- AMD Ryzen 5 1600 AF Wraith Stealth Edition (3.2 GHz / 3.6 Ghz) 119€94 ( 6C/12t, this can last you for some times )
- ASRock B450M Steel Legend 109€94
- ASUS GeForce GTX 1650 TUF-GTX1650-4G-GAMING 169€94 ( Maybe you can find a better alternative second hand, like an Nvidia GTX 1060 or a AMD Radeaon RX580 )
- SanDisk SSD PLUS TLC 240 Go 54€95
- Toshiba P300 1 To (Bulk) 49€94 ( or any Hitashi/seagate/westerndigital HDD )
- Cooler Master MasterBox K500L 54€95 ( front mesh case for decent airflow )
- Seasonic S12III-500 80+ 80PLUS Bronze 59€95 ( always consider a certified PSU "80Plus" )
- HyperX Fury 8 Go (2 x 4 Go) DDR4 3200 MHz CL16 59€95 ( for Ryzen processors, they perform the best with dual channel (kit of 2 RAM), high speed and tight timing (tho CL14 kit are out of your budget))
Total : 679€56
You can go Lower if you search for a used video card, but in any case you should consider atm the AMD platform because it offer you the best upgrade possibilities compared to intel, you can pretty much upgrade everything without changing the motherboard.
Internal tweak-like system to quickly make a car playable with custom physic engine could be a killer feature compared to other mod-able sim, it will make things way more easier for those who doesn't have any idea how to approach physics side of modding.
Even if it's only fictional car, this is huge news for LFS! , I can already imagine myself doing XR2020 project !
It will be wise to allow (for the time being) modifications only to the existing models without any collision box tweaks, if someone want to make detailed versions (for ex) of all existing cars he should be allowed to do so, but it needs a strong OOS check.
As for real cars models, I personally prefer the more conservative approach, means new car = new slot with server to client check or automatic download if possible, plus heavy moderation which means no real logo or skin, until there is more clarifications about this copyright issues.
OR keeping tight encryption on the existing cars to avoid inconsistencies (only Scavier can update those), but allowing only the additions of fictional or real car-like mods, in this case we should have two formats for original encrypted (VOB) and the open additions (ex MOB).
With all due respect, you are not much different from the guy that you are accusing.
How can you people keep saying which tyre model is better than the other ? you are talking like there is only greed and zero patient happening with other development teams, that's totally unfair for those who's been bringing the genra forward.
Both extremes are not good for anyone, neither the devs nor what left of the community.
I am all for slow but important changes when it's ready and stable for release, but stalling the game just because one or two are blinded by nostalgia, please no.
Well if someone is fully ready to pay for LFS and at the same time being reluctant to invest into some cheap 40/50$ used GTX 660 or HD 7850 to play the game, I find that a little bit ironic...
Scawen is here to take advantage of the new features and enhancement to make his life easier, and at the same times delivering those features faster, but you guys are dragging him down with stone age hardware just because why not...
Simracing games are probably one of the most expensive genra to play properly, you need to understand that at least.
I agree on the fact that two people running the development aren't nearly enough to match modern day standard in term of development pace, between the amount of variables to simulate and the time consuming artistic work it becomes a never ending project, how many time I saw solo or even 3 men indy teams dreams getting crushed for projects that are way less complex than a simulation, because of the mountains of work and skills required for games development.
I am also quite sure that Scavier got some juicy offers in the past that could make their sim even bigger than some of the newly released IP ( Assetto corsa or project cars etc... ), but they want to be as free as possible and I respect that, here's an old Quote from Scawen that explain their pov :
The good news is at some point after the graphics and physics update, some parts of LFS would become open for modding, so I guess we only need to wait.
Well knowing how different Fern Bay is compared to other tracks, it means 90% of the assets would be made from scratch, I guess 6 - 8 months of work are needed.
Hopefully we'll see some progress on the graphics and physics by then.
It isn't indeed, but the weather is an important part of racing simulators and live for speed happen to be one of them, so I am curious to see Scawen approach into this matter.
There is shadows casted on the car interior if you look well, most of the screenshots were taken in the sunset where the sun doesn't emit strong light.
Plus the cars interiors are probably still using the old shader system (diffuse/reflection) which doesn't take full advantage of the updated illumination system (no specularity from sun light and other light sources which make them look "shaderless"), for that he need to implement some sort of PBR shaders (Metalicness/specular/roughness/normal map....) and a complete rebuild of the car int/ext models to make them more detailed and diverse in term of geometry and textures, I guess Scawen is considering PBR materials when they begin the cars updates.
Indeed those parts does not cast shadows, I think Scawen is using some sort of light map instead of dynamic real-time light source! the second method is heavy on weak PC's especially with multiple visible car, so it's gonna be hard to make the cars interior look better.