thx leonardo and yes scenery need more soften shadow.
this is my first test with lfs cars, and blender have bad support for triangulare mesh ( square mesh is fully recommanded ).
I will make better render next time, but just one question where I can find or import track ?
if you limit demo content, you decrease demo player about 70 % and nothing change at end of all .
its simple, LFS is not much popular as a multiplayer game, servers will stay empty with number of player lowering ( ex: oval server..... ).
Very promising .
This year I would like the devs start to do something for the graphical engine.
because even if we change textures, lfs stay unrealistic and without effect ( shadow, light....).
about bugs which you have reported, I will see what i can do to fix those bugs and btw reduce brightness of all trees specialy on Fern Bay. In your attached picture ( ... d=125156&d=1356067968) this is Lynce work and he will probably fixe edge probleme in the next patch.