95 ( front mesh case for decent airflow )
- Seasonic S12III-500 80+ 80PLUS Bronze 59€95 ( always consider a certified PSU "80Plus" )
- HyperX Fury 8 Go (2 x 4 Go) DDR4 3200 MHz CL16 59€95 ( for Ryzen processors, they perform the best with dual channel (kit of 2 RAM), high speed and tight timing (tho CL14 kit are out of your budget))

Total : 679€56

You can go Lower if you search for a used video card, but in any case you should consider atm the AMD platform because it offer you the best upgrade possibilities compared to intel, you can pretty much upgrade everything without changing the motherboard.
S3 licensed
Budget ?
S3 licensed
Quote from BlakjeKaas :would it be possible to use different VOBs for the same car? (5 different models modded on top of the XRT as a base for example)

Like mimicking multiple GT3 manufacturers with only XRR collisionBox and physics, sound great !
S3 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :What if we forget this whole modding business and move on?

care to elaborate ?
S3 licensed
Quote from Evolution_R :Any thoughts about increasing the ~16k polygon limit in each mesh? And the use of a tweak - or if we can have 'internal' tweak build in-game?

Internal tweak-like system to quickly make a car playable with custom physic engine could be a killer feature compared to other mod-able sim, it will make things way more easier for those who doesn't have any idea how to approach physics side of modding.

Even if it's only fictional car, this is huge news for LFS! Smile, I can already imagine myself doing XR2020 project !
S3 licensed
It will be wise to allow (for the time being) modifications only to the existing models without any collision box tweaks, if someone want to make detailed versions (for ex) of all existing cars he should be allowed to do so, but it needs a strong OOS check.

As for real cars models, I personally prefer the more conservative approach, means new car = new slot with server to client check or automatic download if possible, plus heavy moderation which means no real logo or skin, until there is more clarifications about this copyright issues.

OR keeping tight encryption on the existing cars to avoid inconsistencies (only Scavier can update those), but allowing only the additions of fictional or real car-like mods, in this case we should have two formats for original encrypted (VOB) and the open additions (ex MOB).

In any case we need tight moderation.
S3 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :even now it's tyre model still isn't as good as LFS in many areas.

With all due respect, you are not much different from the guy that you are accusing.

How can you people keep saying which tyre model is better than the other ? you are talking like there is only greed and zero patient happening with other development teams, that's totally unfair for those who's been bringing the genra forward.
S3 licensed
Quote from NumberTwo :Alot of people want something new new new, all the time something new... and those people, even if they get physics and new tracks, or new cars, will just get bored in a week and demand new content again.

I can pound around Aston in FOX for next 10 years with no problem. Big grin

Both extremes are not good for anyone, neither the devs nor what left of the community.

I am all for slow but important changes when it's ready and stable for release, but stalling the game just because one or two are blinded by nostalgia, please no.
S3 licensed
^ I agree.
S3 licensed
is this some troll account ?
S3 licensed
Quote from vinibali :very impressive!

i remember the time when the Linux community just had the opportunity to speed up gaming with Gallium nine. it's nearly a native graphics layer to play DX9 games on *nix with less GPU call transition compared to the classic DX -> OpenGL -> GPU driver conversion.
back in 2014Q4, Gallium nine was just merged to the mainline open-source GPU driver (Mesa3D) a few months after the DX9 based, 0.6F version was released.
i helped the community with a bugreport and the graphical glitches were sorted out in a month. finally the Wine performance was great, i didn't have to boot up W7.
i just noted this, because with DX9 - as Scawen mentioned - nearly anybody can play the game.
sadly if the DX10+ version will in place, people will need the DXVK implementation which works for DX9, DX10 and DX11, but in this scenario Linux gamers will need a DX12/Vulkan GPU, because this implementation transforms the DX calls to Vulkan.
i know it's pretty hard to maintain two DX versions, but can't we fallback the graphical engine/DX implementation to a lower level? effects, objects might miss couple of feature and quality, but might be still renderable.

Well if someone is fully ready to pay for LFS and at the same time being reluctant to invest into some cheap 40/50$ used GTX 660 or HD 7850 to play the game, I find that a little bit ironic...

Scawen is here to take advantage of the new features and enhancement to make his life easier, and at the same times delivering those features faster, but you guys are dragging him down with stone age hardware just because why not...

Simracing games are probably one of the most expensive genra to play properly, you need to understand that at least.
S3 licensed
Sage decision Scawen, moving to D3D11 should give you more tools to get things done easier.

Maybe volumetric clouds is possible now :kappa:
S3 licensed
I agree on the fact that two people running the development aren't nearly enough to match modern day standard in term of development pace, between the amount of variables to simulate and the time consuming artistic work it becomes a never ending project, how many time I saw solo or even 3 men indy teams dreams getting crushed for projects that are way less complex than a simulation, because of the mountains of work and skills required for games development.

I am also quite sure that Scavier got some juicy offers in the past that could make their sim even bigger than some of the newly released IP ( Assetto corsa or project cars etc... ), but they want to be as free as possible and I respect that, here's an old Quote from Scawen that explain their pov :

Quote :I'm nearly not posting what I'm about to say, because I've said it so many times before.

It's kind of pointless to say that our way of working is 'toxic' or whatever else.

I don't claim that all decisions we have made in the past were the right ones. But we are working very hard on updates. You and we would like it if we could produce the results faster but it isn't possible. The only way that could be done is if we had several programmers and artists and a project manager. But we didn't want to run a company or work in a big company, which is precisely the reason that LFS exists at all. We like this way of working even if the results don't come thick and fast.

I realise that some people just can't understand or believe that software takes a long time to develop, and there isn't really any way to explain to them how that could be the case.

There are other products that are the result of large teams and you are obviously free to try them out. If you want to try the new version of LFS then you will have to wait. It's really as simple as that!

I feel almost silly saying this again but I have recently learned that if I don't then the conversation can turn extremely sour and doesn't benefit anyone.

I just want to add that I know most people do understand and are being very supportive, which is really great. Thank you!

The good news is at some point after the graphics and physics update, some parts of LFS would become open for modding, so I guess we only need to wait.
Last edited by lfsrm, .
S3 licensed
Well knowing how different Fern Bay is compared to other tracks, it means 90% of the assets would be made from scratch, I guess 6 - 8 months of work are needed.

Hopefully we'll see some progress on the graphics and physics by then.
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :Wow,that physics - guy goes full throttle sideways with rear wheels on grass and keeps steady drift. Tilt

Welcome to AC mods, when the majority of tracks have wrong surface grip value settings Smile.
S3 licensed
Quote from Evolution_R :I don't say it's not important, just not as important as other things at this moment. Smile

My whole purpose in life is to see volumetric clouds in LFS, everythings else is futile for me! Petals

S3 licensed
Quote from Evolution_R :Live for Speed is not a weather simulator. We need a simplest possible clouds and more cars and tracks. Big grin

It isn't indeed, but the weather is an important part of racing simulators and live for speed happen to be one of them, so I am curious to see Scawen approach into this matter.
S3 licensed
Quote from AnnieC :I can't wait to have the chance to try the new version, it looks great on the screenshots and videos.

Until then, a little inspiration for the clouds:

People of AC shader patch are doing some crazy job !

but the best clouds system Ive seen so far are those of the next Flight simulator :

S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Looks cool! Are the interiors looking really weird (like always lit up), or is it me? Especially the shadows the high buildings now generate are really cool so you get a lot of dark/shady parts in the city.

I'm sure the cruisers out here will enjoy parking in the new parking garages. Smile

There is shadows casted on the car interior if you look well, most of the screenshots were taken in the sunset where the sun doesn't emit strong light.

Plus the cars interiors are probably still using the old shader system (diffuse/reflection) which doesn't take full advantage of the updated illumination system (no specularity from sun light and other light sources which make them look "shaderless"), for that he need to implement some sort of PBR shaders (Metalicness/specular/roughness/normal map....) and a complete rebuild of the car int/ext models to make them more detailed and diverse in term of geometry and textures, I guess Scawen is considering PBR materials when they begin the cars updates.
S3 licensed
Quote from taipalsaari :In my opinion, the real question now is: Do we have to buy S3 for this update or..?

It's a graphics engine update, Licenses system is only for contents.
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :
But I also have to agree with Michal - those incar shots look quite overluminated,it's normally way darker inside the car even with bright lights around. Maybe car bodies/roof does not create enough shadows?

Indeed those parts does not cast shadows, I think Scawen is using some sort of light map instead of dynamic real-time light source! the second method is heavy on weak PC's especially with multiple visible car, so it's gonna be hard to make the cars interior look better.
S3 licensed
Great progress, keep up the good work!

Did you find a way to make dynamic cloud ?
S3 licensed
Maybe Scawen can make for us an OBJ or FBX exporter from the CMX viewer if it's not too much of a hassle :/.
S3 licensed
Quote from regispicanco :Hi,

Could you open the file in Blender 2.8? When I open it in Blender 2.8, all the textures are broken.
I read that in Blender 2.8 the textures are different.

I know only the basic of Blender and I am having difficult to correct the textures.

Yea because the majority of the Objects UV's are broken, you need to redo them one by one Frown.

Try to work only with project from view, as Eric is using mostly this projection method :

To load the texture you need to rebuild your nods trees using principled BSDF and direct Image input :

Ah and by the way make sure to open the file using the default 2.8 UI.
Last edited by lfsrm, .
S3 licensed
aww you are the man Smile, much appreciated!